
Chapter 47 Valley Departure




Making their way through a dense array of trees, the sound of dead branches and leaves being stepped on could clearly be heard due to the lack of beasts around

"Wow I can\'t really believe all those beasts are dead!" Said Alvin with a worried face as he felt the silence around them

"Haha, what are you worried about, isn\'t it a good thing? After all, no beasts equal no danger!"

It\'s just that George didn\'t seem to be worried at all, but rather felt the silence was a good thing so with a hearty laugh he couldn\'t help but mock Alvin for his paranoia

However, although he was laughing, his newly gotten red eyes seemed to glow as he kept scanning his surroundings

"You guys, according to the map, we should be turning left right about now"

Holding the map in the lead, Elric suddenly spoke up.

Soon after that, thanks to Elric\'s accurate map reading after several twists and turns, they finally made it to the river.

"Wow, I couldn\'t believe such a beautiful place existed in such a dangerous place!"

With his mouth agape George shouted in surprise as he was shocked by the scenery before him

In front of them stood a beautiful riverfront with well-arranged stones piled up at its banks, rainbow-coloured birds flying in the sky above it landing from time to time to take a sip of water.

However, the most special part about their current area was neither the stones nor the beautiful birds around it, but rather it was the river itself.

Seemingly endless was a crystal clear river that seemed to sparkle as it flowed captivating all who gazed onto it

"Focus Davis, we need to hurry up and make the boat, it\'s almost nightfall"

Just as George was about to sneak up on one of the birds trying to steal its rainbow coloured feathers, Elric suddenly spoke up, scaring them away.

"Darn it so close"

Although reluctant George had no other choice but to stop what he was doing and listen to Elric

Seeing this Elric had a satisfied expression on his face

"Well let\'s hurry up, Davis and I we\'ll go get some wood, George, you and Alvin go get some weeds, leaves and any rope like substances you may find!"

In anxiousness due to the suns\' setting Elric quickly gave everyone their orders and as he expected, without saying anything after a quick nod George and Alvin quickly went to look for materials

"Young master should we go now?"

Standing firmly by his side seeing Elric had still not moved after giving the orders Davis suddenly called out to him

Unfortunately, Elric\'s mind was on other things at the moment

Just now as he finished giving the orders, he suddenly felt like he was being watched, and given his already strengthened soul he doubted he was imagining things

*It seems this place is more dangerous than I expected, we definitely have to leave here soon!*

Although he thought so, but in order to throw off the trail of whoever or whatever it was that was watching them Elric still pretend like he hadn\'t noticed anything

"Alright Davis let\'s go, I was just thinking about something"

"And let\'s hurry up while we\'re at it, the more time we waste the more dangerous it becomes"

Refusing to explain more with a wave of his hand Elric signalled for him to follow him

Fortunately, Davis didn\'t seem to think too much and followed him

With that the two immediately set off to complete their own tasks, thankfully due the use of runes such as the body strengthening rune allowed them to quickly gather the materials on time

After a while, the sound of falling trees and rustling sounds could be heard all over. Soon after gathering all the needed materials, all four of them found their way back to the original meeting point.

"Um young master the thing is none of us know how to build a boat"

Looking at the materials in his front, Alvin couldn\'t help but speak out in doubt

Hearing Alvin say so, Davis and George also nodded expressing their Inability to build a boat

"Relax, just follow my instructions and we\'ll be okay" said Elric

Although he wasn\'t a pro ship maker, but back on the blue star in order to enhance his knowledge Elric learnt a lot of auxiliary skills such as building a raft for instance

Watching Elric take the lead, although doubtful of how he acquired such knowledge such since neither of them had ever used a raft back in the village but given the situation at hand they tactility ignored it and helped him build the raft

And Elric who was already holding a log of wood in his hand could clearly feel their doubts

*Sigh… it seems I have to think of a reasonable explanation after all this if not it wouldn\'t be good if they start having major doubts about me*

Noting down another thing to do once he had free time, with a smile on his face he pretended as if nothing happened and continued to instruct them on what to do to build the raft

At this time the sun was halfway done setting indicating there was not much time for them thankfully under the four of them\'s skillful corporation before much time had passed the raft had been successfully built

"Phew! We\'re finally done!"

Wiping the non-existent sweat from his head Alvin shouted in exasperation as he couldn\'t help but be glad.

"Yeah young master, we can finally leave this ghost place!"

Thinking back to those smoke-like figures Davis cursed as he agreed with Alvin

"Alright, but it\'s not over till it\'s over"

Although he was also happy however considering that they had not officially left plus the fact that he still felt a pair of eyes watching him Elric decided it still was too early for them to celebrate yet

Hearing this none of them disagreed, and without much hesitation, they hopped onto the raft which at this time was already afloat on the river with only a rope keeping it from flowing away

"Are you ready guys?" Said Eleic

Looking at the roaring river beneath them he couldn\'t help but ask one more time

"Um! (×3)"

Hearing their answer, without any hesitation he summoned a flame burning the rope completely releasing the raft to the mercy of the river


Immediately under the river\'s high pressure, the raft drifted forward at increasing speeds

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