
Chapter 140 140: Unknown Voice!

Power stones☺�☺�☺�☺�


"I\'m not sure if we can trust the Ruler of Sloth or if the opposing side will follow his rules, but we don\'t have any other choice," one of the young ladies said.

They both carefully made their way along the top of the wall until they reached a break in the structure.

Although they could have asked Nyssa to fly them over the wall, they decided it was best not to take any chances of being spotted by an enemy.

The wall was tall, but not impossible to scale. The girls moved with a slow and cautious approach, trying not to make any noise or attract attention.

They were relieved when they finally reached the gap in the wall, which was barely wide enough for them to squeeze through.

Once they were on the other side, they continued to move cautiously, staying low to the ground and avoiding any open spaces.

Through the gap in the wall, the two young ladies were able to peer outside and survey their surroundings. As they looked out, their eyes met a scene of utter desolation.

The land was barren, with only a few scattered rocks and dunes visible in the distance. The orange sand seemed to cover everything, making it hard to discern what lay beneath it.

As they looked closer, they spotted a solitary structure standing next to an open doorway of a building. It was unlike any other building they had seen before.

It was an obelisk, with strange characters etched in a language they could not decipher. The obelisk was tall and slender, and it stood out against the desolate landscape like a beacon of mystery.

The young ladies couldn\'t help but wonder about its significance and what secrets it held.

pαпdα Йᴏνê|,сòМ Moving closer to the obelisk, the two young women hoped to find some useful information. As they reached the top, they noticed a brilliant blue triangle, which was shaped in a unique and unusual manner; it was upside down.

The points at the top of each triangle were perfectly balanced with one another. Lauryn, curious about the writing on the obelisk, asked Nyssa if she had any knowledge of this language.

She said, "Are there any details that you can share with me regarding this? I am only fluent in the languages that are spoken on Earth, and these characters have no relation to any of the alphabets used on Earth."

Nyssa took a closer look at the language and tried to make sense of it. She studied it for a while, trying to see if she could decipher it.

After a few moments, she shook her head and said, "I\'m sorry, Lauryn, I don\'t recognize this language. It doesn\'t seem to be from any of the civilizations I\'ve visited before. It\'s possible that it\'s a language unique to this particular realm."

Lauryn frowned, disappointed that they couldn\'t find any useful information from the obelisk. As they looked around, they noticed that the ruins around them seemed to be devoid of life, except for the occasional desert rat scurrying by. They felt as though they were the only ones in this deserted realm, and it made them uneasy.

"I wish I could help, but unfortunately, I think this language is unique to the Devils, the demon clan responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of Hell," Nyssa replied, drawing her hand over the symbols on the obelisk.

"The Devils? I thought all demons, especially the powerful ones, were considered to be the same," Lauryn asked, her curiosity piqued.

"Well, while it\'s true that all demons have their own unique powers and abilities, there are certain clans or factions among them that have their own distinct roles and responsibilities within the demon hierarchy. The Devils are one such clan, and they are responsible for maintaining the infrastructure of Hell itself," Nyssa explained.

Lauryn nodded, taking in the new information. "I see. So these characters must be some kind of demonic script used exclusively by the Devils."

"Exactly. Only those who use it on a regular basis would be able to read it fluently," Nyssa confirmed.

"No, other groups of demons besides those that live in the circles belong to different clans than those that live in the circles. The Devils, the Rakshasas who work for the General of Gluttony, the Oni, and the Leviathans are the most notable of these monsters here. Be careful not to mix this with "THE Leviathan of Envy."

"Is there anyone there! I think I can make out a voice!" During their discussion about the obelisk, the two girls heard a voice come from behind them. The moment she heard the voice, Nyssa immediately knew it.

"No one else but Nyssa and Lauryn!" Is all that can be said. In an effort to prevent any potential pre-emptive violence from occurring, Nyssa spoke out to the voice.

Nyssa responded to the voice with a plea to prevent any violence from happening, revealing that only she and Lauryn were present.

Then, Aureal appeared from behind the structure with a young girl walking between her blackened wings. Aureal had feathered wings that were spread wide, and she was clothed in attire that was suitable for traveling but hadn\'t yet revealed her armor or drawn her sword.

Aureal had a striking appearance, with her pale skin and jet-black hair, which contrasted with her black wings.

She was tall and athletic, with a strong and commanding presence. The young girl walking between her wings seemed to be in awe of Aureal, and her eyes were wide as she took in her surroundings.

Aureal was dressed in clothing that was suitable for the hardships of a long journey, but she had not yet revealed her armor or drawn her sword.

"I\'m happy to see it\'s just the two of you, though I wish it was Master. Do you have an idea of where we are right now? If that is not the case, I can inform you."


(A/N: Hello guys done reading. If yes, send a power stone, 1 power stone is also enough we just have to increase fan value, so 1 power stone is enough, but if you like the novel I won\'t mind if you send more stones, and plz don\'t forget the gifts.)

Thank you very much for all your support.

I will upload 5 extra chapters for every 1 magic castle� . If someone is interested and want extra chapters. You know what to do. � �

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