
427 Chapter 427

The law comes into effect immediately. The bad nobles were severely punished for the evil deed they had committed. However, the law that was sent down was not the same as the normal law. The law only punishes the offender. Not punishing all of the family of the offender.

There were no generation executions. or something like that.

This law was the fairest at this time.

All the good citizens were feasting. And thanks to whoever created these laws. and enforce it seriously. They had been persecuted for a long time. And now they were healed.

They heard a police recruit was taking place in the middle of town. They don\'t know what the police were. But there were rumors that The police were the peacekeepers. They will take care of everyone\'s safety. no racial discrimination

They got welfare. They had a salary that comes from the tax of the commoner. therefore they will favor the commoner more than the nobles. They had the right to inspect the nobles under the King\'s authority.

Moreover, they heard that the police recruiting could distinguish between good demons and bad demons. They will only choose good demons. The bad demons want to take advantage of the police department. They will be arrested and examined.

All the demon populations now gathered to celebrate. They had never felt this safe before. They look out of the restaurant. they found that dozens of police officers were patrolling to keep the peace.

"It\'s good to be a police officer, you\'re honored and you had a salary."

A demon cat spoke up. He himself wanted to be a policeman. Unfortunately, he was not qualified.

The other demons only nodded. The police career was on the rise. But not everyone can be the police.

“It\'s very hard if you\'re not really a good person. and you must had a high ability. As for those demons who were good, even if they weren\'t capable, they would be trained. They would also receive a high-level technique. I saw that it was a technique of the Sky Profound Realm.”

The Sky Profound Realm technique was not commonly seen. Only the noble families had it. they heard that the police had practiced martial arts at the Sky Profound Realm. Only people want to go and apply. But that can only pass through only ten percent.

“That\'s good, isn\'t it? I heard that many Demon Lords rushed to flee the Demon Continent. It seems that the King had begun to exterminate the evil nobles.”

“King? Not the queen?"

“Where have you been? The royal court had announced that the Queen had abdicated the throne to the King who had the blood of dragon.”

“Dragon Bloodline is this true? is the Queen\'s prophecy true?”

“That\'s right. Can\'t you see that the Demon Continent is undergoing a major change right now? with the rule of the Dragon King The people live in peace and happiness.”

Rumors spread around The present King was the Dragon King who came down from heaven to save all the demons.

Evil nobles were punished. The life of an ordinary demon was peaceful and blissful. Now only the Xie Clan remained that the King hadn\'t done anything yet. But they think it won\'t be long

They celebrate Even if you\'re not a cop, it\'s okay. Let\'s just stay safe together.

Cut to the Xie Clan. At this moment, within the Xie Clan, there was a gloomy atmosphere. Everyone was worried about whether they would be next. but there’s nothing happened to them.

They were relieved, but they can’t not let their guard down. They had heard that the current Demon King was extremely strong. Even if it was Xie Ergui, he wasn’t his opponent.

p Talking about Xie Ergui. He was now summoning all the elders of the clan. He seemed unable to join the King. for some reason The King rejected him. and told him he must be punished like other nobles

He was very angry. but can\'t do anything

Xie Ergo looked at Xie Ergui, he felt that there was something wrong.

“Big Brother, please don’t take offence for my word but. I really want to know why the King didn\'t do anything to you. If it were me, I would had punished you a long time ago. But instead, he let you back like this. I think he must had planned something.”

Xie Ergui\'s eyes narrowed. He didn\'t like that Xie Ergo said that. but it\'s true He thought back to when he had met the King. He could only get goosebumps. He felt as though the King looked at him as through he was an ant. He didn\'t know why the King had let him back.

He looked at Xie Ergo. before speaking

“I don\'t know what that man was thinking. but I decided to use that to deal with that man.”

Hearing that Xie Ergui would use that. The elders immediately understood. This was an emergency situation. What Xie Ergui wanted to use was the key to the stars. The mysterious key that Chen Ming had not yet checked.

Chen Ming dealt with the nobles with an iron fist. before proposing a new law that supports equality Chen Ming had to gradually change the regime. He couldn\'t change everything suddenly.

At least now he can enforce the law. and setting up an outside agency to inspect without problems

The response to the new law and the establishment of the police department had been positive. different races of demons They were satisfied with this legal framework.

Chen Ying thought for a moment. He thought he was missing something.

“Council, yes, I need a council. Even though I don\'t like politicians very much. But it was necessary.”

Chen Ming had to create a whole new regime. He must spread the power. Do not let the power stop in only one place. Like this, corruption continues to occur. The other party will act to deprive the power and attack the corrupt party.

Chen Ming breathed a sigh. He did not believe that there would be no corruption at all. it was impossible. Even if he had a way of separating the good and the bad. It doesn\'t mean those good people can\'t be corrupt. Everything had changed And that power was a great tool for corruption.

Chen Ming thought that even if there was corruption He wanted to control as much as possible. Chen Ming was now starting to look around. who will take his place It\'s definitely not Xie Ergui for sure.

“Speaking of that crow by now he must had begun to plan to overthrow me. It seemed that he didn’t afraid of me that much.”

Chen Ming wanted to know what secret Xie Ergui was keeping. He didn\'t seem very afraid of Chen Ming. He will wait and see for a while.

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