
Chapter 837 Leylines

Chapter 837 Leylines

"We\'ve reached the point where there\'s a problem," the kyuu bi said.

Chen Ming gave Kyuubi a glance before giving a nod of approval to show that he was satisfied.

He was able to get the impression that some of his power was vanishing from this place.

“Morgan, Are there any details that you can share with me?"

As Morgan moved closer to the leyline, he immediately began a comprehensive inspection of the structure. She then gave a slight nod after a brief pause, turned around to face Chen Ming, and then continued speaking.

She remarked, "There is most certainly something wrong with this situation." "There\'s absolutely no denying it."

It would appear that the leyline is in a state of instability, and a sizeable portion of the stored energy is apparently being lost.

Chen Ming came to the realization that the formation and the leyline shared fundamental similarities, and that this instability could result in significant difficulties if it were allowed to continue. He was aware that they needed to get to work as quickly as possible in order to fix it before the area could sustain any additional damage.

The leyline was subjected to assault from the outside source when all of a sudden there was a deafening boom that reverberated throughout the atmosphere. When Chen Ming and Morgan saw a shadowy figure hovering above the leyline and drawing energy from it, they were both taken aback and surprised by what they saw.

They arrived at the conclusion very quickly that this was the cause of the instability, and they were aware that they required prompt action in order to put an end to it before it caused damage that could not be repaired.

"Can you tell me more about that object in the distance? Do you, Amaterasu, have any information pertaining to this particular matter?

In regard to it, Chen Ming questioned him. Amaterasu responded to the question.

"What you see before you is a malevolent being known as the shadow demon. It gets its sustenance from the power that ley lines provide. It is essential that we put a stop to it before it is too late to do anything about it.

As they got closer to the shadow demon, they noticed that it gave off the impression of being feeble and weak. This was something that they noticed as they got closer to the shadow demon. On the other hand, as time went on, it continued to feed on the energy that was provided by the ley line, and as a result, it became stronger and more powerful. Both Chen Ming and Morgan were aware of the urgency with which they needed to act in order to stop the shadow demon from becoming too powerful and causing additional damage to the ley line.

They initiated a counterattack directed against the shadow demon. It was easily broken apart and required little effort on the part of the user. On the other hand, an unfortunate occurrence took place.

No matter how many times they were able to successfully kill it, it would always come back. They came to the realization very rapidly that they needed a different strategy as a result of the incredible resilience of it. They came to the conclusion that the best strategy would be to concentrate on destroying the energy of the ley lines that the demon was drawing its strength from in the hope that this would eventually be enough to vanquish it for good. This was the hope that led them to arrive at this conclusion.

They were exerting a great deal of effort to sever the connection to the ley line; however, the shadow demon was becoming more and more enraged, and it was attacking them with an even greater degree of ferocity. It was a fierce battle, but in the end, their strategy proved to be successful – the demon was finally weakened, and then it vanished into thin air after they had defeated it.

There is a significantly higher quantity of them. Because the true demon is unable to pass through the barrier that divides the realms, he commands his weakest demon, which is the only one that is capable of doing so, to interfere with the flow of the ley line so that he can destroy it from the outside.

Amaterasu had recently gained an understanding of the tactic utilized by the true demon. He utilized the tactic of destroying the building\'s exterior in addition to its interior at the same time as part of his plan.

"So, what would you suggest that we do in this situation? If we allowed him to cause further destruction, the barrier that keeps the realms separate from one another would be brought down.

After giving the situation a significant amount of thought, Chen Ming came up with a plan to solve the problem he was having.

He instructed us to "find a way to strengthen the barrier from the inside while also defending against the demon\'s attacks from the outside." "We need to find a way to strengthen the barrier from the inside," he said. "We need to locate a method that will allow us to fortify the wall from the inside."

"Perhaps we could direct our energy into the ley line in order to strengthen it, and at the same time, we could use our abilities to create a barrier around it." There is a possibility that we could do both of these things simultaneously.

The group showed their agreement by nodding their heads and expressing their eagerness to put Chen Ming\'s plan into motion in order to protect the realm from the nefarious designs of the true demon.

After Morgan raised her hand, Chen Ming\'s focus immediately shifted to concentrate on the individual in front of him. She proclaimed, "I\'ve had a thought!"

"What if we also enlist the help of the spirits that reside within the ley line?" "What if we do both?" "What if we go ahead and do both of those things?" They have the potential to contribute their strength in order to reinforce the barrier from the inside."

Chen Ming responded favorably to Morgan\'s suggestion and indicated his agreement by nodding his head.

After hearing it, he remarked, "That\'s an excellent idea," referring to it.

"Let\'s get to work."

The defenses of the barrier were improved thanks to the collaborative efforts of the group.

Morgan, being the brilliant thinker that she is, not only contributed the idea of enlisting the assistance of the spirits located along the ley line, but she also proposed the incorporation of regeneration as a means to further strengthen the barrier. In addition to this, Morgan was the one who came up with the idea of enlisting the assistance of the spirits located along the ley line.

Her creativity made an impression on the team, and they did not waste any time getting to work on putting the newly developed strategy into action after she presented it to them. They were certain that they would be able to protect their realm from any threats that might materialize as a result of the concerted efforts of each and every one of them.


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