
Chapter 677 - 677

Cedric knocked loudly on Katerina and Eric\'s door, he had told them that they were leaving after lunch and it was already 4pm.

"Can you guys stop making babies in there!" Cedric shouted in a loud voice that echoed down the hall.


"Gross, Cedric!" Miguel scolded Cedric as he stepped out of his room, followed by a bodyguard carrying his and Veronica\'s bag. "I don\'t want to know that my brother is having sex with Katerina."

"They are taking forever." Cedric grumbled as the door behind him opened.

"Relax grandpa." Eric said with a laugh as he came out of the room and called over another bodyguard. "We\'re ready. I know you still have a couple of meetings when we arrive home."

"Where are Nicole and Ian?" Cedric asked, quickly changing the topic.

"Please bring our bags down as well." Eric instructed the bodyguard, who entered their room and collected their bags. 

"They are with your wife, they went ahead to the lobby." Veronica said as she came out of her\'s and Miguel\'s room. "We should really go too." Veronica said with a nod as she walked towards the elevator.

Cedric sighed and followed Miguel and Veronica.

"We\'ll follow." Eric said as he looked back into their room.

"You should go with them." Katerina called out. "If we show up at the same time there will be rumors." 

"Fine." Eric said with a frown as he got into the elevator with the couple. 

"Wait for Katerina." Cedric instructed the bodyguard who was carrying Miguel and Veronica\'s bags.

When Cedric, Miguel, Veronica, and Eric arrived at the lobby, they found Ian, Nicole, and Adrianna, happily chatting in the waiting area as some of the hotel staff waited on them.

"Where is Katerina?" Nicole asked with a concerned look.

"Don\'t worry Nicole, she didn\'t leave." Cedric said. He knew that she was worried that Katerina had run off after fighting with Eric.

"No bad fight?" Nicole asked.

"None." Eric said with a relaxed smile.

"She\'s just packing up." Veronica told Nicole, "She should be down soon."

"Okay." Nicole said with a smile as she continued chatting with Adrianna and Ian.

"Hey Ced, did you send my fans away?" Eric asked with a worried look on his face. "I don\'t want them being a bother."

"No, do you want me to?" Cedric asked. "It will look bad if we send them away. It\'s different from back in the restaurant."

"Please, maybe ask the police to step in?" Eric pleaded with Cedric.

"No need, my men can send them away." Cedric told Eric as he gestured for a bodyguard to come to him.

Cedric quickly gave the man some instructions, the bodyguard nodded and went out. 

It didn\'t take long for Katerina to follow them down with the bodyguards and the bags. 

When Cedric saw that they were all complete he led them to the cars waiting out front.

"They aren\'t here." Katerina mumbled with a smile, not looking at Eric. 

Cedric couldn\'t help but smile at the realization that Katerina had finally admitted how she was feeling to Eric. For the longest time Cedric felt that Katerina\'s desire to carry all the burdens of their relationship had ended up straining it. 

"Mae, were you able to confirm our departure time?" Cedric asked his assistant as they got into the car.

"Yes, Cedric." Mae said as she climbed into the front seat. 

"Good, we need to be home by dinner." Cedric told his assistant with a nod.

"What\'s the rush?" Adrianna asked her husband, she had been under the impression that he had cancelled all of his plans when they had realized that they needed to stay a bit longer.

"Since we had signed a lot of partnership deals I decided to welcome them into the Reyes Group with a lavish dinner at Constellation\'s Resort." Cedric explained as their car zoomed through the city towards the airport.

"Aren\'t you tired?" Adrianna asked Cedric.

"Honey, it\'s fine if you want to stay behind, I don\'t mind." Cedric said as he kissed the top of her head. "It\'s been a tiring few days, I know you need to rest."

"Ced, I\'m fine. This trip has been like a break for me." Adrianna told her husband, shaking her head. "I\'m worried about you." She said, as he looked up at him.

Cedric smiled at his wife and shook his head.

"Adri, I\'m fine, it\'s just dinner." Cedric told her in an attempt to ease her worries. 

"It\'s never just dinner Cedric." Adrianna groaned. "It\'s a business deal. I should go with you." 

"Ayanna and Ray will be there, no need to tire yourself." Cedric told his wife. "You are three months pregnant, I don\'t want you over exerting yourself."

"I\'m fine, Ced." Adrianna told him with a sigh. "I\'ll go with you. My parents and your dad won\'t mind watching Yoyo for another night. We can pick him up tomorrow morning."

"Okay." Cedric said he knew that arguing with his wife would be useless, he would only lose.

When they finally got to the airport, Cedric and his friends quickly boarded the plane, eager to get home.

"I\'ll rest." Adrianna told her husband as she planted a kiss on his cheek. "It\'s only a four hour flight but I want to get as much sleep as I can."

"Alright." Cedric told his wife as he watched her walk over to the bedroom on the plane.

He was busy working on one side of the plane with Ian and Mae, while everyone else was either resting or talking amongst themselves.

"I need to tell you guys something." Mae said with a frown. "It\'s more of something I need to get off my chest."

Cedric closed his laptop and looked at Ian who was placed aside the documents he was reviewing.

"Go on." Cedric said with a nod as he gave his full attention to Mae.

Mae took a deep breath and closed her eyes, Cedric and Ian waited patiently as she gathered her courage to tell them what she needed to say.

"I want to tell you guys about my dad, and why he mattered so much to me." Mae said. "I\'ve kept most of the details a secret and I know that you both didn\'t look into it, but I would prefer it if you guys were aware."

Cedric and Ian nodded as they waited for Mae to tell her story.

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