
Chapter 137 Becoming Sugardaddy Of The Richest Women!

"Why can\'t I buy it?" Su Yanling asked, her eyes holding onto hope despite the looming feeling of rejection she sensed from Xia Tian. She knew there must be a reason he wouldn\'t sell it to her.

Xia Tian\'s expression grew heavy, his reluctance to deny her evident in his demeanor. It was clear he wanted to give her the flower, but something was holding him back.

Wang Wenshu was astonished by Xia Tian\'s acting skills. "What is he really doing there? Playing with her?" she wondered aloud.

Ye Suyin\'s eyes of truth revealed only what Xia Tian wanted her to see, and she could see that he truly couldn\'t sell the flower to Su Yanling right now. He wasn\'t lying.

Indeed, Xia Tian couldn\'t just give away something as valuable as the celestial yin lotus for free. Even Su Yanling\'s entire wealth couldn\'t compensate for its worth.

The Little qilin watched in amazement as her master expertly tricked people.

She remembered a time when they had a whole garden filled with those flowers back in the spirit realm.

Xia Tian was masterfully instilling a false sense of crisis in Su Yanling\'s mind, manipulating her emotions and thoughts.

This tactic was commonly used in advertising, but few knew how to apply it effectively in relationships.

To understand how someone could transfer a concept from one context to another, we must first grasp the underlying principle.

Like the principle of hypnosis, which is the link between body and mind, the principle behind creating a crisis is to make something appear more valuable in the customer\'s mind.

Many men make the mistake of showering women with attention and prioritizing them excessively, thinking it will make them love them back.

However, this approach backfires as the woman becomes bored and entitled, viewing the man as a replaceable object rather than a valuable partner.

Your good intentions will ultimately harm you, as the woman\'s perception of you will diminish over time.

It\'s crucial to understand the principles behind effective communication and emotional manipulation in order to build lasting, fulfilling relationship.

The sweet, lovey-dovey moments that we see on TV or read about in novels are not a sustainable approach to relationships; they\'re a false reality.

It\'s crucial to communicate your values to your partner and not always be available to them.

Even if you\'re brain-dead, show your love with a hot-cold treatment tactic and don\'t fawn all over her.

"What makes that flower so special?" Ye Suyin\'s question intrigued Wang Wenshu, and they both turned to the purple-haired loli, whom they considered the most knowledgeable. Nyx, on the other hand, didn\'t seem interested in talking to them.

Bai Xue noticed the newfound respect in their eyes and smiled. Being with Xia Tian had made her doubt her status as a mythical creature, but now she felt valued.

She puffed up her non existent chest, and eagerly told them about the Celestial Yin Lotus.

It\'s not the lotus itself that\'s valuable, but its effects.

The Celestial Yin Lotus is a wondrous plant that works differently from the frozen heart lotus. You don\'t need to refine and consume it - just keep it near you and let its healing properties work their magic. Not only does it heal your injuries, but it also enhances your cultivation potential, providing an endless supply of celestial healing energy.

This incredible flower is incredibly rare, as it can only be grown in areas with the highest density of qi. Ye Suyin and Wang Wenshu were left speechless as they listened to Bai Xue describe the flower\'s miraculous effects.

When she casually produced two of the flowers from her pocket, their amazement only grew.

As they learned about Irene and her ability to cultivate an entire garden of these mythical flowers, their curiosity was piqued. How could one person cultivate such a magnificent garden?

Despite their fear of being targeted, both of them hastily stashed the precious flower into their storage rings.

Meanwhile, Xia Tian put on a masterful performance, conjuring up a litany of sixty-nine reasons why he couldn\'t possibly sell the Celestial Yin Flower to Su Yanling.

His acting skills were so convincing that she nodded in agreement, completely taken in by his absurd excuses.

As Su Yanling listened to Xia Tian\'s elaborate story, her expression grew more and more pensive.

She could sense the gravity of the situation he was in, and empathized with the difficulty of his predicament.

Finally, she repeated his words back to him, summarizing the situation with perfect clarity. "So let me get this straight," she said. "Your friend gave you this flower as a symbol of your relationship, and you can\'t sell it because she spent countless hours cultivating it. If she found out you gave it away, she\'d be so angry she might actually beat you to death?"

Xia Tian snapped his fingers, relieved that she understood. "Exactly!" he exclaimed. "You know how women can be. They get crazy over things like this. I don\'t want to get beaten up over a flower!"

Su Yanling nodded.

"Indeed," she thought, \'If I were in his friend\'s place, I\'d have done the same. Who gives away the fruit of their hardship for thousands of years to a random stranger?\'

She assumed it took thousands of years for Irene to grow those flowers, since that was the normal growth time, so at least she wasn\'t wrong there.

But then, Su Yanling suddenly started feeling guilty for asking Xia Tian to sell such valuable items.


Meanwhile, Nyx sprayed out her drink when she heard Xia Tian\'s accusations.

"Cough, cough," Nyx choked, struggling to catch her breath.

"Are you okay?" Bai Xue asked, worriedly.

Nyx weakly nodded, still struggling to digest the fact that Xia Tian thought they were capable of beating him up.

\'What are we, some kind of anime women who can casually beat up anyone?\' she thought to herself.

\'And how can he say those things with a straight face? Does he have no shame?\'

Nyx found it hard to imagine how Irene would react to his accusations.

Sure, she had grown those flowers for him, but it didn\'t mean she would beat him to death if he gave them to someone else.

In fact, Irene was probably the calmest one among them.

Nyx couldn\'t even recall a time when Irene had raised her voice, let alone resorted to physical violence.

\'How can he shamelessly lie like this?\' Nyx muttered under her breath.

She was once again amazed by Xia Tian\'s ability to lie.

On the other side, Su Yanling\'s mind was racing faster than a cheetah on steroids.

She had to come up with a plan to get her hands on the Celestial Yin Flower without having to sell her soul to Xia Tian.

"Can you lend it to me for money?" she asked, knowing full well that was not going to work.

Xia Tian shook his head and whipped out a bag of rainbow crystals, casually plopping it down in front of her. "Money is not an issue for me," he said nonchalantly.

The bystanders were so shocked that their jaws dropped to the floor like anvils.

"Sweet mother of pearl, what in the world are those?!" one person exclaimed.

"My mother!? What is that!" cried another, his eyes bulging as he stared at the bag.

"Rainbow crystals?!" exclaimed one bystander in disbelief. "I\'ve only heard of those in legends!"

"Rainbow crystals?!" another gasped.

Another bystander looked like he was about to faint. "I\'m going blind by the greed!" he muttered to himself, as he clutched his chest.

Su Yanling, meanwhile, was at a loss for words.

She knew the value of rainbow crystals, and the fact that Xia Tian had just casually produced a bag of them was beyond comprehension.

"Are you serious?" she asked, her eyes widening in shock.

Xia Tian simply nodded, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. The onlookers could hardly believe what they were seeing. A stranger had just produced a rare and valuable item, seemingly out of nowhere.

As Su Yanling and Xia Tian continued to talk, the bystanders looked on in amazement, their minds racing with the possibilities of what else this mysterious stranger might be hiding up his sleeves.

After what felt like an eternity of thinking, Su Yanling finally came up with a plan. Her face flushed with crimson as she peeked at Xia Tian\'s handsome face. "Hey... how about I become your woman? With this, I can stay near it and would be able to heal myself," she proposed, looking at him expectantly.

Huo Jingyu\'s eyes opened wide like a kangaroo. "Have you gone insane, Yan?" she exclaimed.

Su Yanling glanced at her friend and hushed her. "No!" she replied firmly, turning her gaze back to Xia Tian for his answer.

The man had everything - power, money, and a handsome face. Although his aura from a moment ago was only of the peak spirit formation realm, she had just accidentally touched his body and could deduce that his bone age was only eighteen.

According to his age, he is already a cultivation genius!

Summing all of this up, she felt that her decision wasn\'t that bad. She could finally heal herself - that\'s all she needed.

Another commotion started in the restaurant. The onlookers were now flabbergasted beyond belief.

"Did she just offer herself to him for a flower?"

"That\'s one expensive date."

"I need to take notes for my future negotiations."

Su Yanling heard their comments and felt her face flush even more. This was definitely not the reaction she was hoping for.

As soon as Su Yanling made her proposal, Xia Tian\'s face turned red like a ripe tomato, and he almost choked on his food. He coughed several times before responding, "W-What are you talking about?"

Huo Jingyu, who was sitting next to Su Yanling, couldn\'t help but burst out laughing. "Yanling, are you actually trying to propose to him?"

The restaurant\'s patrons all turned to look at them, curious about the commotion. One old man even leaned over to his friend and whispered, "Looks like there\'s some juicy drama happening over there."

Su Yanling\'s face turned even redder, and she tried to explain herself. "No, no, I didn\'t mean it like that! I just meant...I could be your assistant or something! Just...let me stay near the flower so I can heal myself!"

Xia Tian\'s face slowly returned to its normal color, but he still looked flustered. "I-I don\'t think that\'s necessary. Let\'s just focus on finding another solution, okay?"

Huo Jingyu couldn\'t contain her laughter anymore and had to excuse herself to the bathroom to compose herself.

The other patrons in the restaurant were still trying to eavesdrop on their conversation, making Su Yanling feel like she wanted to disappear into the ground.

Su Yanling was stunned by Xia Tian\'s rejection. How could he refuse a beauty like her, who was wealthy and desperate to heal herself?

The bystanders were equally shocked. "Did he just reject her?" one exclaimed in disbelief.

"Is he crazy?" another asked.

"Maybe he already has a harem of women," someone suggested.

Su Yanling was starting to feel embarrassed by the attention. "It\'s fine, it\'s fine," she muttered, trying to save face.

But the commotion only grew louder. "She must be a spy from a rival faction!" one person shouted.

"Or maybe she\'s a demoness in disguise!" another cried.

Su Yanling could feel her cheeks burning with embarrassment. "I\'m not a demoness!" she protested.

Xia Tian just shook his head, feeling amused by the whole situation. "I\'m sorry, but I cannot accept your proposal," he said to Su Yanling with a serious face.

The bystanders were still in shock. "What kind of man turns down a beauty like her?" one asked.

Su Yanling decided it was time to leave before things got even more awkward. "I\'ll just... go now," she said, scurrying away as quickly as she could.

Xia Tian suddenly held Su Yanling\'s hands, causing her to stumble a little. "Wait a minute, hold your horses. I\'m not in the market for a girlfriend right now," he said, making his intentions clear.

Su Yanling\'s brain froze for a moment. "T-Then, what about being your l-lover?" she asked, her voice trembling.

The bystanders erupted in disbelief once again. "What is happening here? This Su girl is shameless!" one person whispered.

Ignoring the noise, Su Yanling focused on Xia Tian, trying to negotiate. "Maybe we could work out a deal? I can offer you my wealth and beauty," she suggested.

Xia Tian shook his head with a hint of pity in his eyes. "Sorry, darling. I already have too many women," he replied, causing the onlookers to gasp in shock.

"Holy mother, who in their right mind could have enough women?" exclaimed one person.

"He must be a prince or something!" added another.

The situation had become so bizarre that even the waiters were secretly watching from the sidelines, wondering how it would all end.

Su Yanling\'s brain was malfunctioning as she blurted out, "You know what? You have too many lovers anyways! How about you adopt me as your daughter instead?"

Su Yanling\'s face turned red as a tomato as soon as the words left her mouth. She had just asked a man who was younger than her to adopt her as his daughter.

"What the hell did I just say?" she thought to herself, mortified by her own words.

The people around her gasped in disbelief, "What kind of twisted family is that?"

"Holy shit! Did she just ask to be adopted by a guy younger than her?"

Su Yanling tried to justify herself, "I meant it as a joke! I swear!"

Xia Tian couldn\'t help but burst out laughing, "I don\'t think I\'m ready to be a dad just yet."

The onlookers snickered, "Yeah, he can barely take care of himself, let alone a daughter."

Su Yanling felt like burying herself in a hole as she realized how absurd her suggestion was. "Can we just forget I said that?" she muttered under her breath.

But the damage was done, and the restaurant was filled with laughter and whispers about the girl who wanted to be adopted by a younger man.

Right when Su Yanling thought she should just run away from there in embarrassment, Xia Tian proposed a deal that left everyone frozen in shock, "I don\'t know about daddy, but I can become your sugar daddy instead."

Su Yanling\'s eyes widened as she heard his offer.

Was he serious?

Was she dreaming?

Her heart skipped a beat as she contemplated the possibilities.

Xia Tian\'s deal was so ridiculous that the onlookers didn\'t know whether to laugh or cry.

Some of them were even bowing down to him, declaring him the "God of negotiation."

Su Yanling finally saw a light of hope and carried away by her emotions, she blurted out, "Really?"

Xia Tian nodded with a smirk, "Yup."

Instantly, Su Yanling took his hand and shook it vigorously, "Deal!"

Little did she know, she had just played right into his trap.

The onlookers were now convinced that Xia Tian was a mastermind, a true genius. They all felt like bowing down and begging him to take them as his disciples.

"God of negotiation!"

"Truly, he\'s amazing!"

"Brother is too fierce! He\'s bending the knees of the richest women!"

Su Yanling was still in shock.

Did she just agree to be a sugar baby?

Wasn\'t she supposed to be richest person of northern continent?

How did she ended up promising herself to him?

Regardless, she couldn\'t believe it.

But she knew one thing for sure, Xia Tian was not an ordinary man.

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