
Chapter 253 Ceilia Is Broken? Charlotte?

Her once vibrant eyes now hold nothing but emptiness, devoid of any flicker of light. Every movement of her body has come to a stark halt.

If not for the steady rise and fall of her chest, one would doubt if she were some ghastly spectacle, mummified in an unspeakable state of existence.

Amidst this unsettling scene, Xia Tian, with his mind wired so differently, finds a twisted sense of satisfaction in her appearance. He believes it would be a brilliant strategy to keep women in such a condition, with their lips sealed shut, solving half the troubles that come with their presence.

Ceilia\'s belly protruded slightly, a visible sign that she was carrying his child. The curve of her abdomen hinted at the life growing within her.

Xia Tian contemplated the idea of having a daughter and granddaughter combination, his mind playing with the possibilities. The thought excited him, and he made up his mind to act on it without delay.

In his eyes, Ceilia was the perfect candidate for this plan. At least she wouldn\'t succumb to the darkness and harm her own flesh and blood.

If only Ceilia knew more about Nyx and the others, perhaps she wouldn\'t be so shattered. In their illusory realm, they had experienced the joy of having children, but their current reality made it seemingly impossible.

The truth was, those girls would tear their own daughter and mother apart, if they had any, viewing them solely as rivals. Their ruthless nature lay dormant, held in check by the stringent rules that Xia Tian had imposed on them.

Despite all this, Xia Tian deliberately turned a blind eye to his role in shaping them from the very beginning. He conveniently overlooked the fact that he had played a pivotal part in their transformation into these twisted versions of themselves.

Now, when it comes to the delivery of a child, don\'t even ask about Xia Tian\'s skill; he was an expert in delicately dissecting women bodies.

Lately, however, he hasn\'t had many opportunities to showcase this rare talent that once set him apart. 

With his extraordinary abilities, Xia Tian could easily conjure a fully grown child, bypassing the natural process. Yet, he chose to embrace the grace of time and the miracle of birth.

Fast forward approximately two thousand and twenty-three years into the future...

Unlike the inhospitable lands of the past, the small dimension where he found himself now teemed with life. Countless, diverse creatures roamed freely, their majestic forms dominating the landscape.

The once desolate place had undergone a remarkable transformation, blossoming into an expansive forest and lively seas. Colossal beings moved effortlessly, creating an awe-inspiring spectacle in this newfound paradise.

Amidst the breathtaking scenery, two diminutive figures fearlessly wandered, seemingly unaffected by the presence of these towering creatures. They moved with a carefree abandon, their tiny forms contrasting with the immensity surrounding them.

In this extraordinary realm, only Xia Tian\'s bloodline possessed the audacity to match the untamed world. 

Upon closer examination, Xia Tian himself stood as the first figure, his strength emanating from his very core. The second figure, barely reaching his chest in size, possessed flowing locks of iridescent pink hair, adding a touch of ethereal splendor to the scene.

The smaller figure that accompanies Xia Tian is a girl of ethereal allure. Her long tresses cascade like a shimmering waterfall, each strand a shade of delicate pink that seems to carry a trace of otherworldly luminescence. As they dance with the gentle breeze, the strands appear almost like threads of spun cotton candy, a surreal contrast against the backdrop of vibrant nature.

Her eyes, a captivating shade of green reminiscent of the most enchanting emerald, hold an inscrutable depth.

They seem to shimmer with a mix of innocence and ancient wisdom, as if she holds secrets whispered to her by time itself.

When those eyes meet yours, they possess the uncanny ability to both draw you in and leave you feeling like you\'re standing on the precipice of something profound.

The girl\'s features are delicate, her porcelain skin radiating an otherworldly glow that seems to come from within.

Her presence exudes an aura of tranquility, a serene calm that belies the potential power that may lay dormant beneath the surface.

Her stature, barely reaching Xia Tian\'s chest, lends her an air of vulnerability, yet there\'s a sense of quiet strength that emanates from her very being.

In this realm where colossal creatures roam and majestic landscapes unfold, she stands as a mesmerizing anomaly, a juxtaposition of fragile grace and enigmatic might.

As she moves alongside Xia Tian, her every step seems to echo with a connection to the pulse of the world around her, a testament to her place within this captivating tapestry of existence.

After both arrived at a specific place, they noticed another woman sitting there. She shared similar features with the small girl, but towered above her in height.

The woman stared off into space, her eyelashes trembled as she caught sight of two figures approaching her. But despite this encounter, there were no visible improvements to Ceilia\'s condition compared to their last meeting.

The small girl, who turned out to be Ceilia\'s daughter also granddaughter, Charlotte, had been purposefully sent by Xia Tian to aid in her recovery and to reshape her mentality in this enclosed world.

Under Xia Tian\'s careful guidance, Charlotte had grown and developed her mind.

However, as Charlotte tenderly fed Ceilia soup, a burning question lingered in her young mind.

"Daddy, why do I still look like this after so many years?" she inquired, her eyes blinking with curiosity.

They held a unique blend of green and pink, as if symbolizing the birth of nature itself.

Lost in thought, Xia Tian pondered before finally offering a vague response. "You look better like this," he expressed, neglecting to delve into the specifics.

The little girl nodded hesitantly, her innocent eyes never suspecting that Xia Tian had sinister plans to devour her in the same form. Unbeknownst to her, he had frozen her size to ensure his meal would be just right.

Both mentally and physically, she had already surpassed the age of his other toys.

"What will become of me once mother is healed?" Charlotte\'s voice quivered with uncertainty, pleading for answers to the unsettling question that plagued her.

Xia Tian\'s response, once again shrouded in ambiguity, left her unsettled. "You will witness it for yourself. But for now, let us move outside of this place. Your remaining tasks can be completed amidst the freedom of fresh air, away from the confines of this place."

Charlotte nodded, her confusion deepening as Xia Tian\'s sudden change of plans threw her off.

She had assumed they would stay here, allowing Ceilia to recover fully.

But she trusted him enough not to question further.

Though the dictatorship of Xia Tian\'s control was evident, who had the right to judge this self-proclaimed god? 

The reason behind Xia Tian\'s sudden departure from this place was the presence of Buddha back in his manor.

Nearly a year ago, that baldy and Xia Tian struck a daring deal.

The plan?

Buddha would venture into Xia Tian\'s universe, using his own senses to experience its unique essence.

Eager to witness how a universe crafted by the original God of Balance differed from his own, Buddha had sought this extraordinary opportunity.

But Xia Tian, being the shrewd negotiator he was, wouldn\'t allow Buddha to grace his domain without receiving something in return.

As part of their agreement, Xia Tian secured a free pass to visit Buddha\'s domain, eager to unleash havoc upon his sacred grounds.

"Wreaking havoc" was Xia Tian\'s own addition to the accord, a daring twist he slipped in without Buddha\'s consent.

One would think Buddha, of all beings, should have known better than to enter into a deal with Xia Tian.

It was widely known that Xia Tian\'s deals, no matter how cunningly crafted, always inevitably resulted in him benefiting the most, one way or another.

After completely healing Ceilia, Charlotte\'s transformation into an ordinary girl was inevitable, shedding the extraordinary powers she had acquired.

From that point onward, the responsibility of training Charlotte fell onto Ceilia\'s shoulders, creating a unique and intriguing cycle. It was as if the daughter had healed the mother, only to have the mother then impart her wisdom to the daughter.

The intricately designed arrangement was meant to provide a profound experience for both Ceilia and Charlotte.

How exactly this would impact their mental states remained a mystery, an mystery waiting to unravel.

Whether the outcome would be favorable or not was uncertain.

It was a daring gamble, one that could either lead to success or leave them both shattered.

Still, they would persistently be fixed and broken once more, until they reached the standards set by Xia Tian.

With the carefully crafted plans firmly in place, the trio breathed a sigh of anticipation.

Exiting the confines of the mini-world, they stepped boldly backwards, traversing the realms until they were finally submerged back into the embrace of their original reality.

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