

With everything that had happened and with the conclusion he had come with the fact that he had to start preparing for the beginning of the end of this story between him and Lee Jung, he knew he had to start making his move now before Lee Jung reappeared back in Yorkshire city.

As for why he thought Lee Jung would not be in Yorkshire City for the time being... Well, there wouldn\'t be such a huge coincidence to hide Lee Jung for just a few minutes, right?

If that was the case, then Davies could easily find him after that and would then be able to steal the opportunity that had been prepared for him, making all the previous moves to hide him nothing more than a waste of effort. 

Even now, if he was committed to it, as long as Davies went to an area with technological development(that is; another city), then as long as he was really interested in it, finding him was not an impossible task for Davies, but Davies wasn\'t interested in wasting any time to find him as it would probably amount to little more than that... A waste of time.

Davies had to admit that he wasn\'t a fan of wasting his time on anything that wasn\'t beneficial to him in the slightest... It wouldn\'t even be able to amuse him in the slightest.

\'Now where to start?\' he wondered to himself after finishing the breakfast in a well-lit room.

Every electrical appliance inside Davies\'s mansion was working again even though there was currently a blackout in the entire city of Yorkshire.

As a technological genius and as well as someone who always strived to be prepared for any unexpected situation, out of which an absence of electrical power was one of the easiest to expect problems that popped up in his head, he had emergency power generators around that could be used to power a place as big as his ten times his mansion, so he wasn\'t affected by the power blackout for more than a few minutes.

With the return of power to his mansion, his chef was able to finish preparing his breakfast, which was why he was able to get something to eat to replenish his depleted nutrient bank... Of course, this was nothing more than a fancy way of saying he had satiated his hunger.

Now that he was done with that he had to begin making his moves.

In what direction should he make his plans?

There was probably no need, neither was there a point in him trying to strengthen himself right now because there was almost no way for Lee Jung to suddenly become stronger than him no matter the power steroids fate had decided to feed him.

Maybe the opportunity that Lee Jung had left the city for was enough to bring him to the same power level as he was or maybe even stronger, but he doubted it.

Even if it did happen, the power that Davies was displaying was nowhere near the limits of the power he could display, so there was no way that Lee Jung would ever beat him in a fair fight between them.

As for whether Davies should try to achieve the next stage of power... Yeah, no.

That wasn\'t achievable even by his standards. 

Achieving the next stage of power known as "Awakening" wasn\'t something one could just achieve as there was a chasm of difference in the level between their abilities.

A level 5 mega, also termed "An Awakened one could take on a hundred level 4 megas, and still come out on top.

The current Davies couldn\'t take on more than three of the weaker level 4 megas as a level 4 mega himself, so one should be aware of the level of difference between him and the next stage.

Unlike in cultivation novels where all he had to do was break through and then he would suddenly be able to match up and do things that were previously impossible for him to do, the power level in Leivandage worked a bit differently from that.

While it was true that he would also break through a wall on his usage of his abilities and then he could achieve the power of the next stage... There was still a prerequisite for a level of combat that he had to achieve before he could even attempt to get a glimpse of the next stage and that level of combat required him to at least be able to take on at least 10 of level 4 megas at a time.

From the previous estimation of his ability, it could be seen that Davies was already on the road towards the next stage of power which was \'Awakening\', but the distance between him and that stage was still wide and wasn\'t something he would be able to bridge in a few weeks, or maybe months without any sudden power boost, so he wasn\'t even going to try, after all, there were other things to focus on right now.

Though, without a doubt, he was planning to break into the next stage of power as soon as he finished Lee Jung off.

He was quite excited by the prospect of growing stronger and looked forward to it especially as he knew that he needed to advance in strength due to two main reasons, the first and his most prioritized one was that he wanted to reach a level where he would be eligible to answers about how his life had suddenly taken a turn and become "lives" that he had to suffer and die through.

His second reason was more of a guess... Due to the knowledge, he had found about Leivandage after arriving at this world, he knew that this world had been a normal world where humans lived together in mock harmony... But everything changed when the fire nation attacked-...

[Ahem]I think you should take a look at

\'Ah, sorry,\'

Anyway, the world of Leiven changed drastically after the event known to everyone as The Great Cataclysm. The world became a lot bigger due to pieces of other worlds being merged with this one and many different species, both intelligent and non-intelligent, appeared with the pieces of the different worlds as well.

Apart from that, there were also portals to numerous small worlds known as gates where megas who were mana-activated humans entered to kill monsters and make money by selling important monster parts to hegemons that needed them.

While this scenario was not exactly the most common type of troupe, it was common enough to give him some ideas and speculations.

As he wasn\'t a hundred percent sure that he was the main villain of every protagonist that was to appear in this world as that was quite the headache-inducing thought, he at least expected more villains and with all the signs he had been given, he was more than willing to bet that there was some sort of Demon Lord, or Evil Lord, or something of that sort.

He was even more certain after what he had seen and heard in the mission gate about the attack on Yorkshire as a present for the so-called "King".

It was very likely that an OP villain with that tag would be appearing, and by the time range he had been given in the dungeon, he probably didn\'t have that much time.

He obviously couldn\'t let this world be destroyed before he got his answers. 

He also could not allow there to be a villain that was an even greater threat to the protagonists than he was.

Who knew if the upcoming could kill a protagonist, thereby robbing him of fate points?

Of course, he doubted the idea, but he already knew that the characters in this world all had weird issues apart from the similar trait of having been kicked in the head by donkeys...

So who knew what could happen? 

He couldn\'t have that.

He couldn\'t have any other big bad villain apart from big ol\' Davies Lake on the scene so he would need to terminate any other annoying villain that popped up and tried to overstep their boundaries by more than a little bit. 

For that he needed power, enough power to trample on his enemies whenever he wanted to, hence his obsession with getting stronger, but...

Not right now...

He had to deal with the first problem that was about to appear, so he had no time to currently chase after his desire to become stronger, but he wasn\'t too down about that.

He didn\'t mind having to spend a little time teaching an idiot protagonist his place in the world and beneath the villain\'s feet.

He was looking forward to this as he thought it would be a rather exhilarating experience... 

His first win over a protagonist, that is. 

But he couldn\'t rush it.

He had to be careful about this issue as it was obvious that it wasn\'t only Lee Jung he would have to deal with...

There was also that nasty bitch named Fate who seemed to have taken up the role of planning out every step of her agent\'s life and was constantly getting in his way while preparing Lee Jung to defeat him.

He didn\'t have the intention of just letting that happen though.

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