
Chapter 238 Justin ruthless side.

Chapter 238  Justin ruthless side.

Robert and his team were chained outside the ark, left to suffer the full force of the bitter cold that slowly drained life from their bodies.

Since they chose to betray the ark and were caught. They had long expected some punishment. Even death had been expected.

However, never in their wildest dream did they imagine that Justin wouldn\'t choose to torture them but only chain them outside the train.

Thus, they were left to witness the horror of the Nightmare.

The little clothes on there provide little to no comfort from the relentless assault of the freezing wind and driving rain.

Their faces etched with pain and exhaustion. They had been through many trials together, but this was by far the most brutal.

As the minutes passed, the cold began to seep deeper into their bones, sapping their strength and will to live. Their skin turned blue and their lips trembled with the cold.

Meanwhile, inside the train. The people came to watch the horror of those that decided to betray the ark as they witnessed the cruel fate that had been dealt to Robert and his team.

\'This is insane.\'

The crowd sucks in a cold breath with their mouths wide open as they watch their clothes fade into nothingness, carried by the brutal wind.

And what followed was their skins.


Another miserable scream came from Robert and his team. Their skin began to flay, peeling off slowly, blood and bodily fluid swept away by the torrential wind. Frozen a couple of seconds later before turning into nothingness.

"I can\'t watch this any longer." A young woman cried in trepidation as she took a couple of steps back with both her lips and hand trembling.

Also, tears stream from the corner of her eyes. Mo reover, she was not the only one to have such feelings. However, before she and the others could leave the horror scene.

They heard Justin\'s voice like an imperial decree.

"No one should take away their eyes from the scum that choose to bite the hands that feed them."

"This should be a lesson for all of you…"

"When you join Genesis. There is no room for betrayal. All we ask for is your absolute loyalty and we will take you to the promised land."

"Thus, watch the fate of the betrayal. When you think of betraying your fellow Genesis, this scene will be a reminder."

Hearing Justin\'s sacred words, the ark descended into an abrupt silence. Evey was thrown into a series of serious thoughts.

Ah!!! Ah!!!

"P-P-please…p-p-lease…K-i-l-l…u-s" said Robert with a hoarse voice. This piece of disjointed words took the last bit of strength in his body.

Hearing this, various wails echoed through the ark. While mostly female, some males with a weaker will had tears in the corner of their eyes.

 No human should be subjected to this kind of torture and pain. Besides, this gory scene should not be watched by the masses but since this was the order of the king.

Besides, no one knows how Justin did it. He managed to project the scene that was happening outside the ark to the face of everyone present inside the ark. No matter where you are inside the ark, the scene would appear in front of you.

Inside the conference room, the upper echelon watched the brutal scene with deep horror.

This level of brutality had shaken the core of everyone present.

Moreover, Kira had to look at Justin a couple of times to be assured this was the man he fell in love with. Though the brutality Robert and his were going through was way over the head.

Nevertheless, she still watches the scene with a calm expression.

As for Susan, there wasn\'t any change in her expression. She watched the scene as calmly as possible as if it was just a normal romance comedy movie.

Just that, this doesn\'t have any scene to make her laugh.

Meanwhile, those that had spent a long time with Justin weren\'t expecting anything less than brutal torture or death.

However, what astounded them was his creativity. Also, how he passes a ruthless message to everyone inside the ark.

 \'I may be quiet and not kill a couple of times. That doesn\'t mean I lose my edge.\'

\'Dare me, this is what happened.\'

Grandpa Philip looked at Justin from the corner of his eyes and a knowing smile appeared on his face before he disappeared into thin air.

\'Ruthless as always…. I like it\'

  Subsequently, the brief smile on Grandpa Philip\'s didn\'t escape Justin\'s perception.

\'Old man….\' He chuckled inside.

Even though his act of showing the people the brutality might be too much. There was a deep meaning to it. And Grandpa Philip seems to understand his schemes.

Moreover, it was not only Grandpa Philip that understood his deep schemes. Nika also understood it but he didn\'t let it appear on his face.

Ah!!! Ah!!!

From the scene, one of the men had withered into a skeleton. A golden core flickered gently in his heart, keeping his life hanging by a thread.

However, when the core was assaulted by deadly, ruthless wind. It froze at a naked speed and a miserable scream from the man.

And behold, what follows was the bone breaking into pieces, turning into smithereens, swept away by the cold wind.

 Subsequently, the same scene happened to the others. Robert was the last person to die. His skull heads in a particular direction and his hollow eyes fixed intently on the empty space before his mouth opened slowly and let out inaudible words.

And thus, he turns into smithereens.

Till death, he regretted his choice of action. However, there was no pill for regret.

Inside the conference room, William and Susan understood what his last words were. A flicker of emotion appeared on Susan\'s cold before it returned to normal.

Just then, Justin looked in a particular direction. Immediately, the atmosphere inside the room changed.

"All personnel back to your post."

"Prepare for full-out war." He commanded.

Eternal life.


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