
Chapter 247 A single punch to show his stand

Chapter 247 A single punch to show his stand

After killing the chimera, Justin continued on his journey with a solemn gaze.

In this couple of hours, he had seen various gruesome scenes that shocked him to the core.

Since the start of the apocalypse, he knew the human heart was dark and unfathomable. Nevertheless, he never imagined it would reach such an extent.

Humans eat each other under the guise of hunger. Father sacrifices his children to the beast for a little bit of protection.

Gang rape, cannibalism, and all sort of dark fantasy were seen by him which made him realize the world they knew had long gone.

\'Can we recover?\' He thought as he raced through a dry expanse of field.

The dry expanse of the field stretched out before Justin, the parched earth cracking under the relentless sun.

The air was thick with heat, carrying the scent of dust and dry vegetation.

The field seemed endless, its flat terrain extending to the horizon in all directions, interrupted only by occasional clusters of shrubs and the occasional tuft of withered grass.

Racing out of the dry field, a scene made Justin halt his track.

He took a deep breath and creased his brow for a moment and muttered.

"What do I expect?"

Tens of thousands of insectoid creatures swarmed the destroyed village, their chittering and buzzing filling the air.

The once peaceful streets now teemed with these otherworldly beings, their exoskeletons gleaming under the dim light.

They moved with swift, synchronized motions, their segmented limbs and wings propelling them effortlessly across the ruins.

The insectoids varied in size and shape, some resembling oversized beetles, while others possessed long, spindly bodies with multiple pairs of delicate wings.

Their vibrant colors—shades of iridescent greens, blues, and purples—contrasted starkly against the desolation of the village.

With each step, their tiny mandibles clicked open and shut, emitting a faint but constant hum.

Their multitude spread in all directions, covering every inch of the ravaged landscape.

They climbed over broken walls, explored collapsed buildings, and scurried along toppled structures, leaving a trail of intricate patterns in the dust.

The village had become their domain, and they moved with a strange unity as if guided by an unseen force.

In the midst of this swarming mass, Justin stood at a distance, his eyes wide with a mix of awe and apprehension.

He observed the insectoid race with a mix of fascination and trepidation, wondering about their origins and purpose.

The insects turned their multifaceted eyes towards him, their gazes unwavering, as if sensing his presence and acknowledging his role as an outsider.

The sheer number of insectoids was overwhelming, their collective presence creating an eerie atmosphere.

Their chittering grew louder, filling the air with a cacophony of alien sounds.

It was as if they were communicating, sharing information, or coordinating their movements, all while keeping a watchful eye on Justin.

Though their intentions remained a mystery, the insectoids seemed neither aggressive nor hostile.

They continued their intricate exploration of the ruined village, seemingly indifferent to Justin\'s presence.

Yet, an unspoken tension hung in the air, an unspoken understanding that this encounter between species held an inherent significance.

As Justin continued to observe the insectoid race, a sudden piercing screech echoed through the air.

The high-pitched sound sliced through the buzzing of the insects, immediately grabbing their attention.

In unison, the insectoids halted their movements, their compound eyes fixated on a figure emerging from the shadows.

A towering insectoid, larger and more menacing than the rest, emerged with an air of authority.

Its carapace bore intricate patterns and vibrant colors, distinguishing it from its smaller counterparts.

With mandibles spread wide, the creature emitted another commanding screech.

Without hesitation, the swarm of insectoids turned as one, their collective gaze now fixed upon Justin.

The atmosphere shifted, and the once-neutral presence of the insectoids transformed into an imminent threat.

The air grew thick with tension.

The insectoids closed in, their synchronized movements becoming more frenzied and aggressive.

Wings buzzed with heightened intensity as they converged upon Justin, their numbers overwhelming.

He quickly realized that the screeching leader had issued a command, directing the swarm to attack him.

"I don\'t know how you\'re controlling these beasts to attack me, but it won\'t stop me." He said to no one in particular.

The once calm look on Justin\'s face turned into a solemn face as the air around him vibrated vehemently.

Cracks appeared on the ground, and dust rose to the sky, followed by a strong whirlwind.


With a primal roar, Justin\'s fist shot forward, propelled by a surge of energy.

As his fist connected with the closest insectoid, a brilliant golden arc erupted from the impact point, radiating with a raw, deadly force.

The arc pulsed with an intense brilliance, its power shimmering through the air.

The golden arc rippled outward in a mesmerizing display, spreading like an ethereal shockwave.

Wherever it touched, the insectoids were enveloped in its destructive embrace.

The golden energy surged through their exoskeletons, destabilizing their forms and disintegrating their bodies.

The swarm writhed and convulsed under the assault, their chittering cries of pain mingling with the crackling energy.

The unleashed power of Justin\'s punch acted as a catalyst, amplifying his own strength to unimaginable levels.

The golden arc surged forward, annihilating insectoid after insectoid with swift and unyielding efficiency.

The once overwhelming swarm faltered and dwindled, their numbers decreasing rapidly with each devastating impact.

In a matter of moments, the golden arc had swept through the battlefield, leaving only remnants of the insectoid horde in its wake.

Silence descended upon the ruined village as the last remnants of the swarm disintegrated into specks of dust, carried away by the wind.

Watching the absolute desolation, Justin\'s face regained his calmness and he looked to the sky.

"Don\'t send your minions. Come if you dare to stop me" He said in a low voice.

However, his voice carried a trace of majesty that couldn\'t be compared to anything on Earth.

His voice moved swiftly passing through the fabric of space and echoed in the ear of a mythical being — The Demon.

"So you\'re a Star Being." A knowing smile appeared on his face. "Hmm… Interesting."

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