
Chapter 103 - Sharing The Loot Part 2

Kevin then looked at Axel and he asked him : "Which one do you want to open first honey ?"

Axel\'s smile widened and he said : "The divine grade box of course !"

Kevin chuckled and he motioned for Axel to destroy the lock, which he did without delay, he then opened it and quietly waited for Kevin to give out the information on what was inside that box.


- Magical crystal legendary grade, small size × 4

- Trinium high grade 8 kg

- Teleportation Talisman paper × 8 (no distance limit, can stay open for 1 hour)

Kevin then looked at Alan and he remembered that he still hadn\'t asked him if he could absorb the darkness particles that were inside the talisman papers he got the last time.

But, maybe now wasn\'t the right time to bring up this kind of topic as they were all too excited to find out what was still hidden inside the remaining boxes, they would have time to talk about it later, so he asked him instead : "Alan, do you know how to use these Teleportation Talisman papers ?"

Alan nodded and he said to them : "My dad used to use a lot of it to get to the border and fight the demons … You just have to tear it up and to think about where you want to go.

It\'s the one who tears up the Talisman paper who decides where we are going to go, and he is also the only one who can decide to close the teleportation portal.

These Teleportation Talisman Papers can stay open for up to an hour, if you want to close the teleportation portal before the hour is up, you just have to break the link that will connect you to it."

Axel, after Alan\'s explanation asked curiously : "It\'s weird, why are these Teleportation Talisman papers in a divine grade box, seeing how you talk about it, it sounds kinda easy to find, right ?"

Alan shook his head and said looking at them very seriously : "You\'re wrong ! The ones my father used could teleport him up to 5 000 km, and it could only stay open for a minute.

It was the Queen herself who prepared them for him … It is impossible to buy this kind of Teleportation Talisman papers, it requires enormous know-how, and they are extremely rare, very few mages are able to make them …"

Kevin who was listening intently to Alan\'s explanations couldn\'t help but think that it was too cool, finally, maybe it was worth keeping in touch with the Queen, he could learn a lot from her.

Alan continued to make them understand how precious these Teleportation Talisman papers were : "So imagine the value of those who are here … No distance limit and they can stay open for a whole hour, it\'s completely inconceivable, no one had never done that before."

Kevin then said when Alan had finished talking and when Axel was still processing the high value of those Teleportation Talisman papers : "Super cool then ! And It will be very handly ... Guys, everything in this box is pretty easy to share ..."

He stopped dead and he asked another question to Alan : "Do you happen to know anyone who could make us weapons with the Trinium ?"

The fact that Alan had mentioned his father had just reminded him that he had grown up in a family of fighters, so it didn\'t hurt to ask.

Alan nodded again : "I know someone who can make weapons with any ore, it\'s a old friend of my family … He lives a bit outside the capital but we will be able to get there easily.

However, I don\'t know if he will agree to craft us weapons, he is quite old, and he is fucking stubborn and greedy.

But greedy doesn\'t mean that he will accept to be paid with gold coins, we will have to find something that can interest him to bargain with him."

Axel\'s smile widened and he said : "Then it\'s perfect ! Thanks to the System\'s Store of Kevin, that shouldn\'t be a problem, and we still have time to go loot other dungeons to maybe get more Trinium before the annual capital\'s tournament starts.

We will be able to choose to craft whatever weapons we want, that\'s so freaking cool !"

Alan looked at him and he reprimanded him saying : "You seem to be forgetting something important ... The weapons made with Trinium can only show all their potential if we introduce 3 elements inside them ... Do you have any idea how many particles it takes for an element to be successfully introduced into a weapon made with the Trinium ?"

Axel then said to him to appease his friend : "I have no idea Alan, after all, I\'m just a fighter ... Even if you told me, I would have no way of knowing how difficult it is."

He looked at Kevin then he returned his attention to Alan : "Even with Kevin\'s help you think it won\'t be possible ?"

Alan had no idea too, but if Kevin used his meditation time to introduce particles into talisman papers he wouldn\'t be able to absorb any more for himself and therefore he wouldn\'t be able to progress further to increase the level of his elements.

He ended up saying : "There is no use of talking about it with you and Erik, I will see that directly with Kevin and we will decide together what we can do about it."

Kevin nodded and said : "Okay, we will discuss this later then … Let\'s get back to the boxes now."

Kevin didn\'t wait for their agreement and directly opened the legendary one, and when he saw that there was an egg inside, the size of a rugby ball, and that no specific notification had appeared, he was at a loss of what to do next, it was the first time that his System didn\'t give him a notification when he opened a box.

His perception skill was still actived so he should have been able to see something.

When he saw that they all were waiting for him to say something he laughed awkwardly and said : "There is no notification, I have no idea of what is this egg ..."

Erik then said to him : "Just take it in your hand, like you have done for the bloodstones and see if any notification appear."

Kevin chose to try what Erik had suggested, so he took the egg in his hands and focused on it wondering what kind of creature could be inside, or maybe this egg was already a dead one ...

But finally he received a notification and it left him completely speechless.

When the others saw that his expression changed, Axel asked him curiously : "Do you see something babe ?"

Kevin then read them what little information the System had provided him with.


Name : ???

Race : Legendary Creature

Level ???

Class : ???

Affinity with the fire and light elements.

Kevin searched in the memories he had of this world but again he found nothing on the legendary creatures, and when he turned to Axel with that puzzled look on his face the latter immediately said to him : "I only see one legendary creature who has an affinity with the fire and light elements."

Axel, Alan and Erik then said in heart : "A phoenix !"

Kevin although still frustrated by this lack of knowledge repeated looking at the egg that was still in his hands : "A phoenix ..."

He looked at them and then asked : "Do you know how we are supposed to take care of a phoenix egg ? And how come I can\'t find any information about legendary creatures in his memory when you seem all to know about them …"

Erik then said to reassure him : "Don\'t worry, I too didn\'t know they existed until I joined the Sun Sect.

Every three months, the mages and the fighters have a day of common classes, we learn a lot of things and the legendary creatures are part of it … Besides, it\'s Liam who gave me this course, but he obviously didn\'t talked about how to take care of a phoenix egg."

Kevin who had put the egg on his lap was listening to the information they had on phoenixes.

Apparently, legendary creatures were the opposite of what shapeshifters were.

The human side of shapeshifters was more important while for the legendary creatures it was their animal side that was more important, and although they could take on the appearance of a human, they were more comfortable under their animal form.

He also learnt that the phoenixes were unparalleled fighters and they could also use very powerful fire spells.

They were also known to be great healers and they had the best regeneration skill.

The only problem was that the phoenixes had been totally gone for over a thousand years, so if that egg was really a phoenix it was a miracle.

And since he could see that egg\'s Stats, that meant the creature inside was still alive.

He then asked them again : "Can we find any writings on phoenixes, maybe we can learn how to take care of this egg."

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