
Chapter 83 Li Rou And Xue Feng Break Through

Li Rou and Xue Feng Break Through

As the family got home, Xue Bai finally remembered the Spirit Cleansing Fruit.

"Father, Mother, I got something for you two." Xue Bai spoke up as they landed.

Pulling out the case holding the Spirit Cleansing Fruit, Xue Bai opened it and explained its effects.

Surprised at their son\'s thoughtfulness, Li Rou and Xue Feng couldn\'t help but smile.

"You\'re such a filial child. What would we do without you." Li Rou lovingly spoke as she rubbed Xue Bai\'s hair.

Xue Feng, on the side, laughed proudly and happily. After Xue Bai\'s \'awakening\' a few years ago, so many things had gone right for their Dukedom. Whether it was gaining the Yan Clan as an ally or Xue Bai\'s now heaven-defying potential, Xue Feng never seemed to stop smiling.

After Li Rou accepted the fruit, the group went their separate ways.

Back in his room, Xue Bai went to sleep. Even though he usually supplemented sleep with cultivation, he had cultivated for most of the day, and now, his Veins were already sore and aching. So instead of cultivating and possibly injuring a vein, he planned to sleep for once.

Though the one missed night of cultivation could lower his chances of reaching his goal, it was better than injuring a vein.

Jumping on his bed, Xue Bai went to sleep almost the second his head hit the pillow. Out of the many perks cultivation gave him, the ability to instantly fall asleep was something that he thought was the most useful. Instead of wasting 15 minutes lying still, Xue Bai could now fall asleep before his head even reached the pillow.

Away from Xue Bai\'s room, Xiao\'er was in Li Rou\'s courtyard again.

"Mistress, did my awakening go successful?" Xiao\'er asked excitedly.

"Yes, how could it not? I was the one who supervised it." Li Rou spoke with pride.

"But now that it has, you must cultivate diligently. Though this physique is highly ranked, its ability is only shown after you give your first time to Bai\'er and Dual Cultivate. Currently, it\'s still only slightly better than Peak Yellow Grade Martial Vein, which is still much worse than Bai\'er." Li Rou continued.

"Of course, Mistress! Xiao\'er will cultivate twice as diligently now!" Xiao\'er seriously spoke as she nodded like a bobblehead.

Smiling at the maid\'s reaction, Li Rou gave Xiao\'er a head pat before saying, "Then go start right now. You know the saying, \'A thousand-mile journey starts with one step.\'"

Nodding, Xiao\'er ran off to her courtyard, not daring to miss a second.

Seeing the girl run off so happily, Li Rou slightly shook her head before leaving her courtyard and going to her shared courtyard with Xue Feng.

Flying over the courtyard, she saw Xue Feng in the center of the garden, meditating to calm his mind.

"Husband, are you ready now?" Li Rou spoke as she landed.

Though her words were ambiguous, Xue Feng knew what she meant.

"Yes, but why do you have to phrase it like that? When you phrase it like that, it sounds like you\'re suggesting something completely different." Xue Feng sighed as he opened his eyes.

"Who else is here to hear me? And besides, if not you, my Husband, who else can I speak so flippantly to?" Li Rou retorted as she walked over.

Not bothering to argue any further, Xue Feng pulled out the Spirit Cleansing Fruit and sliced it in half.

Passing one half to Li Rou, Xue Feng said, "Good Luck." Before eating his half.

Smiling, Li Rou replied, "I don\'t need it."

Eating her own half, Li Rou sat down cross-legged and began to focus on the changes happening within her body.

She could feel the Soul Qi traveling through her body, searching for something. And soon enough, the aimless Soul Qi seemed to find what it was looking for and after reaching a random location near her heart, it dispersed on the spot.

Just as Li Rou memorized the location where the Soul Qi dispersed, she felt a warm gust of energy that seemed to cleanse her very soul. It was as if she had lost a burden she didn\'t know bound her.

Not only did her shoulders feel lighter, but she was also released from some brain fog that seemed to shackle her from further comprehending the Fire Law she was known for.

However, Li Rou ignored the euphoric feeling and began to remember where the Soul Qi dispersed. Xue Bai had told her that even if it seems like there is nothing there, ignore that and look deeply there.

Listening to her son\'s words, Li Rou focused deeply on the spot. And very soon, she found something. An illusory phantom curled up in a fetal position. And as soon she looked at it meaningfully, it stared back.

And as it did, an explosion happened in Li Rou\'s mind. Then, like a black hole, Li Rou\'s Dantian absorbed all of the surrounding Spiritual Qi madly.

Her Dantian rapidly bloated to the point that Li Rou thought she would blow up. However, since it didn\'t seem dangerous yet, she held back from stopping the phenomenon.

She could tell that this phenomenon was actually helping her. Not only did her Dantian expand, but her body also seemed to be nourished, increasing her physical strength.

The sensation of her physical body being strengthened was almost intoxicating, but it eventually began to scare her.

The feeling continued for almost an hour until Li Rou\'s body visibly began to grow.

Fearing for her life, Li Rou was going to stop it, but right before she was going to resort to drastic measures, the excess Spiritual Qi bloating her Dantian and physical body seemed to funnel out of her now expanded Dantian all on its own accord.

Then from her Dantian, the Spiritual Qi flowed into her soul, vitalizing it.

However, even after her soul absorbed all of the Spiritual Qi, it still stayed in the fetal position. Like a fetus growing in the womb, her soul looked to be far from being ready.

After giving her a few more looks, Li Rou seemed satisfied with her advancement and opened her eyes.

To her left, she could still see Xue Feng still madly absorbing Spiritual Qi.

Seeing that he would still be unavailable for another hour, Li Rou shifted her attention to her strength.

After eating the Spirit Cleansing Fruit, not only did Li Rou sense her soul, but she also managed to advance to the Xiantian Great Realm, skipping the half-step state completely.

Currently, Li Rou was in the 1st stage of the Spirit Awakening Realm. This Realm, like the others, had 9-13 stages in which Li Rou had to slowly feed her Soul, Spiritual/Soul Qi, until it awakened.

After that, Li Rou would have the chance to advance to the Spirit Severing Realm. But since she was only to advance to her current Realm with the help of the Yggdrasil Fruit, Li Rou wasn\'t sure if she could go that far.

However, even advancing to the Xiantian Great Realm made Li Rou feel satisfied. Before Xue Bai found Yggradrasil, she and Xue Feng were more than fulfilled staying at the Peak of the Domain Lord Realm.

Even if it wasn\'t the peak of strength in the Southern Continent, it was more than enough to guarantee their safety. As cultivators in the Xiantian Great Realm on the Southern Continent, numbered in the single digits. And they all stayed either in seclusion year long or were the guardians for their sects, making them unable to travel the continent.

Even more so with Li Rou and her Husband\'s peaceful nature, the chances of someone stronger than them finding trouble with them were almost none.

But now, in the Xiantian Great Realm, and with the chances of advancing even further, Li Rou was feeling content.

Just as Li Rou was lost in her thoughts, she sensed Xue Feng stopped absorbing Spiritual Qi next to her. Spinning her head in his direction, she found him opening his eyes.

"Did you advance as well?" Xue Feng asked as he saw his wife standing up.

"Yes, but I finished a while ago. I was just testing out the difference." Li Rou bragged.

In their entire relationship, Xue Feng always had a higher cultivation base, so her having the lead for a little made Li Rou feel smug.

Seeing her arrogant smile, Xue Feng wanted to knock her down a peg, but since he wasn\'t sure if he\'d win in a fight, he gave up on his plan.

"Now that we advanced, what do you want to do, Rou\'er? We can go out and kill Wang Yin without even having to use Bai\'er as bait now. Or should we wait as Bai\'er told us?" Xue Feng asked as he stood up.

"I say both. That Wang Yin deserves to die, but that\'s as far as we should go. The Wang Clan should make a fine sharpening stone for Bai\'er. The only thing we have to make sure of is that none of the old farts of the previous generation don\'t go after Bai\'er." Li Rou answered.

Finding her words sensible, Xue Feng agreed before he took Li Rou\'s hand into the bedroom to rest. Though they had broken through to the Xiantian Great Realm and were full of strength, they planned to consolidate their foundations before cultivating any further. And a quick rest would serve to help that.


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