
Chapter 58 The Most Cultured Throne In Existence

"Alright, people, let\'s wrap it up!" Leon roared, "We have only a few minutes. After that, we\'re leaving the rest behind! MOVE!"

There were only one hundred survivors left, and the group was currently working on reorganizing to fit more.

Only 375 had survived during the [demonstration] period, but it was still taking far too long.

"That\'s not enough time!" Quinn cried.

"Then make it enough time! We still need to give the men enough time to make it to the Sanctuary!" Leon roared at the top of his lungs.

A wave of hope washed over the men, who were getting more desperate.

"Wait, what!?" Quinn cried, "You\'d prioritize their lives over the other hundred women still left?"

She wasn\'t complaining; she was just shocked.

"Yes. Because if we don\'t, the men will get desperate!" Leon yelled back, "We\'re not trying to kill them, or we already would have! We\'re protecting the maximum amount of lives!"

The men\'s hysterical yelling calmed down. Everyone abruptly understood why Leon was yelling at full volume about his desire to save the men.

He was performing crowd control.

"I\'m begging you, don\'t leave us to die!" A survivor with bloodshot eyes and a quivering mouth begged.

The rest devolved into chaos after her words.

"Like this!" Leon yelled to his members, "It\'ll be like this, but the men will start attacking with superpowers!"

"Please don\'t!" A survivor with curly, dirty blonde hair screamed while grabbing his arm.

Leon unceremoniously flung her over the barrier, crashing into the men. The ark was high enough that she smashed her skull and died when she fell.

All of the women were shocked into silence after his ruthless display. It also partially consoled the men because his treatment of humans was arbitrary.

It was effective on both fronts and every one now knew that Leon\'s stats weren\'t a joke and wouldn\'t be swayed.

"Listen up!" Leon yelled at the top of his lungs, "This is what will happen if anyone tries to approach an official with pleas for mercy!"

The survivors started trembling in fear and desperation.

"If we didn\'t show up, every one of you would be dead right now, most after being played with mercilessly!

You\'ve avoided that last fate because the men don\'t have time to be cruel, so be grateful!

I\'ll give you three more minutes to cram into the trucks before we close up and leave!

Everyone that helps their fellow women pack in will leave with us! Anyone that doesn\'t will be killed on the spot!

I\'m here to help you, but I will not risk my women\'s lives for others!"

The women in his party that were emotionally torn immediately felt rejuvenated.

Those fated to be left behind felt hope.

"Now, women in the trucks, help your fellow women get in like your life depends on it because it does!

If you don\'t, we\'ll leave behind everyone indiscriminately.

If you\'re too packed to breathe, it\'s better than not breathing. Three minutes! LET\'S GO!"

The area immediately devolved into chaos. Women in the trucks packed in tightly, and those near the doors pulled people on board.

At the end of the three minutes, all but 25 women were in the trucks.

His retrieval team women and drivers looked at the group of women with anguish.

Their morale would be shot if they left them behind. It\'d come with a constant feeling of [we almost pulled it off, but 25 cruelly got left behind].

Psychopaths and sociopaths couldn\'t understand people\'s emotions about such an event. However, they understood the impact it had on people\'s behavior.

If someone\'s mother died, they\'d grieve, miss work, and bring down the mood of everyone near them. He didn\'t understand the emotion but understood the consequence.

Leon couldn\'t have that pulsing through his new haremite corps during this critical time, especially when three minutes could avoid it.

"Open up a truck bed! We\'ll consolidate one retrieval group!" Leon yelled.

"If there\'s a retrieval team driver who\'s willing to risk their lives for twenty survivors, speak up!" Leon barked.

The pickup trucks had women fighters that would help drivers escape if the vehicle got hit by an attack. There weren\'t enough retrieval trucks, so they\'d risk not being saved.

"I\'ll do it!" A female human with a buzz-cut haircut yelled.

"Okay! The retrieval team in the truck needs to clear out and consolidate!" Leon yelled, "If there are any speed based retrieval team members willing to run let\'s hear it!"

"I\'ll do it!" Kazz, the tigres, said, "I can run far faster than these trucks."

"Me too!" Another beast woman said.

"I slither fast and can crush these trucks." Manka gruffed.

"Good! Move it! One two more minutes! Load up the women!"

The retrieval teams immediately shot into action.

"Hey! You said three minutes! Let us out of here!" A man yelled.

"You keep extending the time; we\'re going to die!" Another roared.

A riot broke out again. In the confusion, a fireball curved over Caitlyn\'s barrier as if catapulted and hit one of the moving trucks.

Luckily, the truck wasn\'t seriously damaged since the attack lost momentum and hit the top. Otherwise, it would have destroyed the truck.

"Attack the barrier!" A group of men yelled, "Do it all at once before they can stop us!"

The men were desperate, as only twenty minutes remained until the road shut down. So they took advantage of the shoddy operation and the fireball to attack en masse.

He turned to Lindy with a murderous glint in his eyes.

"Lindy! I know you\'re angry, so trash these fucking idiots with Styx!" Leon ordered, "Let\'s show them what being merciless really means!"

A horrifying smile curved Lindy\'s face. "You got it. Should I hold back to save mana? Or make the ultimate demonstration?"

"No. Bring them true hell to send a message." Leon replied.

Lindy buckled into her harness on Caitlyn\'s chest.

"Drivers! Move!" He yelled.

The drivers started their engines and got moving as quickly as possible.

Leon turned to Tricksie, who was still on Caitlyn\'s back.

"Tricksie… Tricksie, make me smaller and hold me so you can keep on Caitlyn\'s back!" He ordered.

Tricksie\'s bunny ears twitched with happiness.

"Yaaaaaay! Let\'s play!" She cried delightedly.

Tricksie reached out her hand, and Leon grabbed on. He instantly began shrinking as the bunny girl pulled him up.

To his mortification, he faced something gloriously anxiety-inducing. He was moving at 4 G\'s of gravity towards breasts that became the size of hilltops!

That wasn\'t the worst of it in his eyes.

"Bitch if you fucking do that, I\'ll kill you!" Caitlyn growled.

"Where else am I supposed to put him?" Tricksie asked playfully, "He needs to touch me, and I can\'t accidently squeeze him if my hand clenches up. Right?"

Leon was speechless. He was currently in the hand of a titan bunny woman, and she was opening her bra.

Tricksie\'s nipple was the size of a chair, and she made him just large enough to straddle it like a toddler.

"I don\'t care, just—"

"Caitlyn! We don\'t have a choice!" Leon screamed in a comically high-pitched voice.

He was anxiety-stricken, but he didn\'t have another option. The blonde growled, but she acquiesced.

Tricksie giggled, reopened her pink floral bra, and sat a tiny Leon down on the most cultured throne in existence.

It was his first time seeing a human nipple in person, and he was extremely conflicted about how he felt about this being the time.

However, it was delightfully formfitting, and the backrest felt like heaven! Moreover, once she closed her bra, it strapped him in securely as the best seatbelt imaginable.

Safe, cultured, and comfortable. It was practical, and he didn\'t want to accidentally get crushed.

"Okay, Lindy, let\'s go!" Leon ordered in the cutest toy voice imaginable.

The group immediately flew over the barrier, dodging fireballs, arrows, machine gun fire, and every other action available.

"Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" Tricksie giggled in delight.

The group wove down the middle of the main group of men. Once they were above, the bearded man ran as fast as possible in the opposite direction, which was difficult.

His leg was thrashed, and he was pushing against a tide of men waiting for the barrier to break.

But he was smart enough to understand something the others didn\'t.

If the group was flying back with a person who made people she touched smaller, it meant the other two were confident in holding back a thousand!

He learned from his lesson and did his best to flee.

Leon didn\'t see his desperate efforts. He couldn\'t check if the trucks were far enough away to remove the barrier, either.

There was an insurmountable distance to his right just to make it over her right breast! Her C+ breasts were officially a problem.

So he needed to ask the bunny girl to turn her chest to see. It was embarrassing!

Before he could comprehend the full situation, a loud booming voice that sounded like the voice of Greg resounded.


"Let\'s let you watch, shall~we?" Tricksie asked playfully.

She grabbed her breasts and tilted her body down as a black sphere materialized. It was very similar to the Phlegethon, but it was black.

Unlike the first time he saw it, it was at least three times the original size. No five times. Wait, it was growing!

He initially thought it was larger because he was small. The globe of certain death looked like a sun to him!

However, when he couldn\'t see the men, he understood his size wasn\'t relevant.

It grew twenty times its original size, showcasing the vast difference in levels between Level 16 and 72, in addition to a 20% increase from Level 3 Sick\'em.

Yes, 72. Lindy leveled up 56 times in the last two days!

She had become much more protective of Leon, had subdued her desires, and felt genuine affection for him.

Since level requirements did not [increase] proportionately for Harem Leveler, she stacked 27 levels from Leon\'s power alone.

Lindy also killed countless beasts, won multiple events, and massacred super-humanoids en masse the day before. Therefore, she leveled 19 times naturally.

Most importantly, Leon and Lindy didn\'t understand how her power worked, but they were about to find out.

The men watched in horror as the massive bubble eclipsed the sun, casting an ominous shadow upon them.

"R-Run!" A man yelled at full volume.

The men running toward the barrier were now running away from it. [Fortunately], they were blocked in like sardines, and the running was slower than a megacity traffic jam.

The bubble oozed black liquid, forming a horrifying droplet as she dipped her magic quill into the underworld to write their eulogy.

[A/N: Once again, I didn\'t set up privilege, didn\'t know about it, and can\'t change it. So my apologies for not posting more chapters yesterday. Thank you, SteveWN, for pointing it out.

Another massive chapter as thanks to those who joined. You\'re supporting my livelihood, and I cannot thank you enough for that. Things are getting lit, so you won\'t regret it!]

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