
Chapter 27 - This Is Why..

Samuel felt that by this point in that being kissed shouldn\'t have come as such a surprise to him because Lena had done it every day since he came here. However, this time the kiss felt different. It was as controlling as the other kisses she had forced onto him, but at the same time when their lips connected, it felt to him like the princess wasn\'t as being as rough about it as she usually was.

Even if she was though, it wasn\'t like he could do much to stop or resist her with her practically being in his lap and having his hands pinned down. All he could do was deal with it and try to figure out how he felt about her kissing him. His thoughts and focus were cut however by the sound of a voice behind him.


"Someone\'s going to get in trouble." The sing-songy tone he realized came from Leo and that reminded him that he hadn\'t closed the door behind him. Samuel\'s face immediately heated up once he realized anyone else aside from her younger brother could\'ve walked past the door and seen what was going on.

He felt even more uncomfortable once he felt a shift in Lena\'s body language and aura. She had stopped kissing him when she heard the other\'s voice, but Samuel couldn\'t see the look in her eyes as they were closed while she rested her forehead against him. It seemed to him like she was trying to keep her temper in check.

"And someone is going to end up a dead person if they don\'t naff off." Lena warned back. She didn\'t bother shifting position to look at him. Samuel felt that if Lena had her eyes open and looks could kill that Leo would\'ve been flat out on the floor already, and by the nervous laugh he heard behind him meant that the younger brother knew the same thing.

"Come now, you know I am just joking. But, you should really be more careful about what you do when your door is wide open like this." Leo replied, Samuel could hear that he took a step or two back as he spoke as his voice became more distant.

"Close the door then. It\'s not even nine yet so there\'s nothing wrong with this situation and if you\'re smart, you\'ll be good and not say anything." Lena growled. She hated being bothered in situations like these. Some privacy would be nice.

"Fine fine. Just don\'t blame if you get yelled at later." Samuel was surprised that Leo really did close the door before he walked away. He had expected the other would\'ve left it alone after the way that his sister had reacted towards.

After Leo left, the silence was maintained between the two. Samuel didn\'t want to be the one to break it and Lena didn\'t seem interested in moving from her position with her head slightly bowed and their foreheads touching. The grip on his hand hadn\'t lessened either, yet unlike the last time she had him pinned down, it didn\'t hurt.

"You see that is why I leave the door close whenever I come in here." Lena finally broke the silence. Her voice still had an annoyed edge to it.

"I\'m sorry. I didn\'t know that it would be a problem." Samuel replied not sure how else he should respond to her comment. Lena opened her eyes to look at the other.

"What\'re you going to do about being sorry though?" Lena asked as she kept her gaze fixed on him. In this position, he could see that her eyes were a deeper shade of red than usual. Was it because of the annoyance in relation to the situation, or was it something else?

"I\'m not sure what you mean?" Samuel replied as he shifted his hands slightly even though he couldn\'t really move them. It was a nervous habit he had whenever he felt uncomfortable.

"I mean, you can\'t take back the situation that just happened, so what\'re you going to do to let me know that you\'re sorry and it won\'t happen again?" Lena replied, shifting so that not only their foreheads, but noses were touching as well now. It was turning into a larger invasion of space than Samuel felt comfortable with. He was really not used to being in this type of situation. "Well Chickadee?" She asked when he didn\'t reply, her voice slightly lower than it had been before.

"I\'ll make sure to close the door next time I come in?" He offered uncertainly.

"Next time? You think that with our current situation that you think I believe that you would be so comfortable with coming back into my room on your own. You\'re stiff and your face is hot. You\'re evidentially uncomfortable even though I haven\'t done anything to you." He couldn\'t say anything to argue with her because she wasn\'t wrong, he would think twice before considering coming to her room again so freely after this situation. She leaned back slightly to get a better look at his whole face. His cheeks were bright red again and his breathing had raised slightly because of the uncomfortable nervousness that he was feeling. "Is it fear?" Lena asked as they stared at each other for a few minutes longer.

Not trusting his voice, Samuel shook his head in response to the question. His problem wasn\'t that he was scared of her. At least not at this point in time. Lena didn\'t say anything in response to this and instead just continued to stare at him while waiting to see if he was going to talk.

"I\'m just not used to this type of situation." He finally admitted to her. "I\'m not scared of you, or at least not right now in this type of situation. I just don\'t know how to feel or what to do." Saying it out loud made him feel silly, but at the same time he got the feeling that Lena wasn\'t going to let him up until she knew what was going through his head.

"Shouldn\'t you be happy for the opportunities like this then little Chickadee? The more you\'re exposed to these type of situations, the less nervous you will become." She told as she leaned forward to kiss him again. Samuel didn\'t have a chance to argue with her about this matter before she had pressed her lips against his again.

He felt like his mind was on the verge of shutting down from everything that had happened in the last few minutes when Lena pulled away from him. Opening her eyes, she stared at him again for a few seconds before she got off from on top of him and let him go.

"You better get ready to go to bed Sammy-boy. Too much later and one of us could get into trouble. I have work I need to do anyways." She told him as she kept her back to him as she made her way over to the work desk that was positioned in back right corner of the room.

Samuel wanted to say something before he left, but his face was so red and his mind was frazzled that he chose instead to just leave her room without saying anything. He made sure to close the door the way out.

He knew he was going to need a few minutes to collect his mind before he texted or called his parents to let them know how things were going.

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