
Chapter 59 - Schedule

Lena ended up liking the cake so much that Samuel offered his piece to her as well. She was glad to have it, but refused to touch it until he had assured her had brought it mostly because he hoped she would like it enough to eat both pieces, but if not, he could probably eat the second even though he had already had so much sweets over the past few days he could hardly handle eaten more.

In order to appease the princess, he did split it with her though and ate the smaller piece.

"Is it a family recipe?" Lena inquired after they had finished eating.

"It is actually. It was originally made by my grandmother mother on my father\'s side and she passed it down to my grandmother who gave it to my mom since she never ended up having any girls." Samuel replied as he tossed the boxes.

"I\'m sure she wouldn\'t mind me asking for it after we get engaged and married. She\'d probably be happy to continue it down the line since my sister and brother are still too young to think about getting married for a few years."

"Hm, I\'ll think about that." The princess replied. It was definitely something that she would like to have again, but she didn\'t want to mess with a family tradition if Samuel\'s mother would prefer to keep it between family members only.

"Right now, we need to focus on everything that\'s going to be happening over the next few weeks." She said as she changed subjects. Grabbing a set of papers off the desk she handed it to Samuel.

"This is going to be your schedule over the next few weeks. I figured that you would prefer to see a physical copy of it rather than me telling you about it so that you can put everything in your phone." Taking the papers from her, he sucked in a deep breath when he saw how packed it was.

Not only did he have a number appointments booked with her for matters related to the engagement, but there was a schedule around that she had setup of other things that she wanted him to be doing as well.

"This is a lot. When is the engagement party going to be happening anyways?" He asked looking up the princess from the schedule he had been scanning through.

"We don\'t have an exact date yet. My father thinks that we should have everything else in place before we make the announcement since it\'ll b a pretty big deal. But even after it is announced, it\'ll probably not be held until at least two weeks later for invitations and such to be sent out and taken care of. You won\'t have to worry about that since you\'re the one entering into the family." She assured him.

Plus, most of the stuff that is listed here are things that we\'ll be doing together. You\'ll need everything new for the engagement and so will I since I have never bene part of anything of this sort for a few years now."

"What about this secondary schedule you set up here." He asked showing the part he was talking about.

"It\'s the continuing of your training. It\'s an engagement party so of course you need to continue working on being able to dance well as I\'m certain that there\'ll be some pressure for us to at least take one dance together. The rest of the training is to make sure that you are up to speed on being able to take care of yourself since I won\'t always be there to watch your back." She explained as she handed the papers back to him.

"Does this mean that I am going to start being let in on more of what your family does once our engagement is official." Samuel asked as he took the papers back. It really was going to be a rather busy schedule for him.

"Over time you will be, most that\'s up to my father\'s discretion since he\'s currently in charge. I have some authority in telling you what I think is important for you to know or what might impact us directly since we\'re engaged, but anything more serious will be for my father to give permission for me to explain." The princess knew that Samuel was probably curious to know more about what he was getting himself into, but when it came to those on the outside entering the group and family, it was always tradition for the head of the group to give out such permissions.

"The business side however, you will be able to come and see what\'s going on there. It\'s actually on the schedule for tomorrow because there are somethings that I need to do there." Looking back down at the schedule he saw that she was right. She had blocked out time for him to come with him.

"Bring your fiancé to work day?" He read out loud slightly confused over why it was captioned as such.

"That\'s Leo\'s fault. He insisted that it be labeled as such and wouldn\'t leave it alone." Lena sighed. She didn\'t find it amusing the same way her brother and some of the other members in her family did. Leo however wouldn\'t let it be though until he convinced her to label it as such.

"He certainly has an interesting sense of humor." Samuel commented with a smile. He was interested in seeing what type of legal business that they worked in. Whether he would fit in or not he wasn\'t sure of though.

"That\'s one way of putting it. Another is annoying persistence in wanting to get what he wants when he thinks he can get away with." The princess grumbled as she worked through some of the documents on her desk.

"Despite being so close in age, you two are almost polar opposites of one another." He noted causing Lena to look at him.

"Is there something wrong with that?" She asked unsure of why he made that comment.

"No, I just find it interesting. I\'m not the same my other two siblings, but I just figured that it was something to do with the large age gap between us, but then I look at you and Leo and can see that you two are hardly alike as well." He clarified as he looked up from his phone to look at the princess.

"It probably has something to do with the fact that we didn\'t grow up together for the second half of our lives as well. My father sent Leo off to the UK When he twelve."

"Oh, I thought that he had only been there for a short while. I didn\'t realize it had been years since you two saw each other."

"It wasn\'t really that bad though. We would talk a lot on the phone or video call with father\'s help if our time and schedule matched up, or we\'d text if not. We didn\'t completely lose touch. Plus, he came home to visit when he could over the holidays for a couple of days before he\'d have to head back." Lena explained. It had been a bit difficult for her at first she remembered, but once she knew that Leo was enjoying himself over there, it wasn\'t so bad for her.

Samuel was getting ready to say something else when there was two knocks on the door signaling that someone wanted permission to enter. Lena wasn\'t sure who it was so she decided to get up and answering the door while she motioned for Samuel to stay sitting where he was at.

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