
Chapter 105 - Late For Dinner

Samuel and Zane hadn\'t joined everyone else at the table by the time that Lena and Leo had appeared to get ready to eat dinner. The princess explained that she had fallen asleep and had some last-minute work to finish due to that before she could come out for dinner. Leo didn\'t have to explain himself as everyone else knew that he had gone to fetch his sister.

The mystery was more focused on why it was taking Samuel and Zane so long to come out to dinner if all they were discussing was college options. Only the princess know how odd it was because Samuel had told her over two or three hours ago that he was going to go and speak to Zane about it.

One of the servants asked if they should go and fetch the other two, but Lena declined to have that happen and instead decided to text Samuel to remind him that they were late for dinner.

She was curious to know what they were talking about but wasn\'t concerned about if they came for dinner or not. It wasn\'t like they couldn\'t request food to be reheated later for them if they had a lot to talk about.

Lena also know that her father was a very thorough and detailed person when it came to these matters so it was more than likely that he was having a deep conversation about the different options with her fiancé and los track of time as they continued talking.

If Samuel really wanted to go to college and convince her father about an option that he thought was safe enough in comparison to what Lena had in mind, she would most likely find herself rearranging her schedule so that she could attend college with him. This would mean figuring out what kind of degree she should get. Another headache among everything else that she would have to deal with.

Everyone had been eating for a few minutes before Lena\'s phone buzzed alerting her that Samuel had texted her back. Since they had been texting him more, she had given him his own personal ringtone that was an audio clip of a bird chirping.

"They got too busy talking to realize the time. Sam says that they\'ll be out soon to join us for dinner." Lena explained, noticing now Leo was looking at her rather intently to see what kind of reply she had gotten.

"Is there that much to talk about concerning college?" Lisa asked. It would still be a few years before she had to decide if she was going to college or not, but she was curious about what was involved in going to college. She figured knowing more ahead of time would help her to make a better decision before she had to officially decide.

"Only because my father and fiancé is involved there\'s a lot to talk about." The princess replied knowing that Samuel would probably have a lot that he would want to talk about with her later in regards to college.

"Going to college and getting a degree doesn\'t take a lot to get started if you know what it is that you want to do." Leo added on.

"If you wanted to start college sooner, I\'m sure that I could convince your father to let either one of you come back with me to the UK in a few years and you could start when you\'re sixteen instead of waiting until your eighteen." He offered. He doubted that either of them would want to, but he didn\'t think that it could hurt to put the offer out there to give them more options.

Neither Samuel or Zane were talking much when they joined everyone else at the table, but she could tell by Samuel\'s bright face that they must\'ve come to a good conclusion or at least discussions options to going to college that he liked.

"Can we talk about it later?" Samuel asked when he and the Princess exchanged glances.

"Tomorrow we can. Tonight, I have a headache and don\'t want to talk about anything too heavy." The princess replied. It was true that her headache was starting to come back again after she had started eating dinner.

"Do you need some painkillers?" Samuel offered, shifting the subject over to her after hearing she wasn\'t feeling well.

"No, what I really need is some coffee. It\'s one of the best cures for a headache. However, some people would argue that it is too late to be having coffee." She glanced over at her father when she said this. The other person was Ryan who was in the kitchen. She knew that even she didn\'t let her father know that the chef would still refuse to give her coffee despite her headache due to how late at night it was.

"Painkillers with caffeine then? My mother uses them for the migraines she gets on occasions. I\'m not sure if it would help you the same way, but it might be worth trying." He then suggested. Lena hadn\'t heard of such a thing before but hearing about caffeine made it sound appealing to her.

"Perhaps, but I don\'t think that we have anything like that here." The princess replied with a slight sigh as she continued eating. Tonight\'s dinner had been steak with a side of mashed potatoes and asparagus.

She usually enjoyed it whenever they ate, but tonight it wasn\'t tasting as appealing as it usually did for her.

"I\'m sure someone would be willing to fetch some for you if you asked. I can even give the brand name to look for." Her fiancé insisted. It was a kind offer, one which Zane hadn\'t missed. They weren\'t speaking that loud, but he still had no problem hearing the conversation that was going on between the to of them that alerted him to the fact that his daughter wasn\'t feeling.

"Tomorrow. Tonight, I will just take a bath and sleep it off." The princess replied. She hoped at least that sleep would her to get rid of her headaches. It often worked in the past for her.

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