
Chapter 129 - For The Sake Of Money

"Is there anything else that I can do to be of service while I am here?" Genson asked after a few minutes of silence had taken over the room again. He didn\'t want to be rude and excuse himself if the princess still needed something from him, that would decrease his chance of receiving the extra money that she promised. On the other hand though, he had other things that he needed to attend to now that he was up and awake on the weekend.

"Don\'t leave the premise but if you want breakfast you can request it from the kitchen." Lena replied.

"I still might need more information from you if anything changes." She explained as she took another deep puff from the pipe.

"The same goes for you Evalyn, although I don\'t think with the current circumstances you would want to leave, you\'re free to have breakfast or move to another room if you prefer." If everything worked out with getting Samuel back, one of the first things she was going to do was make sure that his mother talked with him properly even if Jovani decided to fill him in on some things.

"Thank you for your graciousness Princess, if it all the same to you, I think that I would indeed like to take up that offer for some breakfast and coffee." Genson replied with a charming smile as he stood up from the table. He offered a much politer smile to Evalyn as he looked her over again.

"It\'s a pleasure making your acquaintance as well." He told her before he turned to stroll out of the room in search of where the kitchen was located. Out of everyone in the room, Leo had his eyes fixed on him the most. There was something that he didn\'t like about that man. Perhaps more so than everyone else in the room who knew who he was.

Genson was indeed interested in finding some breakfast, especially if it was going to be offered to him for free, no reason to turn down such a magnificent offer that would not only taste good but would save him money as well.

"Excuse me dear, might you be able to tell me where I can find the kitchen to request breakfast?" He asked one of the first servants that he came upon, an older woman who was busing herself with make sure everything was dusted.

"If you go to the dinning room, by taking the next two rights after this room there will be a servant who would be happy to help with that." The woman replied giving him an uncertain look. He was someone she didn\'t recognize after all.

"Thank you." He told her as he headed off to follow her directions. The estate was certainly much nicer than he had expected it to be. Perhaps when he decided to settle down and had enough money to satisfy himself he would think about putting together something like this for himself.

Once he was certain that no one was around and the corner he was at did indeed seem to be secluded from any potential prying eyes or ears that could hear what he was doing, he pulled out his phone and dialed the first number on quick dial which was only with dollar signs.

"What is it?" A sharp voice on the other end of the phone answered after a few rings.

"I can see someone is having a less than pleasant morning today." Genson commented as he leaned against the call.

"I had some information that I thought might help lift your mood, but with that attitude, I might reconsider telling you." There was a pause on the other end of the phone before the voice spoke again.

"Genson- I would consider what you say carefully regardless of my attitude. You without anything of value from me and you won\'t be seeing a penny of the amount of money I offered and instead the only thing you will be getting is a bullet to the head." Genson grimaced at the way the other spoke. He didn\'t normally enjoy dealing with such messy clients, but he was paying too much money to turn him down.

"Indeed we are in a mood today." Genson sighed as he run his tongue over his bottom lip before he continued speaking. He enjoyed mildly teasing the other with such pauses since he could get away with it without overstepping boundaries.

"I believe I heard from a little birdy at a certain estate that the fiancé is MIA. Perhaps in the hands of the person you were hoping to beat." The silence and chill that followed on the end of the phone was overwhelming and caused a spine to go down Genson\'s spine even though he wasn\'t anywhere near the person on the other end of the phone.

"What do you mean by that?" The low but menacing tone on the other end of the phone asked. Of course he would be pissed, this wasn\'t how he had wanted thing to turn out after all.

"I mean, it sounds like he was picked up just a few hours ago and the white bishop is already on the move." Genson clarified even though he was certain that the other knew exactly what he was saying.

"How did you manage to do it so quickly though?!" The voice on the other end of the phone snapped.

"I was so certain that I had all the pieces in order to make the first move!" Genson lowered the volume on the phone as the other continued their rant, glancing around to make sure that no one was around still.

"Perhaps it\'s just that you underestimated him or maybe he handled the situation in a more direct route? There was an older man I saw here whom I think might be the mother, but I don\'t know because she didn\'t give a name and the princess wouldn\'t let me interact with her much." He offered once the other end of the phone went silent not before he heard something that he assumed a coffee cup being thrown across the room and broken. Genson made a mental note to himself that next time he had to deal with the other he would want to make sure that he was wearing a bullet proof vest so that he didn\'t end up with a bullet hole.

"If that\'s the case, your job was to be to alert me if anything happened ahead of time, how did you not know about this?" The voice asked, sounding irate but not as hostile as a few minutes ago.

"I can\'t be everywhere at once, love. They were together in the office yesterday and everything was fine. It doesn\'t even seem like the princess was aware of what was about to take place until after it happened. I\'m not a magician so it isn\'t like I can predict everything that could possibly happen. I can just use my skills to find out what physically in front of me." Genson told the other who made a sound of discontent me.

"Don\'t call me \'love\'. I don\'t care how much of a relationship we have developed, you don\'t get to call me that. Secondly, nose around and see what else you can find out. If no one knew what happened then that means he somehow managed to fool everyone. Good play from the white bishop, but that doesn\'t mean that this black bishop here will be willing to give in so easily." Genson was starting to get antsy with how long the call was taking. He not only wanted to eat, but he was worried about who might be coming and could hear anything that was being said.

"If he made the first move, won\'t he be contacting you soon to declare himself as the winner- maybe you can find out something then?" Genson sighed a sigh as he ran his hand through his hair.

"I would love to keep this conversation going, but I must really go if you don\'t want my cover to be blown. I will sent you something later if I find anything out after I eat."

"You better not let me down. You know that I won\'t hesitate to get rid of any obstacles or useless pieces if they don\'t help me to reach my goals." The person on the other end of the phone said before a click followed indicating that the call was over.

Genson frowned as he looked at his phone before putting it back on his pocket. It was never easy to please that one. Although he was inside the estate, he wasn\'t really certain how he was supposed to find out more about the information the other was asking for.

No one really seemed that intent to talk with him and because he was only there for the knowledge he knew- it would be suspicious perhaps if he nosed around too much without good reason. Unless he could come up with something while he was eating that would make the princess or even her brother give him something better to work with. For the sake of money he would do his best to try and find out.

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