
Chapter 145 - Discussion And Unexpected Answers

She didn\'t like it, but she turned around and motioned for Clive to come over and take the gun from her before she did something else that she might regret latter.

"You have ten minutes to explain everything to me if you want me to decide if your life is worth sparing." Lena said as she turned back around to the other two. She had already wasted enough time on everything that had been going on and now that Samuel was there with her and she could see for herself that he was still alive though worse for wear, he body was starting to shut down from everything. The pain and exhaustion was starting to sink in more.

"How about we reschedule for another?" Jovani suggested as he winced from the pain of his nose.

"Emotions are high it would seem right now and there is a lot to discuss. I will be honest and say that I think that you\'re more than capable of making sure that he is well taken care of now that I can see what you can do first hand." He told her. His throbbing nose would be a reminder for quite a while of that.

"This isn\'t some kind of fun and game situation here. You started something and you don\'t just get to back out when you feel that you\'re being over powered. I said that I expect an explanation." The princess told as she felt her temper rising due to his behavior change.

"Lena, I think he\'s right. I\'m not the only that\'s not in the best condition here. It looks like you need to go back and rest for a while yourself. Everything will be explained. I promise, but I think for both of our sakes it would be better to do this another day." She gave him a look in response to what he was saying as though she couldn\'t believe the suggestion that he was making. She didn\'t go through all of this hell and stress to recover Samuel and not actually deal with the root of the problem that caused everything.

"Please?" He tried, giving her a soft look as he put her hand on his shoulder.

"I can tell you what I know when we get back, but there really is a lot to explain. I think Jovani already understands that what he did regardless of the reason he did it for was a mistake." He said the last part as he glanced over his shoulder at the other person.

"Indeed. I didn\'t actually expect that you would go through everything, but it seems that your fondness for him run deeper than I thought. I must also give you credit for the skills that you have been teaching him. I was unware of the fact that he knew how to defend himself." Jovani added causing the princess to glare at him again. He put his hand up as a sign of defense before he spoke again.

"If it helps you to feel better, the person who was responsible for breaking protocol and resulted in Sam being hurt and your other man being in the hospital has been correctly disciplined already. But if it would feel better, I can hand him over to you to do as you please." He offered but all Lena didn\'t in response was give him a look of distaste.

"If you can\'t even handle your own men, what made you think that you had a right to take someone you don\'t even know that well but you deem family? He could\'ve died because of your ineptness thoughtlessness." She told him rather harshly.

"I will not deny that I may have miscalculated how my men would behave. The young ones are always a touch too zealous and eager to rise in the ranks that they sometimes forget their place." Jovani conceded before continuing to speak.

"But you see I had to do this because Samuel is someone who is very important to this family as well and I had to make sure whoever he ended up with was someone who would be well suited for him."

"And this was the answer you came up with?" She asked with a low growl at the end of her voice. It seemed like a fairly stupid decision in her mind.

"Well perhaps not. But what better way to test it than to simulate a situation where he might be put in real danger and you had to rescue him without knowing it was fake?" He argued, defending the decision he had made.

"You most likely wouldn\'t have reacted the way you did if you knew that it was just some type of test and Samuel wasn\'t actually in any type of real danger. In such situation, I wouldn\'t have been able to assess you all that well." Her expression though said she didn\'t really care why he did. He overstepped boundaries and that was not something that she was going to forgive any time soon.

"I wasn\'t going to actually hurt anyone beyond you. I\'m sure your two men can vouch for the fact that I didn\'t even make it that difficult for them to figure out what they needed to do or how to find Samuel." That had been true. They both had to answer a riddle similar to the one she did, but he didn\'t make it nearly as hard since he knew they would need more time in order to be able to locate where Samuel was.

Lena closed her eyes as her head was beginning to hurt from everything. She really didn\'t care what reasons anyone had for what happened. She wasn\'t pleased about it and there was no excuse to her for what he had done to Samuel as a result of his goals.

There would be some type of reckoning for this still, but she could at least let it wait until things were explained since that seemed to be what Samuel wanted.

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