
Chapter 211 - Night Club

Following the announcements and the consuming of the dinner plus the engagement cake that had been waiting until the end which Ryan had outdone himself with in the princess\'s standards, it was time for the part that Lena was less thrilled with than she had been stuck in the venue for hours dealing with over a hundred mafia members who wanted to talk with her.Â

Leo hadn\'t given up on his desire to end the night by going to a night club. In order to make sure that it would happen, Zane had even called up one in particular that had been on his mind when the other had brought it up.Â

The night club in question was called \'The Blind Spot". Aptly named as the club owner was known for often turning a blind eye to the illegal activities that occurred in the club. So long as whoever was behind them paid the right price for him to do so.Â

Of course, it couldn\'t be a family affair as it would\'ve been considered rude to in invite all those who had taken their time to come and celebrate Lena an Samuel\'s engagement along with the other announcements that had been made.Â

Thus, more than half of the members who had attend agreed that they would come along to enjoy the after party celebration. Some had to leave first in order to dress into something that would make them less conspicuous inside the night club.Â

Because of the dress that Lena had picked, she couldn\'t even use that as an excuse to get out of going. It was the perfect size that she wouldn\'t have to worry about it causing her any problems even if the place was overcrowded. The only thing that Samuel had to do in order to be ready to go inside was to take off the cufflinks that he was wearing so that no one would accidentally spot them.Â

"You know that you shouldn\'t look so glum, we\'re going here to celebrate you after all." He brother remarked when he noticed the scowl that was deepening on her face the closer that they got to the night club.Â

"If you were choosing some place specific to celebrate me and expect me to tag along for, a night club wouldn\'t have been my first choice if asked." She replied black sharply. She knew that the real reason why he wanted to go had more to do with the fact that it was going to be one of the last fun things he got the chance to do before he would be leaving to head back to England.Â

"That\'s only because you haven\'t learned the art of relaxing and having fun when the time is right." He pointed out as he looked out the window, he knew that they were getting close by the fact that he could see the top of the building over the shorter ones that they were passing.Â

"I know how to have fun, this just isn\'t my idea of fun. Especially when there are a number of people who will be coming with us that are known for getting a little too rowdy when they drink." She replied.Â

The princess didn\'t intend to drink a lot while they were there, but she also didn\'t want to be responsible for helping to control those who did. In such a packed place, things could end up getting messy rather quickly if the right care wasn\'t taken with the situation.Â

"We have got people with us to take care of that. You won\'t have to worry about a thing except for enjoying yourself and celebrating the fact that your engagement is now official. One more step closer to tying the knot." He said with a wink which the princess glared at. The marriage part was something that she didn\'t want to have to think too much about yet. That was going to be a much larger affair that would be causing her stress on a completely different level from this.Â

Clive had been getting ready to find a parking spot as they approached the club when he noticed that there was a valet standing near the front with a sign that indicated that he had been waiting for them. Lena could only think that it was special treatment for whatever her father had agreed to help the club owner with in exchange for allowing them to be able to keep a low profile while being at the club for the night.Â

This didn\'t stop Zane from tipping the young man who looked rather nervous as Clive handed him the key and he watched everyone step out of the car. It was hard to tell if he was nervous because he knew who they were or just because they looked rather rich and didn\'t want to accidentally do anything to the car that would get him on their bad side.

This different treatment meant that they also didn\'t have to stand outside with the rest of the line to let let inside. The bouncer simply nodded his head at them and allowed them to enter ahead of everyone else. Some of the people in the line started to whisper among themselves, curious to know who those who were getting special treatment were.

Even though it was only a little after nine, the club already looked to be fairly well packed and only a number of the mafia members who said they would show up were there yet. Zane looked around at the club in order to find the best place for them to move to. They were going to need a rather large space to occupy just with their family, but he didn\'t quite want to go to the VIP area as he knew it wouldn\'t large enough to accommodate everyone that would be showing up.Â

The dimness of lights were rather nice for Lena who didn\'t like unnatural lights were too bright. She could careless for the music however as it was a song she didn\'t know that well. She had never taken much time to keep up with music as she had gotten older. It wasn\'t something that was important to her ability to succeed her father as head of the Red Scorpions.Â

Some of the other people within the group seemed rather thrilled with the music that they were playing and were eager to get their drinks so that they could join the strangers on the dance floor.Â

Zane finally decided on a place that was more towards the far right corner of the room rather than the main part. There had been a few other people who were occupying the table, but were happy to move when they saw that it was a rather large group looking for a place to sit.Â

They didn\'t even have to head over to the bar to fetch their drinks as there were waiters scattered about taking the orders of those who wanted to keep their spaces. Most everyone who worked at the club seemed rather professional as though they took their jobs very seriously.Â

Even though it was a rather large order to take with a number of hard liqueurs being requested considering the event, the man taking their order didn\'t even raise his eyebrow or double check that they really wanted so many drinks as he read everything back to them to make sure that he didn\'t forget anything. Once everything as good, he put the notepad away and promised to be back as quickly as possible.Â

"What do you think about the place?" Leo asked, directing the question at Samuel. He already knew what Lena thought so there was no sense in asking her if being inside changed her mind at all.Â

"A little bit loud, but doesn\'t seem like a bad place to be." He replied back, raising his voice slightly so that he could speak over the booming music. Even though he hadn\'t been thrilled about the the idea of getting anything to drink, Jovani had somehow convinced him he should try something light since it was his first time being in such a place.

He felt like it was likely a bad idea to listen to the other who seemed to be enjoying himself quite a bit with everything. He only agreed because he knew that if he didn\'t like it, he wouldn\'t have to finish it unless he really wanted to.Â

"Well, I didn\'t think that I would run into this crew again any time soon." a man remarked as he came over to their table. Lena immediately looked over as she didn\'t recognize who the voice belonged to. She was quick to relax though when her father stood up to greet the other, shaking his hand and clapping shoulder.Â

"Richard! And here I thought that you had already move out of the area.." He greeted the other man who looking over all the other people who were sitting at the table.Â

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