
Chapter 258 Sometimes I Know Better

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And please don\'t forget to check out the prequel to this one- Dear Dove.


Lena still felt that something was off even after she had been informed that there was an issue taken care of at the airport and her father and brother were both fine.

She still couldn\'t pinpoint what exactly it was except for the voice at the back of her that told her not to be so quick to believe everything had been cleared up yet.

The only problem with this was the fact that Romeo and Samuel were not thrilled about the idea of her going to go out and meet up with the other part of her family when everything hadn\'t been fully taken care of yet.

"I understand how you\'re feeling Princess, but I think that for the time being it would be better if you stayed here until we got further updates." Romeo tried to reason with the other who was impatiently sitting in the front guestroom. She would have left if it wasn\'t for the fact that her fiancé was fairly determined over the fact that he didn\'t think it was safe for.

"I know that you\'re worried about them, but it won\'t do you any good to go out there if something happens to you as well. Everything is fine right now so I think that the best course of action is to wait." He tried to soother her over the matter but she wasn\'t exactly thrilled to be touched by him while she was still feeling so agitated.

Seeing the state that she was in, Samuel opted to sit in a chair across from her in order to assure that she had enough space between them so as to know to make matters worse for the princess.

"I understand what both of you are saying, I just don\'t like to have to wait for so long to get updates. I thought that Jovani was the one who was helping to oversee the matter. He should be better equipped to give updates sooner since he knows how important the matter is." The princess argued as she tapped her fingers impatiently on the armrest of the chair that she was sitting in.

"I completely agree with you. However, it would seem that my cousin left with Alonso and was driving himself to the location to deal with matters. Because of that, I doubt he\'s in much of a position to give updates while he\'s driving." Samuel pointed out. He only knew because Alonso had outed his older cousin to him out of frustration and concern for the other man who was off doing his own thing again.

"If there is something serious going on, he shouldn\'t be out on his own either until we know what is going on." The princess huffed as she leaned further back in the chair. She was only going to wait things out for five more minutes before doing her own thing as she had originally wanted to do.

"It seems as though he wanted to get there to be a part of handling the matter before everything was taken care of.  He thinks what\'s going on might be connected to something else that he has been having to deal with." Romeo was the one who had answered this question. A few of their men who were on-scene had informed him of this.

"Probably one of the issues that Jovani should have informed us about before know as it would help in being more cautious before such situations happened." Lena tsked as she watched the clock.

It had been quite a while since she had been in such a bad mood. No one could blame her for it though seeing as it was her family who was almost directly involved in something serious. Had it been anyone else, she would have handled the situation in quite a different matter.

No text messages or calls from her brother or father didn\'t bode well with her. It wouldn\'t have been unusual had they been working. Her father could go hours or near a whole day without keeping her in the loop. The same applied to her brother.

This situation though was a family matter. There was no reason for them to go so long without updating especially knowing that she was worried there was something serious going on.

Lena hadn\'t tried calling either of them herself partly because she didn\'t want to create too much chaos right now if nothing serious was going on and partly because she wanted to avoid the chance that no one would pick up if she did.

She bit her thumbnail as continued to get absorbed into her thoughts. She was unaware of the scowl that was on her face, but it ensured that no one was going to bother her or try to talk her out of anything so long as she was deep in thought.

She had come to learn from an early age that there was a certain level of magic when it came to specific areas of life. Magic that no one had control over but could be influenced based upon what a person did. Whether it was saying certain words to speak something into existence, dwelling on something until it came to pass, or doing a certain action that caused a reaction elsewhere.

The princess didn\'t have to understand exactly why the magic worked the way it did to learn how to prevent it from going in a direction that she didn\'t want it to head in. Anything that she didn\'t want to deal with or cause to come to pass, she would avoid doing anything that would cause it to happen. Not as simple as it sounded, but she made it work in a number of situations.

Even if none of it was real though, just simply going through it in such a specific way was enough to help settle her anxiety in certain situations and to get her thoughts to behave.

No matter how many times everyone else tried to assure her that everything was fine and there was no reason to worry, Lena didn\'t care because her mind had something else to say about the matter. Something that she felt might come true if she tried to call her father and he didn\'t pick up the phone like he always did.

Even though her fingers were itching to dial his number just to try and prove that she was overreacting, she couldn\'t bring her hands to even grab her phone out of her pocket. One stayed glued to the armrest tapping her fingers away against it as she chewed on her nail with the other.

Even when she wanted to be against herself and find out she was wrong, it didn\'t always work that way. There were just times that no matter what it was she wanted, Lena just couldn\'t prove herself wrong because she somehow always knew better.

This was going to turn out to be one of those situations where she knew better about a matter even if she didn\'t want to know better about it.

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