
Chapter 260 Carefully

Zane used his suit jacket wrapped around his hand to punch out the rest of the glass that was remaining around the window in order to decrease the risk of cutting himself.

He was also going to need it to be as clean as possible if he tried to get anyone else out as well.

Lifting himself carefully, he gripped the ledge of the car door window where it looked like the least amount of glass was left. He could handle a few cuts on his hands so long as they weren\'t too deep.

Everything that the mafia boss did was with careful precision. He had to move quickly but he needed to watch out for his injuries as well as make sure that there was no one outside the car. Based upon the time that his watch broke at it, he had only been out for a total of fifteen minutes.

If whoever was responsible for what happened was going to spend someone to check and make sure that the job had been \'done\', it would likely be within the next fifteen to thirty minutes.

Being part of the mafia world himself, he knew what kind of timetables these people worked on. It was risky to send someone back around right after an accident had happened. Too great of a risk of being caught. always better to wait and then come back when it could be faked as someone checking to see if everything was okay.

Zane sucked in his breath sharply as he pulled himself halfway out the window. His ribs protested everything he was doing but thus far everything looked clear. From what he could see around them, it looked like the car had taken quite a tumble from the main road.

That would explain why no one else had spotted the flipped car yet. Not only was the road they were on not heavily traveled during this time of the day but the car would not have easily been spotted unless someone was looking for it.

Once the mafia boss had gotten out of the car, he took a moment to catch his breath as he tried to figure out what the next best course of action was. Being the only one who was conscious but not in the best shape really limited his options.

There was no way that he would be able to flip the car off its side and back to the proper position it was supposed to be in. He tested this by swinging his legs back and forth while resting atop the car window in an attempt to gain so type of momentum. The car however refused to budge from it\'s position.

He was going to have to find a different way to extract the other. Clive was going to be easier than Leo if Zane was able to punch the window in on the driver\'s side. Leo\'s door on the other hand was the one that was crushed against the grass. There was going to be no way for him to open it up. He was just going to have to try and pull the other out of the window that he had just gotten out.

He needed to take a moment though to figure out exactly how all of that was supposed to work on with him doing it on his own. He could figure out how to do it, he just didn\'t know if he would have enough time before anyone came back to snoop around.

Licking his bottom lip to remove the caked-on blood, Zane shifted his position so that he could get back into the car. He needed to see if he could reach forward and get the car keys. If he could, he might be able to open the hatch of the SUV if hadn\'t been totally busted.

Getting half of the back seats down might be his best bet to get at least Leo out with as little movement as possible. He had to be careful if either of them had a concussion.

The mafia boss let out a strained laugh as he got back into the car. He was quick to realize that it was far easier on his injured body to get out of the car than it was to get back inside. Not to mention he also had to be careful not to hit his son when he came down.

"Just a little bit and I promise that I am going to have all of us out of here." Zane assured them as he leaned between the middle seats to see if he could reach the keys. Between the limited space between the seats and the way that Clive was resting across the steering wheel, it wasn\'t all that easy for Zane to reach for the keys. Not to mention that each time he pressed his body against the seat to try and extend his reach, his broken ribs were crushed against the cushion.

The last thing that he needed was to be reckless and end up puncturing his lung. It was a real possibility that he had to worry about, but not something of enough concern to stop him from trying to do what he could.

Closing his keys, he took in a deep breath as he reached once again for the keys. His fingers bumped against them causing them to swing just out of his grip. He swore softly under his breath as he tried to wiggle his hand enough to catch it as it came back towards him. Now was not the time to be dealing with such annoying problems!

After struggling with the keys ten times over, Zane finally managed to get his hands on them. He didn\'t need to pull them out, he just needed to be able to press the button to open up the back hatch.

He was almost drawn to believe that his concern that it had been damaged in the crash had been correct until he heard a chunk sound followed by a soft, mechanical noise.

He let out a soft sigh of relief. It didn\'t open up all the way, but it would be enough for now. He could figure out how to force it open the rest of the way on his own.

Now he just needed to work on safely pulling the other two out. Clive seemed like he had taken the most damage but was at least still breathing which meant that there wasn\'t anything serious to worry about yet.

Zane\'s victory was cut short, however. He got out of the car and shifted to the back to try and get the hatch open the rest of the way. He just needed enough space to get the seats down and pull Leo out in a prostrate position.

Halfway through trying to get the door hatch opened up the rest of the day, he froze when he heard the sound of a car approaching on the road.

He didn\'t need to see it or his gut instinct to tell him that it likely didn\'t belong to anyone who was there to help him out.

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