
Chapter 309 Way Too Much

There was quite a bit of commotion coming out of the hospital room by the time Jovani returned. Far more than he\'d expected there to be despite the information that they were going to be looking at.

"How are you going to be able to get through all of this?"

"I think that is likely a pattern to the way it should be processed and organized." Julian and Lena\'s voices were the two most prominent ones.

"I honestly don\'t know. I think that it is going to take me some time. I don\'t even know if they had a system they used. If there is, that will take me a day or two at least to figure out." Hester spoke just as Jovani entered the room.

"It almost sounded so loud out there that I thought there might\'ve been a party going on here." only Samuel turned to look at the other.

"This data you gave us is quite a mess to deal with. Did you not find out anything about the way it was stored before you touched it?" Hester hated when things were messy. Especially when there was so much mess to organize.

"Alonso would be the one with the answer to that question. He\'s not here right now though as I sent him back to get cleaned up and rest." Jovani took a seat on the edge of the hospital bed.

"I can send him a call and ask him about it later if that would help."

"It would be preferable if that\'s something you could take care of doing right now." Lena told the other.

"It\'s great that we have all of this to work with. It doesn\'t do us much good if we can\'t figure out the angle to take it from."

"Then don\'t stop looking at it as a whole. Try to look at each separate piece and see what you can figure out from that. Hester would you mind if I saw the laptop for a moment?" Jovani patted the spot on the bed next time, indicating from the computer-wielding mafioso to take a seat next to him.

"I know you haven\'t had much chance to look at it yet. I want to know what you see on the first impression. What data do you notice? Connections perhaps between the names. You\'re good at this, so  I don\'t think that you should have a problem understanding what I\'m getting at."

"I\'m not quite sure what you\'re talking about. All I see are names and other correlated information." Hester humored the other though, taking a seat and allowing the Vedova Nera boss to look at the screen.

"Well. This certainly looks quite different from what I saw before. It seems that reformatting to free the data might have messed a few things up." Jovani took the computer, balancing it on his legs as he scrolled through the list.

"Don\'t you have anything else that we could use to help us open this? This software seems a little too basic." He grumbled under his breath, closing everything out before doing a search on the laptop much to the other chagrin.

"Try not to break anything on it. I highly doubt that you really know what you\'re doing with such an expensive piece of equipment.

"Jovani, don\'t go about stealing other people\'s things. Particularly not Hester\'s. You\'re going to cause us more trouble if you mess something up." Lena knew that from experience.

"Stop worrying too much. I feel like you all are forgetting who my fiancé is." Jovani didn\'t appreciate being treated like a butter-fingered child.

"Thanks to her, I know my way around computers probably better than most everyone in this room." \'Most\' was only being used to exclude Hester so as to not offend the hovering mafioso.

"See? Just a few clicks of a button and a little something different and we\'ve got some magic going on here." Jovani handed the computer back over so that Hester could show it to everyone else.

"What are all these other files that appeared? I don\'t think that the folder was this filled earlier.

Jovani shifted attention to Alonso\'s car taking note for the first time that it was idling.

"I came to get permission to clean myself up before coming back." The right-hand man explained.

"I\'ve not yet had a chance to do that with everything that has been going on."

"Oh. You didn\'t have to come all the way here to ask me that. You should know that the answer would\'ve been yes." Hadn\'t they worked long enough in difficult situations for the other to know better?

"There are other reasons that I wanted to come back and speak with you. It seems right now isn\'t a good time though."

"Isn\'t a good time? We\'re talking right now, aren\'t we?" Jovani indicted between the two of them.

"I don\'t think that it is a conversation to take place right here." Alonso clarified.

"Things that you don\'t want others hearing about? Then, no. Not right now. We can talk when you get back though."

"I would much rather if you would just come with me now so that we can get this taken care of." Alonso insisted.

"You know that there are a lot of things that I am willing to do for you as my boss. Some of them such as what\'s going on right now push the line even for me. So if you would please be willing to get into the car so that we can talk about this." The right-hand man even opened the car door to show insistent he was upon them talking.

"Alonso, this really isn\'t something that can take place right now. With the information that you brought; we need to get some things in to order right now." Jovani sighed.

"I know that you feel like you\'re being put through a lot right now. It will only be for a little longer until everything that\'s being sorted is taken care of." Despite the assurance, the right-hand man didn\'t seem any less tense.

It really wasn\'t the place to be having any kind of serious conversation. Too many people were coming and going even in the hospital parking lot that it made Alonso\'s skin crawl.

He\'d spent far too much time around people in the last few days.

"Just do me a favor for the time being. Head back to get yourself taken care of and we will talk about this later. Depending on how things go today, I think that this is something Lena should be involved in as well."

"Why do you think that I\'m stressed about wanting to talk with you about this in the first place? I think that there are some things we need to talk about before then." Alonso groaned. Why the usually sharp, on top of thing boss being so dense at the exact moment when he needed him to not to be? Whatever the reason, it was giving Alonso a pounding headache.

Between exhaustion and stress, the urge to laugh at the pressing situation was beginning to get stronger.

"Is it really that bad? I don\'t generally see you in such a state." Jovani\'s head cocked to the side as he observed his right-hand man. He did look rather worse for wear. Stress often did that to his reliable friend. Though, never at quite this level.

"Really what makes you think it is that bad? My face or the fact that I\'m almost on the verge of tossing you into the car and forcing you to come with me." Alonso did his best to not take on a fully disrespectful tone with the other.

"Well. Whatever is going on, it is going to have to wait for the time being. This is more pressing at the current moment. Unless whatever you need involves life and death, leave it. You need to go rest and clean up." The Vedova Nera boss decided to put his foot down after weighing things out.

"There are too many people here to talk, you\'re right. You\'re also not in any kind of state to have this conversation. I also have a little devil waiting back in the hospital for me. If this takes much longer and I don\'t have answers to give, we\'re both going to be in trouble." Trouble might\'ve been an understatement despite being true.

"If that\'s your final word on the matter, I will do as you request. I will make it clear at this point though I\'m very thrilled about being sent away before we can have a proper conversation." Alonso closed the car door rather firmly.

"I do want to set aside some time tonight to go over everything. No putting this off like other things that you don\'t want to deal with." Jovani let out a gasp, giving the other a rather wounded look.

"Me putting things off I don\'t like? I thought that you always said before I didn\'t know how to let things be. I worked too much to deal with all the things I don\'t like. You should be happy that for once, I\'m letting something go."

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