
Chapter 355 - 355 Rumors Exist Everywhere

last less than pleasant experience, he still couldn’t come around to enjoy them. Money and status hardly

mattered. Lingering memories were what caused the biggest problems for the mafioso. Sometimes though, undesirable destinations were necessary when it came to collecting certain information. Plus, it wasn’t all that bad when it involved being able to indulge in lavish, overpriced food that wouldn’t be burning a whole in his own wallet.

“Gustavo. I’m so glad that you could come on such short notice. I wouldn’t have chosen to bother you if the matter weren’t important.” Richard stood to greet the suave looking businessman. He shook his hand and gave the other a pat on his shoulder before motioning for him to take a seat.

“All has been well with you my friend?” Richard smiled fondly at the Italian man who briefly returned the gesture.

“Depends on what you mean by doing well. Some of aspects are doing better than others but work is still treating me harshly, friend. What about yourself? I’m sure you didn’t just call me out to return a favor simply so that we could wine and dine together? I can’t deny though that you have good taste.” The man would only be saying that until he saw the price tag that came along with being in such a lavish place. Richard let out a low chuckle as he unwrapped the silverware.

“You know me so well. I do have a few matters I would like you to look into for me. Nothing big, just determining if some rumors I have been hearing on the wind are true or not.” The Italian’s attention was taken by the waiter as Richard continued speaking. He knew the man could listen to both of them without a problem but would refuse to respond until wine was on the way.

“Rumors exist everywhere my friend, you will need to be very specific regarding what kind of rumors you are wanting me to look into for you. I know many people who would be happy to help but I need a direction to point them in.” Gustavo took a moment to unwarp his napkin as well, inspecting the silverware as he did so to ensure there were no blemishes or signs of prior use. The man never trusted such places to be as clean as they pretended to be.

“Rumors involving the Vedova Nera and Red Scorpion family. I’m sure you’ve heard some of the news that has been going on around about them. I can verify for you that the engagement is true. There are some other rumors however that I don’t know the validity about. Jovani, you know?” Gustavo’s expression shifted into a wry smile at the mention of the Vedova Nera boss’s name.


“Not the crazy one? His better put-together cousin, if I remember correctly? He was the right choice to make when it came to taking over for the family.” Richard couldn’t exactly agree but chose to nod his head anyways.

“That is the one that I’m talking about. Have you been hearing any rumors regarding his other cousin? I’ve been hearing some noise that he might be back in the area again despite having his own group. I don’t want to cause a fuss about the matter, but it is something I want to be certain of.” Hesitation told Richard a lot more than he anticipated. The Italian licked his lips, tongue brushing against his mustache before he picked up the wine glass once more to take a deep drink from it.

“I don’t know if those rumors are ones that I can help you with. I try my best to stay as far away as possible from the kind of people that would associate with him. I know you worked with him once and the two of you were close but I think that you can understand why I made this decision.” Yes, but that didn’t mean the decision had to be liked or accepted. People were capable of making bad choices based upon false rumors and inaccurate information.

“I’m not asking you to get yourself involved with those type of people again. I’m only asking if you can tell me if the rumors are true or not. If you don’t know, could you possibly find out? Sooner rather than later would be preferable.” Richard began to take a drink of his own wine, one eye remained on the other as he watched the Gustave’s shifting expression.

“Porco Cane. If I knew that this was the reason why you had asked me here tonight, I would never have agreed to fulfill this favor under such circumstances. Surely there is something that you could request of me, no? Something that wouldn’t require me to dig around in such places.” The man’s expression bordered pleading and didn’t change even as the waiter came back with their orders. The food took Richard’s attention, the in different gaze letting the Italian know that he wouldn’t be changing his request.

“You’re honestly want me to risk my life for you over a matter such as this. There are millions of other things that I would be happy to do to help you out, but this. It must really be important for you to come to me despite knowing what my answer would.” Gustavo’s poor mood wasn’t lifted by the sight of the food. Not even as he roughly stabbed the roast and cut off a piece to put into his mouth.

“I am well aware of that. Why do you think that I waited until you were here with me to ask for this favor. I know how you feel but surely you value your life more than that? You know plenty of people who would be willing to get the information for you. Your reputation is worth more to you than a little risk. Am I right?”

Richard didn’t have to look at the other to know Gustave was silently cursing the other up and down. His expression said more than enough.

What could Richard say? If he did one thing well, it was putting other people over barrels in uncomfortable situations that they couldn’t refuse him in.

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