
Chapter 375 Not This Or That

Lena ended up stepping out of the room to take a breath. Too much wasted time and not enough work getting done. Why did Eve think coming along would be a good idea when she hadn\'t been called? That question might remain a mystery until she found out what the other woman was thinking. Lena leaned up against the wall as she pulled her pipe out. 

The Princess lit up the pipe as she shifted away from the door to stand on the opposite side of the hospital hallway. She didn\'t think that Jovani would be the one behind this type of thing happening. The crazy Vedova Nera boss had enough brain cells to know better than to interfere in such a way. Unless he came along to do it himself, at least she had been able to confirm that there wasn\'t anything wrong with the data he provided. 

Except for the source that he got it from. The Princess\'s lips turned down as she took a deep puff from the pipe. How could he think it would be good to get involved with mercenaries? The exact kind of people who often caused problems with the mafia for no good reason. She clicked her lips together as she went further down the hall. She needed to take care of other things while waiting for everyone else to finish up. 

Gabrielle needed to hurry up and get the work done. Otherwise, why had she gone about wasting all the time to go and fetch her? Although, if she had known Gabrielle would come along, she wouldn\'t have requested Gabrielle. Both seemed reliable in their way. Eve, however, was undoubtedly easier to get in contact with and deal with. She didn\'t at least want absurd things as pay to get such simple work done. 

"nurse. I would prefer if things are going on with my family, you won\'t stand outside my room murmuring about them. It wasn\'t the first time that Lena had caught them doing this. Her calm gaze and steely eyes almost always sent them scuttling away without saying a word to her. 

They would leave to the doctors. The incompetent men had nothing to say beyond what they\'d already told her. Every question she asked came back with the same answer - wait and see. Nothing much else to do. It would be up to them to make the next decision so on and on, until it gave her a headache. How in the world did her uncle manage to deal with that? 

She was speaking of that man. He\'d somehow taken over her position of not leaving the hospital room when no one else was there. The more time passed, the worse it seemed to wear on him, even more than her. Lena chewed absently mindedly on the end of the pipe as she watched her uncle from the window in the hospital room door. How much longer would this go on before something changed? Surely her father would know by now that it was getting closer to being time for him to wake up. 

Lena only looked away from the door when she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. Was it already time for people to go about bothering her again? She hadn\'t been away from Hester and the others that long. Indeed Gabrielle and Eve hadn\'t caused that much destruction, no matter how much they disliked each other. It wasn\'t time for the Princess to go back yet. She hadn\'t even gotten the chance to go and check on her brother and see what was up with him. 

He was the one person Lena didn\'t need to worry about. Her ever-optimistic sibling didn\'t even act fazed over the current events. If he was, he did a decently good job hiding it behind a fair amount of bravado. 

"Even if I can\'t see anything right now, it never takes much to figure out who is at the door. Always so quiet, but your presence is hard to miss." Leo wasn\'t allowed to sit up yet. Not until the swelling went down, but that didn\'t stop him from turning his head to look in the Princess\'s direction. 

"Are you going to say anything more this time or stay silent like last time? If you are, you could at least tell me what the expression on your face currently looks like so I know what you\'re thinking." Lena responded with a soft scoff, putting the pipe out before entering the room. She set it on the table near the door; the object is far too warm to fit back into her pocket. 

"What kind of expression do you think is on my face right now?" Lena scanned her eyes over the other\'s body. Leo\'s physical injuries weren\'t that bad. His head had taken the worst of the hit, much like Clive. Except out of the three of them, Leo had been willing to return to the land of the living promptly. 

"Knowing you and everything that is going on right now, I imagine you have a rather sour expression. One of those that tells everyone around you that they should be careful approaching least you bit them." Leo reached his right hand out, instinctively knowing that was the side LEna would be on based on the direction her voice came from. 

"Or maybe it\'s\' that concerned expression that you hardly ever let anyone else see except when you think they aren\'t looking." The young sibling continued to muse as Lena humored him by giving him her hand. 

"My expression says neither of those things. I don\'t know what to think, so my expression doesn\'t say anything." Lena paused for a brief moment. She had more to say, but the breath had been long enough for a booming, problematic presence to burst through the hospital door with little to no care. 

"Oya girl! It took  me a few minutes to figure out where you were, but you said you wanted me to tell you when we found something." The heavy silence that followed Gabrielle\'s outburst hardly phased the Italian woman until she noticed the expression on Lena\'s face and the wry smile on the bed\'s occupant. 

Had she done something wrong? 

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