
Chapter 209: Returning to Zenith III

Chapter 209: Returning to Zenith III

{I wanted to let everyone know that I have a p-a-t-r-e-o-n with two new exclusive stories on it. One is The Aeternus Universe, and the other is a new story with a basketball system. I hope you guys will give it a chance. The link is https://www.p-a-t-r-e-o-n.com/easyread. Remove the dashes. Webnovel censors the word.}

I jolt awake from my dream, and as I gain my bearings, I look down, and the pain from my lower area throbs. I undo my belt and move it from its uncomfortable position. I notice that some spunk has come out. That was a vivid dream. I quickly clean up my rod and wait until it\'s soft. I put it back in, and I lay back down. I roll my head over, and Sally is sleeping soundly. Fully clothed and not legs spread. I take a breath and organize my thoughts.

That was the first time I\'ve ever experienced something to that degree. I don\'t know what time it is, but I\'m sure there are a couple of hours until sunrise. I close my eyes and try to sleep, but I can\'t. I start to think about other things to get my mind off that dream. The first being how my parents are doing with their news classes. Blade Dance and Death Point are very powerful legacy classes, and now that they have gotten them, my entire family is now in that less than 1%.

They are likely to move from their current position, which I know. This is the first time in a while I know where they are. I know they\'ll be safe from now on, safer than most, at least. "Hmm..." Sally releases a hum and squishes her body against mine. I do my best to ignore it, and I succeed. I feel the hand she has on my chest piece slide up my body, and she runs it across my face and through the hair on the side of my head. I get goosebumps as she does.

I gently peel her off me and give her a pillow in my place, but she doesn\'t look satisfied. She is very handy with me in her sleep, and I don\'t want that right now. Not after that dream. "Zern... Don\'t go..." She talks in her sleep as well. I turn my back and ignore her. I close my eyes again, trying to sleep, and after a while, I finally start to relax. I had to think about boring things like groceries from earth. I drift back into sleep, and I don\'t have any weird dreams this time.

The night passes, and I soon feel the heat rising in the tent. I open my eyes and feel someone attached to my back. I undo her arms and roll her over. I sit up and make my way out of the tent. I stand and stretch my body as the sun beats down on me. My back and kneecaps pop as I reach the apex of my stretch. I relax, and I take a deep breath. I take some elk meat out of my inventory as I sit down in the grass and start to eat.

I hear shuffling coming from inside the tent, and Sally crawls out, and she looks miserable. She stands up and crawls over to my side and lays against my back, and releases a groan of discomfort. "That little bit we did has made me really sore. Good thing we didn\'t go all the way." I\'m both glad and slightly disappointed. I\'m glad because it didn\'t happen in real life, disappointed I couldn\'t see or feel the end of my dream. But what can you do? Sometimes that happens. That\'s what I heard, at least.

She puts her chin on my shoulder and leans her head against mine as she holds me from behind. The height difference makes it to where she has to sit on her knees to do so. "You were pretty gentle last night. It felt so good. Thanks for going easy on me..." I smile and pull out some elk meat and hand it to her. She takes it and lets me go so she can sit beside me. That was the first time I tried any of that. I knew being gentle was the first step. After that, I looked at her reactions and listened to her.

I take another bite of food and enjoy this moment. "Once we are done eating, let\'s head out. Zenith isn\'t going to take long getting to, so enjoy the little break we have. I\'m going to be eating my food slowly just to savor this moment." Sally nods her head in agreement, and I feel her lean her head on my shoulder. We watch the orange sky from the sunrise slowly turn blue as we eat out food. I never got to see things like this on earth. Pollution made the sky yellow, not blue like this.

As Cera and Sally continue eating and enjoying the beauty of the morning, there is a slight problem in Zenith. That problem being among the noble society, many of the nobles have questioned why a peasant called Amelia Zern was given nobility at the level of a Countess. Many have out cried in protest, saying the role can be fitted by someone far more qualified. Amelia is sitting in her massive office on her giant estate and watching her kids play outside.

I take a sip of tea and watch my kids play. King Jackson has been so kind to the kids and me. He has shown so much hospitality for us despite the protests among the noble community. "Lady Amelia, do you wish to go to the shopping district today?" My head butler Nick asks me a question. My days are spent helping the poor and sick of my old community. Jackson has made major changes that have helped, but I still do what I can.

Most people only know my first name. Only 3 people know who I truly am. My butler Nick, King Jackson, and his butler Charles. If word got out that I\'m Zern\'s mother, then I\'d surely be thrust into some form of trouble. "I don\'t think so, Nick. I want to stay in today. I\'ve been going to and from the city every day for the last month. Taking a break is required." Nick slightly bows and proceeds to make his way out of my office.

Thinking about my son has made me worried. He hasn\'t responded to any of my letters as of late, and now he has been revealed to the world. The noble community here won\'t put the pieces regarding my relationship with my son together. They are too blinded by their money and egos to see such a thing. I sit down in my chair and fiddle with this annoying dress. Another thing I don\'t like about nobility is the attire. What\'s wrong with wearing normal clothes?

I set my tea down and stare past the property line towards the mountains. My son is out there on some crazy mission or adventure. I have so many concerns for him. I can\'t stand the thought of him dying at some point. "I see you are in deep thought. Should I come back later?" I stand from my chair in surprise, and I see King Jackson in my office. "You didn\'t hear my knock or my first question. It must be very important to make you zone out so much." I sigh and nod my head.

I give my apologies for the loss of focus. "I came here to invite you to my wedding two days from now. I know that you don\'t like being around the nobility, but as a noble, you are required to come to any gathering the king hosts. That includes weddings." I grimace at the thought of mingling among the people I don\'t like the most. He just chuckles and hands me an invitation. I accept it, and he turns around and leaves. I should go. It\'s the least I could do to repay him.

I place the invitation on my table and sit back down in my chair. I rub my temples and close my eyes. That means I need to bring a gift, something that, what do they call it? Demonstrates nobility? I hate politics. I could just spend some money from the seemingly endless supply of gold I have, but I think something more personal is in order. One that can\'t be bought. Now only if I had something good that fits that description, maybe something will pop up. I should really relax for now.

Being a noble is hard work, and while my job isn\'t as demanding as the rest of the nobles. I still don\'t like it. "Lady Amelia, shall I acquire a dress from the boutique, or will you pick something here?" I open my eyes and see Nick hold the invitation and reading the instructions. I nod my head about the boutique idea and he bows slightly and walks out of the room. He\'ll send someone to get a handful of dresses and bring them here to try on. Another thing I don\'t like.

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