
Chapter 294: Progress From All Sides

Chapter 294: Progress From All Sides

{I want to let everyone know that I have a p-a-t-r-e-o-n with two new exclusive stories on it. One is The Aeternus Universe, and I\'ve also started up a new VRMMORPG called the Libertas Dive. If you wish to read that as it develops, head to my p-a-t-r-e-o-n. I won\'t be uploading The Libertas Dive on webnovel until I\'ve reached 30 pages on it. So get it while it\'s young and cheap. I hope you guys will give it a chance. The link is https://www.p-a-t-r-e-o-n.com/easyread. Remove the dashes. Webnovel censors the word.}

I grab the new person scientist by the collar, and I point out towards the devastation. "What the fuck is all this!? This isn\'t a weapon!" I\'ve never seen anything have such destructive power in my life. The fact it\'s come from the minds of these scientists worries me. What else could be dreamed up and turned into reality? "Do you realize what this does to the balance of power?! How many things this creation is going to affect?!!" I shake the scientists, but all he does is hold up his hands. One of my Generals walks up and places her hand on my shoulder.

I drop the scientist, and I step back. I look back out towards the site the weapon went off. It\'s something you\'d only see in you\'re worst nightmares. "We were tasked to deliver a weapon that\'ll change the tied of the war..." The scientist fixes his collar and stands up. "We\'ve fulfilled our duties... This weapon and the many others like it will win the war against the monster hordes..." My body becomes rigid. Did he just say the others like it? He sees my expression and understands. "We\'ve manufactured 10 weapons like it, this being the weakest." I don\'t know why, but I feel sick.

My legs give out slightly, and I take a knee. I suck in breaths trying to recompose myself. "You\'re telling us that you\'ve designed 10 other weapons capable of the same?" One of the rulers coming through on the hologram decides to speak up first. Everyone looks at the scientist, and he nods his head. "This is troubling indeed... What shall we do about it, Saintess Lucy?" I honestly have no idea what we\'re going to do. It can\'t be taken back. It\'s already been created, and there are other scientists that aren\'t here that helped build the test weapon.

My Generals lend me a hand and help me up. "This power is dangerous... The ability to turn an entire city into a crater shouldn\'t be in mortal hands... However, this will win the war against the monster hordes... What we do with this power can\'t be undone, and I say we wait... That\'s all I can say at this moment..." How do you respond to such a display? How do you know if you\'re acting responsibly with so many lives on the line? A great burden comes with terrifying power... You don\'t know who\'s going to die... I need to discuss this with The Pope.

While this is happening at the test site for the new weapon, the war in Bellvia is coming to another point that holds great value in the total picture of the war. Jackson and his Generals are moving towards the capital city. The last place that hasn\'t either been surrendered or taken by force. The same capital that Cera and Sally were in when they were getting The Dice of Wayland. Bellvia was severely weakened by Cera and his heist. Ghostzero, Creatureman, and Krialder cleaned out the treasure rooms in the heist, walking away from the world for a time.

I ride on my horse next to my queen, and she\'s looking way better than she was in Zenith. She\'s actually slept during our time of war with Bellvia. "My King, we should be arriving at the capital in an hour. Should we send scouts ahead to see what the defenses and forces are?" Aaron is riding at my other side. I nod my head, and he gives the signal with a wave of his hand. Specially trained scouts leap from hiding spots in the surrounding forest and head towards the capital. They\'ll report back with any news of what we\'re up against.

I take a deep breath and enjoy the fresh air. "What are our casualties before this next battle?" I ask the dreaded question any ruler would ask, well, any ruler that\'d care. He reads the numbers, and every single time I hear a report, a little part of me dies. These men had families back in Zenith. Wives waiting for their husbands to come home. Children waiting to hug their father again. "I want a full plan that\'ll take care of the widows in Zenith. I don\'t care how much it costs." Aaron says nothing in response, probably cause he agrees.

Tessa reaches over and places her hand on my wrist, and looks me in the eyes. "You\'re doing the right thing. These families are going to need all the help they can get, and I\'m sure the men that laid down their lives are proud to have a ruler willing to take care of their families. I know I\'m proud." Those words bring little comfort, mainly because I know the men that have died would rather be home with their families instead of watching them from above. I\'ll not fail these men, and I\'ll make sure their families have the best care.

It won\'t mean much to the widows... They\'d want their husbands back, not something that I can give them. No matter how many houses, money, or care I give. It\'ll be nothing in comparison to the husband and father they\'ve lost. Some don\'t have families and only have parents. I\'m not going to be able to help them... Not like the families. "Thank you for saying that, Tessa. I doubt any of the men that have died and their families would agree..." I let the words out, and she stays silent. Knowing that they\'re true. Sometimes... I hate being King.

While this final march is going on towards the capital of Bellvia, said king of Ballvia has already been assassinated. Gregory has succeeded in covering his footsteps, and no one will know of his involvement in the attacks on Zenith\'s Queen. Gregory has always been the original instigator of this war. Hoping to use the war in Bellvia to move his troops to Zenith, only to be foiled by a gut feeling from Jackson. This war has led to nothing other than severing a weak ally for Gregory. A ruler like Gregory is one to be feared but studied as well.

Now that the king in Bellvia is dead, I can rest easy knowing that there isn\'t anything that\'ll lead back to me. Only a few people in my inner circle also know of the true plan, and they\'ll keep quiet cause it\'s in their best interests too. "What shall we do next, My King?" My butler speaks at my side as I look over the balcony and out to my massive city. While this war didn\'t provide much for me, it has gotten rid of what was causing me problems. My worry is how strong Zenith and The Dryads will be after their conquest is over.

I lean on the stone railing and take a deep breath into the cool night. "We let the wheel of war turn. More opening will prevent themselves, and we\'ll be ready. For now, we wait until the storm brewing over Bellvia has settled and everything is calm. After that, we\'ll wait for the storm coming to Zenith. A few of my little birds have told me that I\'m not the only one planning to attack Zenith." My butler lifts a single eyebrow at my words. It\'s indeed true, but it\'s not a group that I can ally myself with, for they are the enemy of many and friends of few.

Amelia, mother of Slayer Zern. She holds great interest in many parties. Those parties are foolish for thinking they\'ll not receive retribution. If Slayer Zern doesn\'t take care of them, Arch-Angel Michael will. It\'d be idiotic allying myself with such individuals. "What do you plan to do with this new information? Something so valuable can be worth a lot to individuals in the Church and Zenith." My butler brings up a great point, and one that I\'ve been focusing on. I could use the information that I\'ve found to my ultimate advantage.

However, my father taught me a very important lesson before I became king. Be patient, and use any opportunity you can to sick your enemies against each other. "Going after Amelia is suicide, and trying to frame a group of people won\'t work when Gods are watching. However, Zenith has a blind spot, and that blind spot is their connection to Slayer Zern. We\'re going to use that to our advantage." My plan can\'t be set in motion yet, but when the time is just right. A whisper here and a push there. It\'s all I need to see my enemies tear each other apart.

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