
Chapter 342: Brewing a plan

Chapter 342: Brewing a plan

"I don\'t know. Maybe try thinking as intensely as if what you are doing is casting a spell. This might cause your mana to actually flow, though it isn\'t really the same as controlling our mana. It is however how you do it." Eldrian offered, having no idea if this would work, at least not without Erik first managing to feel and follow his own mana.

He was certain that Erik\'s ability to feel the emotions of plants was indeed an ability and abilities were weird. He was still getting used to mana sense and it was far more impressive than any spell or skill he knew.

Abilities just worked. Eldrian wondered what would happen if he tried using mageia with mana sense. He was curious if he could finally step up his game from semi-dynamic casting to full dynamic casts. If the almost passive use of abilities were similar to dynamic magic, as he suspected.

At the moment the only spells he could fully dynamic cast were still just Floga and the other Tier 0\'s. With Tier 1\'s he could never get the mana to change form. Tier 0 spells were easy, his mana literally just needed to be the element. It then naturally tuned into a flame, a ball of water, or whatever the element was.

Tier 1 spells had a bit more to them. The spells generally had a form, as well as a purpose. Tier 0 was literally directionless spells. Hence why even Dave could play with it way back when he first showed Floga to Eldrian.

After Eldrian sorted out his own thoughts and speculations and Erik his, they started talking about things more in general.

"Are you still planning on becoming a writer?" Eldrian asked, having almost no idea what was going on with his friend outside of the game.

Nodding and shaking his head, Erik replied that he did not really know. "I certainly want to try and keep writing, but... I feel like I need to pursue some sort of job in medicine. However..."

Erik sighed as he thought of his grades. They were not bad, but they were not top of the class. He had no idea how he would get into medicine without bridging classes, which were not easy and also not cheap.

"I think it should just stay a thought for now. You know how high the requirements are..."

Eldrian nodded, having not really investigated but recalling form when he checked all the classes when choosing his own degree. Granted he had not stayed in college for long, something his parents were still not happy about.

Luckily his job seemed stable and the pay was really good. Eldrian could also try to actually make money from the game itself if it ever came to that.

"What about just doing a few courses?" Eldrian asked.

"It\'s useless. I need to learn the more advanced stuff, first aid I already read up on and got plenty of practice with. I-" Erik stopped, suddenly thinking of something.? "Hey, think you can get me into Miracle?

"What!?" Eldrian was so shocked that he slipped into the pool. Using the refreshing water to cool down he repeated his question.

"Eldrian you did say they were working on fixing it," Jen brought up as Eldrian got out of the water. His clothes now soaking wet.

"Yes but..."

"But what? They also repeatedly told you to slow down."

Again Eldrian couldn\'t defend himself, finding himself to blame for his condition as much as Miracle. If he had waited until the cabin was finished then he might never have gotten these problems. However, his sister mentioning this was strange.

"Are you now in favor of them?" Eldrian asked after grabbing a towel, Jen having brought some with the drinks. Having expected them to swim, not fall in.

"Of course not!" Jen replied with a hint of anger from the fact that Eldrian could even think that, "But, that does not mean you need to avoid them. They have thus far not done anything illegal or gone too far."

Again Eldrian could not deny this, it had taken Jen quite some time to come to accept this herself. She had come to realize that they were like politicians, hiding behind crafty words to protect themselves.

If you made sure the words were plain simple language then you would not be tricked. The contract had truly shown her this. With how they spun the words to make themselves seem noble.

"That does not mean I approve of their methods, but it means it would likely be safe for Erik. Since you started the game your path was not easy, even learning magic had been painful. In comparison Erik\'s had been a walk in the park."

Erik frowned hearing this, not agreeing at all but staying quiet since he wanted to know where she was going.

"So if you bring him in, tell them that he has started touching on magic. They will certainly be overjoyed since so far they have gotten no one else. Right?"

Eldrian nodded, as to his knowledge he was still the only person who could actually use magic without the system. Erik was still far away, but he might soon be able to feel his mana. Something that none of the game testers had managed.

"Then it is simple," Jen said, turning her sights onto Erik, "You make it clear you want a medical education, you might not be able to press for much at the moment. Still, you might be able to learn the basics, first-year stuff they should certainly be more than happy to teach you."

"That\'s a good point, Gengxin should certainly be willing," Eldrian added, forgetting that Gengxin was a department head and far too busy for non-pressing matters.

Discussing further, they tried to figure out how to do this. They wanted to make it appear like Eldrian convinced Erik to come. As if Erik was only half interested. This would also likely give Eldrian some good points in their books.

"Erik..." Eldrian finally recalled that Erik had had news to share. He felt quite certain it was not the hidden class, as it was he who had brought that up. "What was your news?"

"Oh right! I found a way out of Vruntis!"

Eldrian could hardly believe it, he was beyond happy. "What? Where? Are you safe?"

"Not yet, but we are going to Avgi forest. Wasn\'t that were?"

Eldrian nodded, "That is awesome! Are you there already?"

"No," Erik shook his head as a smile grew, "Vruntis is extremely far from Phallos. Livadia and her husband Tivalios came to get us, their flight to Vruntis had taken them nearly a week."

Eldrian did not know what to say, he knew that kingdoms were large and all but he had thought that flying would make the distance insignificant. It still drastically reduced the time needed, but it still took far longer than Eldrian expected.

Erik shared that on the first day they had already exited Vruntis and entered another kingdom. Traveling half of that kingdom on the same day. This was impressive, considering on horseback it would take a week to travel through a kingdom without luggage.

"This world is massive," Eldrian sighed as he realized this again, a little shocked. This also made the scale of things a bit clearer, with Eldrian feeling that defending kingdoms were actually beyond dumb.

Certainly, they needed the land to support the population, but defending an empire would be far simpler than defending 50 kingdoms of nearly 50 times the size.

\'No wonder so many kingdoms are being lost. There is no way to protect all the borders. Vruntis had special help thanks to the mountains, but even those fell with time.\'

Suddenly Eldrian\'s hope for Taurus and Phallos drastically declined. The best thing he could hope for was that their invaders stayed disorganized. Thus far no armies had invaded Taurus, it had only been random groups of beasts or undead.

Not wishing to stay down, Eldrian switched the subject to Jen and what was going on in her life. Asking if she had met any new interesting guys and teasing her a bit, causing her to turn red when she let something slip. Especially when she saw Erik enjoying her embarrassment.

So they stayed for a few hours, ending up swimming and being joined by Marcy and Sarah. The latter being thrown into the pool against her will, forced to enjoy some time and not worry about her boyfriend. Giving her a few minutes of joy before reality sunk in again.


Upon returning to Miracle, Eldrian stuffed himself with food and then headed up to log in. Stopped by Constantin who was waiting at his door.

"Eldrian, how are you?" Constantin extended his hand and Eldrian shook it. His feelings on Miracle and the staff were strange. He resented Miracle as a corporation for their cold-heartedness, he disliked that the employees went with it, but he did not really hold it against them.

He felt more distant, and he kept his guard up now. But he did not feel that Gengxin, Constantin, and the rest were bad. Their values simply did not align with his.

"I\'m good, enjoyed some time outside of the game," Eldrian replied, knowing that Constantin was likely here for the paralysis incident. Eldrian tried to divert till he could decide what he was going to tell them.

"That\'s good, you have been going at it far too hard." Constantin smiled genuinely, giving Eldrian some time to open up. When Eldrian didn\'t he sighed and asked, "Can you explain what happened?"

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