
Chapter 827 Number's Game (4) - Time To Return

When they clashed in a battle of strength, Eldrian was always forced into the disadvantage. And infuriated by the continuous shallow wounds Eldrian delivered it, wearing it down bit by bit. The orc was overcome with rage.

Especially since Eldrian would always use magic to escape such strength contests. Leaving it with a new shallow wound that simply drained its stamina and health, slowly.

\'Not that I have the time to devote to it...\' Eldrian mumbled, letting the chieftain\'s attack slip along his spear. A move that would make this a contest of strength once it locked with the wings of his spearhead. And seeing its chance, the orc smiled.

It tried to use his strength advantage to pull the spear from Eldrian\'s hands. Just as its sword locked with the spear\'s wings, a short spear suddenly appeared in Eldrian\'s other hand. Flying with great speed.

Sword locked, and with no time to waste, the chieftain was forced to leave its weapon and dodge.

However, the thrown spear did not fly straight. As the orc jumped to the side, it slithered like a snake through the air.

With a roar, the orc smashed the short spear to the side. Its fists were just as dangerous as a sword. However, as it returned its attention to Eldrian, it fell to the ground. A similar spear stuck in its back.

Sadly, Eldrian could not finish it off right there and then. The surrounding orcs charged him upon realizing the danger their chieftain was in. Falling back, Eldrian dodged and weaved. Delivering a handful of shallow wounds. Two, however, slayed.

And as everyone focused on Eldrian, Ceph appeared from above in silence. His adamantine blade blending into the dark, his figure glad in darkness. With a thud, the chieftain\'s head fell to the ground.

For a while, the orcs did not even realize they had lost their leader. They continued to chase Eldrian, and he continued to focus on his defenses. Ceph moved from behind. Keeping himself glad in darkness, his blade moved swiftly.

No sound was heard as he attacked from the back. And body after body fell to the ground, pooling the battlefield with their blood.

"That took a while. I need a break." Eldrian mumbled.

Finally realizing their loss and the danger that the two presented, the orcs retreated despite the stigma they had against such an action.

When they realize the near invisible figure that was Ceph was attacking them from behind, and their chieftain fallen, they lost all spirit and honor that they still had.

Ceph had looked especially monstrous, hiding his figure in darkness. He almost looked like a Night Terror. That, along with the lack of sound from those he killed, certainly broke the last strand of will the orcs had.

"Agreed." Ceph said, taking a seat on one of the nearby dead orcs. "Where you always this strong?"

"Where did that question come from?" Eldrian asked, joining Ceph in sitting upon the slayed orcs. Their bulky frames made them quite comfortable seating. Though he wouldn\'t want to stay here long. Just catch his breath and move on.

The groan as he took his seat was certainly most uncomfortable. A dagger to his seat\'s neck ensured there were no further groans.

Instead of explaining, Ceph pointed to their surroundings, filled with dozens upon dozens of dead orcs. He felt it was unnecessary to explain further.

"Ah that." Eldrian smiled, taking the time to clean himself of the blood he was covered in. "I guess the answer is yes and no. I didn\'t get a level up or anything. Well, not since reaching Tier 5. So I\'m just as strong as I was the past week."

"Then?" Ceph pressed, clearly not convinced. It wasn\'t even like Eldrian had relied on his auras or anything. So he hadn\'t gotten a breakthrough in that area either.

"I figured some things out with Two."

"That\'s... the second... what the heck is Two?"

"Not sure myself. With how they talked, it seems he\'s more like a person inside me than a second mind or split personality. I kind of get it and not really at the same time."

Ceph didn\'t seem hung off on the what as much as what it meant. It took him only a second to realize what it meant. "I see. You had him focus on the magic. No wonder it seemed so much more accurate."

"Yeah. Didn\'t think the difference would be so great, though." Looking at the carnage, Eldrian felt somewhat embarressed it took him so long to just entrust it all to Two. \'However, I can\'t overly rely on him. No one knows what the future holds, and slacking won\'t do.\'

"It makes sense, though. In essence, Two is a mage who can\'t be interrupted. He is perfectly able to focus entirely on spell casting. I believe we can do something similar if we stay in the back lines."

"I guess..." Eldrian shrugged. He didn\'t feel there were many capable of keeping the front stable enough. Thus, he doubted it would ever truly be an option for them. After all, only a fool would let spellcasters do as they wanted. They would always be the first target in a battle.

\'Perhaps if the others grow stronger. But I don\'t see them catching up with us.\'

"In any case, I\'m out of mana." Eldrian continued, "Guess we need to return to the city."

"I was hoping you would say that." Ceph sighed in relief. He was also low on mana and stamina. They needed some rest.

"More coming from the right!" This shout alerted the group fighting atop the walls of a fresh stream of enemies. Sadly, they had no relief to rely on themselves.

Moving their tired bodies, the soldiers and players tried their best to kick the ladders from the walls. However, these were no ordinary ladders. Formed from magic, they grew from the ground along the walls. Giving cover to those who climbed them and rock solid.

"Die!" a centaur cursed, pulling his bow back and aiming into the distant. Where the light from their city faded, a devil smiled. Its hands pointed up and a dozen such ladders forming. Followed quickly by a roar as orcs, kobolds, and goblins charged.

Releasing his arrow, the centaur cursed as it fell short. Deflected by a barrier.

"Zoferes Floges!" A player shouted, jumping between the centaur and the nearest ladder. Flames bursting from his hands like a flamethrower. So hot it turned the rock red. Alas, it did not manage to melt it.

As for the stone of the wall, it remained cold to the touch. Its sturdy defenses were the only reason the enemy couldn\'t force their way through the walls themselves. Forcing them to either scale the walls or break through the gates. However, neither was going as planned for their enemy.

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