
Chapter 192 11: Back To The Grind

A sweet scent filled the room, causing his sleep to be even more relaxing. 

"Mmm..... soft..." 

As he began to wake up, the soft sound of Emily opening the door entered his ears. Because he could smell and feel her aura, he didn\'t rush to awaken, the warm scent of breakfast reaching his nose.

"Wake up honey, and I made you something simple... Today you\'re going to the dungeon with Lilith and Evelyn, right? Mmmm... put away your erection. It\'s food time, not feeding time."

Her soft hand covered him with a blank, wrapping around his shaft a few times before stroking along his member, causing a powerful pleasure to seep into his body.

A strange feeling of something soft, warm and slimy wrapped around him from the middle of her hand, which became similar to a mouth, sucking on him as he trembled, unable to stop himself from spurting his morning load into her smooth, squishy palm the flowers growing from it seeming to drink all the sticky cream without any mess.

"Nnnn... very thick and delicious. Thanks for the amazing breakfast, honey."

"Now wake up. Your little man is now sleeping. Fufu~ and mommy wants to feed you."

\'She sounds so much more mature and sexy... Like a ripe milf wanting to be eaten.\'

Raven\'s thoughts were still on a cloud as his eyes slowly opened to find the most beautiful dryad sitting naked with a tray of warm food on her lap. Her vines held various utensils as they were now shaped like hands. 

"Come, I will feed you. Hehe~ I already enjoyed such a thick and delicious breakfast."

He smiled, before opening his mouth and letting her feed him, the delicious breakfast and sweet morning causing them to become more affectionate towards each other. Raven spent some time kissing her, caressing her smooth skin and massaging her soft plant hair that wrapped him in a beautiful bouquet as he let out another thick load that splashed in her small, cute palms, absorbing his morning protein.

After spending time together, Emily and Raven had a hot bath, washing each other\'s bodies before Raven got dressed. His armour, having already been prepared by his beautiful wife-to-be, was covered in the scent of lavender and the fresh green leaves of the dryad, which could now provide powerful healing effects.

Putting it on, Raven was pleasantly surprised to find it much lighter than before, allowing him to move much faster.

His entire gear was like this, increasing his attack and defence without losing agility. At the same time, the smell calmed him and gave him more focus, making it easier to battle without losing energy or causing mental strain.

With a kiss goodbye, he hugged Emily tightly, kissing her and enjoying her soft breasts pressing against his chest, almost bursting out of her new purple dress before parting.

"Take care, honey. I already told the girls, and they\'re waiting for you downstairs; make sure you message me if it gets too late. I\'ll worry about you. Otherwise, we won\'t go out today, so don\'t worry and enjoy the dungeon~. Tell me if you need anything, food, bath, or my body~ fufu when you get home. I will do anything for you, my darling."

Nodding, Raven quickly went downstairs, the warm breakfast still filling his belly as he kissed Emily one more time, giving her a playful slap on the soft behind, the green dress covering her body, leaving her shapely behind barely visible, before walking outside to meet Evelyn and Lilith, who was smiling at him, the former even blushing as she mistook the room last night and saw the intense love-making of him and Emily.


"Yo, you both look super cute today. Shall we get in the car and leave? It\'s a 2-hour drive." Raven lifted both girls by the waist before looking back to Sasha, Emily and Philis, who watched them intently, "My lovely ladies, I will be home soon. Don\'t miss me too much. All three of you should wait in my bed tonight." Raven winked before the two girls in his arms squealed from his grip as he carried them to the black supercar.

He was excited not just to enter the dungeon with these two manticores, but the drive in this awesome care excited him! Raven loved driving now he tried it, the wind blowing against his face, the feeling of freedom when rushing down the highway... 

It was heaven!

Opening the car and carefully placing Lilith and Evelyn on their seats before closing the door, Raven took his seat and started the engine.

An incredible acceleration followed the loud revving as they rushed out of the mansion yard and headed to the highway, the black car flying as he passed others with a gust of wind and a loud howl.

Lilith was the first to comment while clinging to Raven\'s side and the seat as he drove faster and faster, unable to hold in her excitement.

"Wow! So amazing! I feel like the road will fly towards us, fufu."

Raven\'s hand softly stroked her back while he was focused on driving, his eyes not leaving the road for a moment as the wind blew against his face, entering his lungs. Evelyn\'s words echoed in his mind at that moment.

"Enjoy it, Raven. You will need your focus in the dungeon. For now, enjoy the drive."

He smiled before nodding, accelerating even more while Evelyn and Lilith screamed.

\'I\'m truly enjoying myself. I feel like my body is floating, and I\'m the wind.\' Raven thought as he enjoyed this feeling before slowing down as Evelyn reminded him, \'If you crash, then how would we go into the dungeon?\'

Stopping the car after a short while, Raven parked it near a large gate as Lilith and Evelyn stretched their backs while smiling, "Your driving is truly insane... and so fast... My heart almost exploded, Raven."

"Sorry, ladies... I was a bit too excited. I got the car now and felt the urge to let loose. Are you hungry? We can get something before entering."

"I want a burger!" Lilith asked, her mouth drooling at the burger place beside the Mana-Refilling station. Evelyn only smiled while shaking her head and following them, "Just don\'t eat too much, okay? The food inside the dungeon will replenish us with mana... If not, we can always refill outside."

Lilith looked at Raven with pleading eyes, and he smiled, patting her head softly, "Alright, get a double cheeseburger with bacon, onion rings, and a Coke... Is there anything you would like, Evelyn?"

"Mmmm... just a milkshake and a bag of fries."

Nodding, Raven quickly ordered for them all as they ate in the car, Evelyn\'s soft hand feeding Raven while Lilith rested her head on his lap, munching on her food as they enjoyed a small moment together.

After finishing and refilling the car with mana, the black supercar revved loudly before rushing down the highway, stopping once more where a group of adventurers stood, guarding the entrance of this dungeon; because it was too dangerous, the bureau paid money to groups willing to guard it with a high rate. 

\'Hmmm... three women, all dark elves; rare to see them near Arcadia.\'

The black supercar\'s door opened slowly, revealing the smiling Evelyn and Lilith, who waved their hands excitedly, attracting the attention of the 3 dark elves guarding the gate, whose expressions softened seeing the beautiful girls.

Raven left the car and smiled, closing the door as Evelyn hugged his right arm and Lilith his left before waving at the 3 dark elves, her small tail moving happily as the two approached the entrance.

"Good afternoon, adventurers. I\'m Evelyn, and this is Lilith. We\'re adventurers and would like to enter the dungeon. I have all the needed identification." Evelyn said politely, taking out her papers and showing them to the dark elf, who looked at them curiously.

"Raven, here\'s our permit and identification. Evelyn, Lilith, stop playing around." Raven smiled while patting their heads, the dark-skinned guards watching him intently with flushed cheeks.

"Raven, huh? A pleasure to meet you; I am Nix." The oldest dark elf nodded, extending her hand to Raven, who shook it softly and smiled, "Evelyn, Lilith, let\'s enter the dungeon now."

"Bye~ Miss Dark Elves..." Lilith purred, kissing Raven\'s cheek, and the guards\' mouths almost dropped as she did so. Raven smiled while Evelyn blushed as they entered the dungeon, leaving the 3 stunned guards, who couldn\'t help but wonder how such a young man got a group of beauties.

"Damn... He was so handsome. Too bad he already has two girls by his side."

"It\'s fine. He\'s an orc, didn\'t you notice... Orcs are insatiable!"

"Shut it, girls. Our job is to protect the dungeon, not fantasize about men that may never like us. Keep a watch out! There may be others wanting to enter!"

Raven, Lilith, and Evelyn walked inside with the three dark-elven girls guarding the dungeon; the portal for this one didn\'t make them feel sick but rather caused a strange feeling of pressure in their chests like their magic and mana were limited somehow.

"Ah... this place is fun," Raven whispered as he patted the two naked rumps of the girls who got naked to change into their armour, both flaunting their bodies to him.

"Be careful, Evelyn, Lilith. This dungeon seems to have limited our Magic and Mana by a huge amount."

Evelyn nodded before Lilith jumped towards him, kissing him softly, "Don\'t worry. We\'re with you. Our combined magic shouldn\'t be limited if we fight together!"

Raven nodded before he smiled, and his clothes vanished as a black-scaled armour covered him, a pair of demonic wings extending from his back as a great axe appeared with a chain wrapped around his arm.

Lilith and Evelyn admired his body with flushed cheeks, and a small drool escaped their mouths as Raven smiled before grabbing his two beauties, "are you not going to show me your armour? Although your cute pubic hair is alluring, we have work to do before pleasure."

Raven\'s words made both girls flush before he hugged Evelyn first, whose armour formed out of thin air as he admired the beautiful, light leather armour covering her body. Her breasts seemed like they were almost visible, the armour hugging her shapely behind as small, sharp metal scales covered her thighs and lower parts; a beautiful dagger rested on her waist as she smiled, blushing softly as Raven\'s strong hands wrapped around her slender body, touching her behind as he enjoyed the soft leather covering her.

"You are very alluring, Evelyn. Your armour makes your beauty even more apparent. Truly... You\'re a seductive woman, unlike Lilith\'s adorable cuteness."

He kissed her and enjoyed her soft breasts pressing against him before doing the same to Lilith, whose armour formed from the mana around her, becoming a tight black armour with the black bodysuit clinging to her body, showing her soft mound and its alluring shape. 

She wore gauntlets attached to her armour on her wrists as small holes allowed her sharp claws to slip through. Raven enjoyed her soft behind, giving her a playful squeeze, and she squealed, jumping as his hard grip on her soft bottom made her moan in pleasure before blushing, the soft leather covering her pubic area seeming damp from his touch.

"You are truly adorable, Lilith. Both of you are so sexy that I am eager to fight alongside you two and ravage you both when we\'re done."

Raven kissed their cheeks and softly massaged their butts, his hands feeling the smooth armour that seemed to be alive as their shapes began to change, becoming more alluring to the eye, Evelyn\'s curves even more apparent, and Lilith\'s adorable body made the leather that covered her private areas damp, dripping down her shapely legs.

"Raven... stop that. I\'m getting wet..." Lilith whimpered, and he stopped, kissing her forehead softly before grabbing his large axe. "We should begin exploring. I\'m eager to fight." Evelyn nodded before holding her daggers, and Lilith readied her gauntlets as Raven opened the large metal doors leading into the dungeon.

A cave system welcomed them; a thick fog made them see a few meters before them as Evelyn\'s small hands grasped Raven\'s, "There should be a way down. Be careful..."

Walking down a staircase, Lilith and Evelyn followed Raven, the soft grinding of his armour seeming to echo inside the cave, the cold walls feeling their naked skin.

"Raven? Shouldn\'t there be beasts nearby? It\'s too silent... too calm." Lilith whispered before Raven and Evelyn looked at the fog ahead, "Lilith\'s right. The dungeon should have sent us a welcoming party."

Just as the two said so, a roar echoed in the cave, like the angry roar of a thousand creatures echoing throughout the entire area.

"Well, it seems you managed to see the future!" Raven joked, his body wrapped in a black mantle of dread, with the scales on his body reinforced by his Dread Lord armour.

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