
Chapter 76 The Long Awaited Desire Of The Crood Family.

Andrew had a smug smile on his face.

In his right hand was a pistol facing the sky with smoke coming out of its nozzle.

Lady Frostbite ran for Eros. He had been shot right in the heart area.

She could not believe what was happening.

"ANDREW!!! what have you done?"

Andrew chuckled a bit, "What have i done? I have simply gotten rid of trash. Honestly, I wonder why father did not just tell me to do this sooner. It is far easier than the entire manipulating game."

Lady Frostbite had heard him clearly. However, her mind was currently in chaos for what to do.

From the hole on Eros Chest, Blood spread slowly just like a blooming flower in the early hours of the morning.

Lady frostbite Stood to her feet and unsheathed her sword.

Her Soul energy burst from within her.

"Huh!? What is this? Wife Angela, are you raising your sword against your own husband?" Andrew questioned. However, he was still smiling, mocking her.

It was true. Lady frostbite was not weak, and against Andrew, he could definitely hold her own. However, she could clearly see that the men Andrew had come with were are own.

"Andrew! You have committed the murder of a Noble. By the sanction Act of the Almace Kingdom. I, Angela Frostbite. Baron to the Frostbite Fiefdom hereby devorce you and sentence you to death by hanging."

Andrew suddenly had a fearful look on his face. However a few seconds passed and he could not hold it in anymore.

He suddenly burst into laughter. "Really!? You!? HAHAHHAH!!!"

As he did, so did the men.

Andrews expression suddenly became stern, "seize her!"

Immediately, the men rode their horse beasts forward, surrounding her.

Lady Frostbite took several steps back. However, the men followed her.

All the while, no one noticed that Jimmy did not jump in to participate. Instead, he only watched from the carriage Driver\'s seat in silence. In fact, it was like he was not even there.

As the men surrounded her, she waved her weapon all over the place in an attempt to threaten them, but they only laughed as they taunted her.

They also pulled out their swords.

one after the other, they rushed at her.

Each coming for her with the sharp unforgiving edges of their blades.

For a while, she was holding her own, however, she was not vast in the technique department, and was still trying to wrap her head around what was happening as opposed to what she was supposed to do.

After all, these men were her soldiers and were supposed to be doing things according to her binding. Yet, a few words from Andrew and that was all it took for them to turn against her.

She was still trying to understand what was going on.

In her confusion, One of the men ran at her, hitting her sword away.

"Boys! You should be careful with her. We don\'t want her bruised too much. After all, we still have a façade to maintain. It will be bad for my image if the people of the kingdom think that I am beating my own wife."

"Yes Baron!" They all replied.

"Baron!?" Lady frostbite could not believe what she was hearing.

After all, Andrew was her husband, but that was her tittle. It was practically her birthright and here he was enjoying it.

This made her furious and a stern expression appeared o her face. Her mind suddenly became focused and she knew what she was supposed to do.

She suddenly bit her thumb and some blood came from it.

These horse men did not notice that the moment she cut herself, all the horses turned and looked in her direction.

Her Soul energy suddenly blasted in the air like a rush of water at the shoreline.

"Bloodline Ability!" She muttered lowly, "Summoning of the Frozen Horse beast. Judgement of the Might Hooves."

The moment she said those words, there was suddenly a low hum, and the eyes of the horses that the soldiers rode on suddenly shone in the same color of her soul energy.

The Horses neighed as they threw off the horse men on them. As the men fell, these Horses used their Hooves on them.

Blood splashed in the air as a few unlucky fellows were stepped on the head by the horses. Bashing their heads in like squashed bread.

The soldiers had no choice but to direct their weapons to their once loyal mounts. However, these horses were now in her control.

Every wave of her hand ensured that these men were in unfavorable positions.

They were also cultivators, but against these horses that had the ability to increase one\'s fatigue, the fight was slowly tilting towards Lady Frostbite\'s favor.

Andrew frowned. His horse too had acted up and he dismounted. However, he was a far tougher opponent to deal with.

As a Cultivator that was at the third stage of the soul Apostle rank, he was not at all a small fry.

these horses were strong and were not bad on the soul beast classification as they were rank 2 on the power scale. Sharing the same ranking system as Plants that ranged from Rank one to nine.

However, the strength of one of them was not something that Andrew could not handle.

He kicked off the horse. "Hmmm! so these is the Bloodline ability of the Frostbite family. No wonder my father said not to challenge you in your own territory. After all, you have hundreds of Frozen horse beasts there."

With the strength and abilities of these horses on her side, she was starting to make progress.

Andrew\'s voice was suddenly heard, "everyone back off!" The soldiers immediately did as he instructed.

They backed off. But that did not mean that they were going to drop their swords.

Andrew suddenly walked forward. He did not stop until he got before her.

By now, she had picked back up her sword and her horses were about her in readiness for the next fight.

Andrew stopped not so far away from her.

He dug his hand in his pocket, brought out a porch and threw it before her feet, "i think you might want to see that!"

lady frostbite frowned. However, she could see a piece of jewellery peeping from the porch.

She carefully picked it up. Her sword was still pointed at Andrew.

She moment she opened it, she frowned. Within it was a crystal necklace that had the pendant of a Frozen horse on it.

Her eyes widened in surprise. He looked back at Andrew, "you wouldn\'t dare!"

Andrew raised a brow, "Really!? Is that what you truly believe?" his eyes motioned to Eros that was still lying dead on the ground.

"Don\'t worry, your younger sister and brother are alright. However, with your current behaviour, I can\'t be sure that their safety could really be guaranteed."

Lady frostbite\'s sword shook slightly. She really hesitated. She remembered her younger ones back home. She had a younger brother and a younger sister. Both of them were just around the ages of twelve and fifteen.

The necklace from the porch belonged to one of them. In fact, it belonged to her sister. It was the last gift that their father had given to her before he died.

This necklace was heavily treasured by her sister and Lady Frostbite knew how important it was to her.

Andrew saw the look on her face and deceided to give a bit more push, "don\'t worry my dear. Their lives can still be preserved. Of course this also includes your dear sick mother. You haven\'t forgotten about her have you?"

Lady frostbite bit her lips, "You vile snake. What exactly do you want? Why are you doing this?"

Andrew massaged his chin lightly, "What do I want, you ask? Hmmm! what about this for a start? We go back to the fiefdom and you officially hand over the fiefdom to me!"

"What!? How dare you? The Frostbite estate is a family Property. It is not just mine to give away. It belongs to my entire family."

"True, but you are Baron at the moment. Besides, you will still stay at my side as my wife. We can say that the duties of a baron are too heavy for your shoulders and you want your loving and caring husband t take over for you. With my reputation, the rest will be easy to handle."

Hearing this made her frown tighten, "But that would mean that I have to take your surname. And that means..." she paused, "is this what you and your father have been planning? Expanding the Crood territory by taking over the Frostbite Estate!? I had heard that Baron Crood was a really greedy man, I never knew that he was this greedy."

Andrew smiled. "You are a wise girl. With your Territory, Father can finally have that last push he needs to climb the ranks of Viscount. I know you are not aware little girl, but they are forces moving within the kingdom. Great changes are about to come. We the Crood family are only trying to secure a place for ourselves in the oncoming strife. With the Post of Viscount, our Family will be better equipped for a brighter future." As he said this, he had a bright scary look in his eyes.

His expression suddenly settled, and his lips were once again replaced with a nice smile, "so what do you say, or do you want the death of your entire family on your hands?"

Those words made her shake. She knew there was nothing she could do. Besides, Andrew was a strong cultivator, And at the moment, there were not enough beasts to fight at her side against him. It was for this very reason that he never challenged her back home. He was waiting for her to slip and unfortunately, she did.

Slowly, her sword fell from her hands and into the ground.

Andrew nodded, "good! you made the right choice." He waved his hand and a collar was thrown before her, "put that around your neck. We don\'t want that pesky bloodline ability of yours becoming problematic for us when we get back."

Lady Frostbite did as she was instructed to do. The moment she did, she felt herself go weak. This was a cultivation inhibitor. Just like the cuffs that was used on Commander full bra back at the Black Islands.

Her soul energy went silent and the eyes of the Frozen horse beasts went back to normal too.

One of the soldiers immediately rushed for her.


He gave her a slap on the face and she fell to the ground.

Andrew laughed loudly at this.

Lady frostbite had a part of her face slightly swollen and she spat out blood to the side.

"Pick her up, we are going back home."

Two soldiers helped her on her feet. They tied her hands and were about to move with her.

Just then, a voice went out that surprised everybody. Now that they thought about it, he had been there all along watching everything that had been happening and did not even say a word.

At least he did not talk until now. Jimmy coughed into his fist.

"My Lord! Are you still going to continue faking death? they are about to take the lady away!"

[ Author\'s Note: I made this chapter extra long, Instead of just breaking it into two. I hope you guys love it. And please send gifts. the encouragement is nice. Highly grateful]

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