
Chapter 1002: Too Weak

“Direct hit!” The two Soldiers exclaimed as they watched Lin Rui get hit by the two force field energies without attempting to dodge or evade. Their concerns about his speed were immediately dispelled, and they were pleasantly surprised by their success.


The two Soldiers looked on in surprise as a semi-transparent energy field enveloped Lin Rui’s location. He appeared to be trapped inside and the force field’s power seemed to be suppressing him, rendering him unable to move.

“Heh, even if you’re a super Soldier, what good does it do you now?” one of the Soldiers jeered, approaching Lin Rui trapped inside the force field. “Once you’re caught in the grip of force field energy, there’s no escape for you, no matter how strong you are!” Both of them chuckled smugly as they walked toward Lin Rui.

The force field energy weapons in their hands were recently issued to them, and this was the first time the Soldiers had used them. Initially, they had brought the weapons along to deal with Antman.

Their plan was to launch a force field blockade to at least trap Scott if the Antman team failed to capture him. However, since Scott had not appeared yet, they decided to take a chance on the strange super Soldier before them.

“Hey, Number Five,” said the first Soldier, walking up to his partner. “Do you have any idea which force this guy belongs to? I thought they said our target had no known background. Where did he come from?”

“I’m not sure,” Number Five replied with a shrug. “But now that we have him trapped, we can hand him over to our superiors. They’ll know what to do with him and which force he belongs to.” He spoke with an air of indifference.

“Look, he’s got a sword on him. Is he some kind of cold weapon specialist?” The Soldier who had spoken before asked, eyeing Lin Rui up and down.

“I don’t know, and frankly, I don’t care,” Number Five replied dismissively. “Let’s just call in for someone to come and take him away. We need to stay alert and keep guard in case there are more like him lurking around.” He paid no mind to the sword hanging at Lin Rui’s waist, considering it inconsequential to their mission of securing the area.

“Okay, I’ll make the call,” the Soldier nodded, turning to contact the peripheral team to come and take Lin Rui away.

However, as they stood before Lin Rui, scrutinizing him and communicating with their comrades, Lin Rui’s eyes flickered with disdain. Despite being trapped by the force field energy, a subtle tremor passed through his right hand.

Suddenly, the Beheading Spirit Sword hanging from his waist unsheathed slightly, and a sharp sword aura burst forth from the gap.


Although Lin Rui’s Beheading Spirit Sword was only unsheathed slightly, the sword aura that surged from it was exceptionally powerful, directly cutting through the force field energy that enveloped him.

Moreover, after cutting through the force field energy, the sword aura continued to rush outward, with the two armed soldiers standing in front of Lin Rui as its target.

Pū Pū!

As expected, the two armed soldiers were already hit by the sword aura before they could even be surprised.

When Lin Rui broke free from the broken force field, the two sword-struck soldiers had already been thrown far away and had fainted under the impact of the sword aura.

If Lin Rui hadn’t shown mercy, these two people would not have been able to survive under this sword aura attack.

“Bucky should be almost done on his side. I can’t be slower than him,” Lin Rui murmured quietly, casting a glance at the two soldiers lying motionless on the ground.


The next moment, Lin Rui’s figure disappeared directly. There were still about twenty armed soldiers around, and for the sake of Scott and Bucky’s safe breakout, Lin Rui had to deal with them quickly.

Otherwise, if they realized it and activated their large force field weapons at the same time, there would be some trouble.

In this way, while Scott and Bucky fought against the ten Antman Soldiers in the center of the encirclement, the peripheral forces were rapidly disappearing under Lin Rui’s attacks.

As for the outermost teams, perhaps when they arrived, they could only call an ambulance for these fallen guys.

Of course, they would not go to a regular hospital…

Pū Pū!

In a civilian house located in the center of the encirclement, Bucky’s two laser beams hit two Antman Soldiers who failed to dodge in time.

As their wings behind the Antman suits were destroyed, they spun and fell toward the ground, becoming the fifth or sixth Antman Soldiers that Bucky had taken down.

As Lin Rui had expected, Bucky infiltrated the team of ten Antman Soldiers from behind without his help. His first move disrupted their rhythm. Bucky’s Antman suit was identical to theirs, except that he wasn’t connected to their communication system.

They couldn’t distinguish him from their own team members by sight alone. However, Bucky knew who his enemies were, except for Scott.

Scott was also useful. After identifying which one was Bucky, Scott’s team harassed the Antman Soldiers enough to distract them.

Under Scott and his team’s harassment, the Antman Soldiers were forced to grow larger to escape the swarming ants. However, after they grew larger, they became even less of a match for Bucky.

“Too weak!” Bucky muttered to himself as he punched down another Antman Soldier.

Compared to Bucky, a seasoned super soldier whose body had been modified, these Antman Soldiers were no match for him. If it weren’t for some of the Antman suit’s powerful functions, Bucky might have defeated them in a few moves.

Nonetheless, after a few exchanges, only two Antman Soldiers remained standing.

Actually, after Bucky suddenly appeared and took out three Antman Soldiers in one move, the remaining seven Antman Soldiers had already planned to retreat. However, Bucky and Scott wouldn’t let them.

Just to be safe, Bucky even threw four Electromagnetic Shock bombs around the battlefield. If they tried to escape, Bucky would trigger the bombs to stop them.

Now facing the two remaining Antman Soldiers, Scott could finally fight head-on. He leaped down from the back of ant number 157 and quickly attacked the Antman Soldier who was already panicking and didn’t know how to fight back.

“Take this!” As Scott leaped onto the Antman Soldier’s head, he clenched his fist and yelled as he struck.

The Antman Soldier, who didn’t react in time, was hit hard by Scott’s punch and quickly fell to the ground with a scream. Meanwhile, Bucky had just defeated the last Antman Soldier.

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