日韩 另类 综合 自拍 亚洲

Chapter 52 Did You Rob A Bank Or Something??

"Prometheus, you are here",

The woman affectionately called out.

The woman\'s voice was not too loud but had a rippling effect. Like ripples that permeated the calm of the sea, the woman\'s voice brought the chattering hall to silence.

"Where did I go, to be here now?, I have been sitting here even before you guys came", said the dean of Academy, Prometheus.

Listening to these words, everyone sighed while a few paled. After all, if what the dean had said was true, then those people who had been speaking ill of the dean would be in big trouble.

For they had poked around the hornet\'s nest. Moreover, everyone knew of Prometheus\'s crafty and shrewd personality. The person did not love anything more than to make those suffer who ever tried to get on his bad side.

The hall had been eerily silent, even so after Prometheus said his words, some had paled while others were shaking their heads, for they could feel a mischievous plan brewing in the dean\'s head.

"Uhmm, now that everything is in order, Let\'s proceed with the meeting", Prometheus said as he waved his hand.

Everyone nodded and waved their hands as well, causing the glowing orb in front of them, which had something forming within it to hasten.

Soon, multiple figures could be seen within the glowing orbs as well, but these figures were not human. They all seemed to be different kinds of beasts, demons, and angels.

In front of Prometheus, being displayed in his orb was a figure who stood proudly. The figure stood proudly with his head high,

The figure had four membranous wings coming out of his back while darkness pulsed off from them, though the wings were dark and black from the darkness that they constantly emitted, its back was unlike its dark wings, it was as white as snow and pristine as jade.

It was not only its back but the figure\'s whole skin that seemed to be like this. Its hands were covered in some sort of bone up until its arms. It seemed as if it was wearing bone bracers. Yet, these features weren\'t even that fearful, the most ferocious aspect of this creature was its face.

Its face had two horns coming out of it while a blackish flame burned on its tips it\'s eyes were as black and deep as a black hole that seemed to devour anything in its path. Furthermore, they were shaped like slits, like those of a reptile.

Other than that, instead of a nose, the creature only had flat holes that acted as nares for it to breathe while its mouth had two large fangs coming out of it. Other than that, there were two scars shaped like an X coming down from its eyes and reaching its chin.

The figure was depicted as a true demon that could even give nightmares to a full-grown man. If Ray were to see this figure, he would surely recognize it,

For it was the dean\'s system\'s consciousness that he had met. Unlike last time, the system consciousness acted all aloof and proud as if it was above all of those present.

While the dean\'s orb displayed his system, the other orbs in front of everyone also displayed their respective system\'s consciousness.

Though every system had different consciousness, these people who were sitting here were one of the most powerful people within the whole system society.

They were the elites of humanity. Today, they had come here to the meeting headed by the dean of the Academy For System Users to discuss the new changes that would be implemented before the start of the new year.

"The military had been pushing forward for us to implement new policies", said the woman who had previously called out for the dean affectionately,

Everyone nodded as they heard the woman\'s words. For they knew the reasons why the military had been pushing forward for changes.

"Let me make it clear, the changes this time would be vast and the Academy would be making new policies to implement stricter rules",

"The students have been very lax for the past few years, but now we can not afford it, for the threat of invasion is very high this time, thus needing us to be vigilant",

Said the dean, the dean had clearly stated all of this in a very urgent and imposing tone, which made it clear that Earth\'s situation was not too good and the danger that was previously hanging above their heads had increased even more.

Listening to the dean, everyone nodded while their expressions were serious. They all knew that they didn\'t have much time for petty actions, thus giving up on petty things and acting for sake of their planet.

Just like that, the meeting continued while new plans were made to be implemented, there were various changes, big and small. However, the biggest change was to the name of the Academy for it had been changed from Academy For System Users to \'Earth\'s Supreme Academy\', for this was the bastion of humanity.

The place where the future generation of elites was to be trained thus getting such an imposing name made it right for the academy for it truly deserved such an imposing name.


At Ray\'s home,

Ray was pacing around in his room, going around in circles while his face had a troubled expression.

He said to Aurora,

"At least help me solve this issue, the Academy will be starting soon and I need to make these matters right before leaving for the Academy",

To this Aurora shrugged,

"It\'s not my matter to intervene and I have previously told you, just go and tell the truth. There\'s no need to hide anything",

Ray did not seem to hear Aurora as he continued to pace around the room.

After pacing around the room for the next fifteen minutes and not getting any answer while his frustration increased, Ray decided to throw caution to the wind and went downstairs to his mother\'s room.

"Knock, knock",

He knocked twice at the door of his mother\'s room, his face very uneasy while his heart thumped loudly for the fear of what his mother would think.

He tried to calm himself down but had no idea how to come clean with his mother about it. The topic of conversation was so big that his mother would panic instantly, she might even take it for a joke.

"It would be better if she takes it as a prank", Ray thought to himself while trying to calm himself down.

\'Creak\', the door opened and his mother came into Ray\'s view.

"Did something happen dear? is everything okay?",

Ray\'s mother asked, clearly worried about the reason her son had knocked on the door so late at night.

"Nothing mom wanted to tell you something",

"Isn\'t it a bit too late for a chat, and it is not your personality to want to have a chat so late at night, why don\'t we have a chat tomorrow, I have to go for a shift in the morning", Replied Ray\'s mother.

"No Mom!, it\'s important, it\'s best you hear me out now",

Ray shouted out at the mention of his mother delaying the talk for tomorrow.

He knew that if he backed down now, it would take forever for him to gather up the courage to tell this his mother.

"Mom, it\'s very important, it\'s important for us, our family, to live a better life", said Ray.

"Son I know you are worried, and I promise you, that we will move on from it, it\'s just a phase", Ray\'s mom said, clearly concerned for Ray.

"No mom, you don\'t understand. The days have changed, I wanted to show you this",

Ray said and with it, he shoved forward his smartphone that was currently showing his account balance that numbered millions of dollars.

Yet what he did not expect was for his mother to shriek loudly as she said out loud,

"Did you rob a bank or something?".


A/N:- Today\'s chapter out, have fun everyone and don\'t forget to support the novel.

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