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Chapter 84 Infiltrating The Forest For Evidence

"Everyone, gather around", Ray said as he called everyone to gather around him.

It hadn\'t been long since the dean gave him the mission to get evidence so the dean could interfere. Ray had explained this all to everyone on the team and everyone agreed, that too without a hitch.

Ray felt very happy for having such trustworthy teammates, not only that. Even Emma, who was someone they had just met didn\'t hesitate to help them.

Furthermore, looking at her she seemed eager to help. Not only that, but Ray had also noticed that she had set well in the group and only one who didn\'t feel strange around Noah.

Well, she didn\'t know what Noah did before meeting them. Still, from what Ray understood, she had made her place in the team.

"Now that all of you have gathered, let me remind you. This artifact would only work for five minutes, after that we would be on our own. So be careful not to make any silly mistakes lest others suffer. Also, try to stay close to each other the artifact\'s range isn\'t much or less the effect doesn\'t take place", Ray warned everyone for the umpteenth time.

"I don\'t understand one thing. You have been so calm and carefree the whole night but what is wrong with you now? You seem to be scared out of your wits", Aliya asked as she noticed how Ray\'s behavior had changed. That too ever since he met the dean.

"You don\'t understand Aliya, those who are in the magical realm are not to be underestimated", Ray spoke as he kept himself calm and answered Aliya\'s question.

"They are just a realm above us, nothing more. I believe we could at least save our lives if we encounter them in any way", Aliya said as if she wasn\'t even afraid of those in the magical realm.

"Aliya, I know you are ignorant about the situation. That\'s why you speak like that, but believe me when I say. You can\'t even run ten steps before dying in their hands",

"There is a reason why they are called to be in the magical realm. It is because their strength isn\'t only confined to small spells, they can create their own spells. For them, controlling their affinities is child\'s play",

"In short, they can control mana around them freely and execute and control even the most intricate spells as if they are an extension of their body. So I ask, how could you run away from someone who could even control the spell you cast", Ray asked as he enlightened Aliya of the dangers she was unaware of.

"So that\'s why I am afraid, knowing that with the mere act of lifting their finger, they can nullify my abilities even if they do not have the same affinities as me. They can simply control the mana around me and make my spells useless", Ray further continued,

"So until and unless you don\'t want to die from their hands please stick to the plan and don\'t make any foolish mistakes", Ray advised Aliya as he activated the artifact, not in the mood for any more questions.

As the invisibility block activated, countless runic patterns appeared on it. Showing in full its exquisite craftsmanship. Slowly, as the runes appeared on the block, it levitated in the air a bit before it simply disappeared into countless particles of light.

On the other hand, as the particles touched Ray and the others, their bodies slowly turned invisible until nothing was left of them.

Tim raised his hand in curiosity but to his surprise, he couldn\'t see anything. He could feel his hand but couldn\'t see it, after that he looked around and realized that he couldn\'t see anyone.

It seemed as if they had vanished into thin air. Bewildered and surprised, Tim spoke,

"Are you guys there or are my eyes playing tricks on me",

"Tim we are here, it\'s just that the artifact has taken effect. Now, I want you to use the clip that I previously gave you all and attach that to yourself. It shall allow us to see each other", Ray\'s voice sounded as he instructed everyone.

Listening to Ray, everyone did as asked and took out a small reddish clip and attached it to their clothes.

Following the clip\'s attachment to their clothes, the clip lit up, and slowly, it radiated off strange waves that formed a silhouette over everyone.

"Only those who have the clip on can see our silhouettes. So don\'t worry, no one else would see us. Now let\'s hurry, we don\'t have much time before our invisibility runs out", Ray spoke as he made a run to the forest. His voice faded away as he got farther away.

But the others didn\'t wait for his voice to fade away as they also started following Ray.

In the forest,

The students assigned to patrol patrolled the outskirts of the forest. These students were those who had sensory abilities or systems that granted perceptive abilities.

Some even had an assassination system as they blended themselves in the darkness and waited for their prey to arrive.


"Did you see that?", a student on patrol asked his partner as he felt the wind around him stirring up.

"See what? There is nothing here", his partner spoke as he used his ability to scan the surroundings for any anomalies.

Finding none, he spoke again,

"I guess you have gotten sleepy staying up the whole night and now you are just seeing things due to exhaustion",

"I guess so", the student spoke as he rubbed his eyes and slapped himself a few times to awaken himself.


"That was close", Elina thought as she tried to calm herself by taking a few deep breaths. Previously, she had been careless and ventured too close to the student when she passed by.

This caused the student to feel something and he became attentive, thankfully she got out of the area soon after, or else she might have been caught when the other student scanned the area around him.

However, this didn\'t stop Elina, she simply moved forward and followed the others.

Previously, Ray had ordered them to maintain a distance of 50 meters amongst each other so as not to let anyone be suspicious, as the artifact had a range of 500 meters, everyone being 50 meters apart was the most optimal thing to do.

After running for a few more minutes, Everyone reached the middle of the forest.

Seeing that everyone had reached, Ray signaled all of them to climb the trees around them and hide in their trunks and record everything that would happen on their phones.

Ray also climbed on a tree and seated himself in a way that gave him the best view of everything in front of him.

In front of him, Ray could see countless students numbering in hundreds forming a circle and trapping the wolves. Amongst the wolves, some were already holding their heads in anguish.

Ray continued to watch this until,

"Crack… thudd…",

Ray heard the sound of something breaking, looking to his left. Ray saw Emma\'s silhouette on the ground along with a broken tree trunk.

On the other hand,

Within the human crowd cornering the wolves, an older student raised and turned his head to look towards where Ray and the others hid, specifically where Emma fell.

"Hey Van, you look after these wolves for a few minutes. I will check out the forest to have a check", he said to the person who stood next.

"Yeah sure, but come back fast. Some have started to tu Van spoke as he pointed out at some wolves who had started to give in to their bestial side.

"Yeah I will", the student spoke before he disappeared into thin air.


A/N:- Another chapter up , have fun and don\'t forget to add the novel to library.

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