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Chapter 113 Preparations For The Monthly Test(Part 2)

"Knock… knock..",

"Come in", the dean said,

"I got a notification, is there anything you need to tell me something?", Ray asked as he came into the office and stood in front of the desk.

The dean looked up and smiled,

"Yes, but before that, take a seat. I need to have a chat with you", The dean said as he closed the file in his and took out a holographic crystal.

"This is the dungeon that was discovered near the Academy, I would like you to examine it and tell me if you and your teammates could clear it without any casualties", he said and pushed the holographic crystal to Ray.

Stopping the holographic crystal and looking at it, Ray observed the whole dungeon layout.

"Aurora, scan the dungeon and give me a full analysis of it", He said while continuing to observe the dungeon layout.

"Okay, the system is analyzing it",

[Analysis Complete:- Research Crystal,

Recorded matter:- Mortal Realm Dungeon

Dungeon Info:-

Dungeon Type:- Beast Dungeon

Beast Type:- Goblins

Beast Level:- Basic To Peak/Perfect Tier

Beast Classification:- Goblin Minions, Hobgoblin, Goblin Shaman, Goblin Warrior, Goblin Lord

Goblin:- A creature of small stature that is mischievous and lustful. This species can breed with any other species, their bodies are lanky and color green while they have pointed ears just like elves. Some lore even speaks of them being fallen elves. Lastly, their intelligence is minute and they mostly work on instinct.

Hobgoblin:- The evolved goblin that evolves upon gaining certain intelligence. It is more malicious and mischievous than it\'s predecessor while having the ability to wild dark arts.

Goblin Shaman:- Another evolutionary path of a goblin that tends to magic. It excels in nature magic and is very wise and more human-like. These goblins tend to evolve into higher species that shed off their goblin heritage. (Note: Be very of their traps)

Goblin Warrior:- An evolutionary path oriented to physical strength. These goblins are more muscle headed and have also lost a good chunk of their mischievous character though they are more lustful than any other type of goblin.

Goblin Lord:- The goblin that is strongest amongst the group becomes one. It can either be a shaman or a hobgoblin or even a goblin warrior. They have high intelligence and great control over their underlings.

Note:- These are the goblins scanned from the crystal, it is to be noted that there are more types of goblins in the world and each is different from the other.

Dungeon Difficulty:- Medium to Hard

Loot:- Unknown]

Reading all the information that appeared in front of him, Ray sighed and asked Aurora,

"What do you think of it?",

"I feel that you should prepare for the worst, also we don\'t know what their formation is and if there is another type of goblin that is not recorded by the crystal", Aurora cautioned as she copied the dungeon layout to her memory.

"You are right, I should be more cautious of goblins. I will need to plan for this dungeon", Ray said pensively.

Lifting his head and looking at the dean, Ray spoke seriously,

,m "I could clear the dungeon without any casualties but I need some more information",

"Feel free to ask, we have done an extensive search of this dungeon", The dean smiled as he told Ray to ask anything.

Hearing what the dean said, Ray didn\'t shy as he asked right away,

"I only to ask a few things. First, does the time within the dungeon and outside world differ, or are they on the same timescale",

"The time differs as every day spent in the dungeon is equivalent to three hours in the outside world. But why do you ask this?", The dean asked curiously.

"Nothing much, I feel that if you want me and my team to finish this dungeon, then staying there to loot as much as possible would be the best. That\'s why I asked so I could make a few plans", Ray said expressionlessly as he continued to plan how to benefit the most from the dungeon.

"But I haven\'t said yet that you would be clearing the dungeon", The dean asked, amused over Ray\'s thought process.

"I can tell that by looking at your face, there\'s no need to ask", Ray replied coldly.

"Okay, it seems you know me better than most out there", The dean said and continued, "But you are wrong on one thing, You and your team wouldn\'t be the only ones going, it would be the whole class as this dungeon is the location for the monthly test", The said seriously and asked,

"As the acting class monitor, I need to take your advice on this matter too. So that\'s why I ask, do you have any issues with the test location?",

"Nope, I don\'t have any issues and even if someone else has, it\'s not me. However, there is going to be a lot of opposition to your idea and if it doesn\'t go well, then you should worry about your ass more than the opinion of the acting class monitor", Ray said and stood up as he spoke,

"Also, I won\'t be announcing this jargon to the class nor would I be in charge of anything. If you want it done, send it through the badges, you have already wired them enough to use them correctly for once", Ray then opened the door and left the office, leaving behind a bewildered dean who had his eyes open in surprise.

"This kid has gotten bolder after unlocking that part of his bloodline. He could have at least shown me some respect for my age, power, and position", The dean muttered as he shook his head and considered what Ray said.

"That is how the dragon blood flows, immense pride and the strength to back it while being extremely loyal and caring towards their loved ones, and from what I see, you are quite far from earning his trust", The system spoke as it explained the effects on Ray after unlocking the draconic part of his bloodline.

"I guess you are right. I just hope the other parts of his bloodline balance the flaws of dragon blood", The dean muttered.

Opening his drawer and taking out a folder from it, the dean took his stamp and stamped the folder which read,

"Class representative\'s agreement to monthly test location and style".

Back at the dormitory,

Ray reached the dormitory and called everyone to meet in the living room right away,

"What? We will be having our monthly test in the outside world and not System Online?", Tim gasped in shock as he tried to process the information Ray dumped on him.

"But all the previous students had their tests in System Online, then why should we risk our lives", Elina asked as she also tried to make sense of what was told to her.

"You are right Elina, I will call dad and ask him to change the test location to System Online. There is no way I will risk my life for a puny test", Aliya said taking out her phone as she dialed her father\'s number.

"Daddy, see what that old geezer did with the monthly test. He set it in the real world, now tell me how can you send your daughter to die just for a monthly test", Aliya cried like a spoilt brat as she tried to persuade her father.

"Enough Aliya, I agreed with the dean\'s decision. What he did is correct and you won\'t die. The dean has his plans for it too", Aliya\'s dad spoke sternly and cut the call.

"Okay Aliya, calm down. Let me tell you why the dean chose the test to be held in the real world and not in System Online", Ray said, trying his best to calm Aliya down before she threw another one of her tantrums.

"Why?", Aliya turned and asked with tears welling in her eyes,

Seeing the situation going for worse, Ray decided to be cautious as he spoke in a calm voice and explained to her,

"See, the reason is very simple. From next month onwards, various portals and dungeons would appear and we will be the ones to clear them. Not only that, with the apocalypse at our heads, this is the best chance to gain practical experience while we also try to preserve our life",

"I understand", Aliya nodded in understanding but tears had already started to leak through her eyes. Seeing this, Ray motioned Elina to take care of it before it escalates any further.

Elina understood Ray\'s intentions as she sense the situation and tried to change the topic and improve Aliya\'s mood,

"Leave it Aliya, why don\'t we go and eat ice cream", She said as she stood up and took her away from the living room.

Sighing in relief, Ray looked at the others and said,

"Believe it or not, it\'s confirmed and we have to prepare for it as the monsters we will find in the dungeon would be goblins and their evolutions. Therefore, we will have to be very careful", Ray explained seriously as he told Noah, Tim, and Sirius everything he knew and discussed a strategy to overcome the dungeon most efficiently.


A/N:- Hope you guys have fun. Don\'t forget to vote those golden tickets and power stones.

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