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Chapter 118 Entering The Dungeon

"Let\'s start the test, shall we?" The dean said out loud as his voice amplified and reverberated through the whole place. After Saying that, the dean raised both of his hands as mana surged all around.

"Is… is this the power of a celestial?" Ray thought to himself as he felt the mana within his body responding to the dean\'s mana. Feeling the mana in his surroundings, Ray felt all the mana in the place flowing towards the dean at his command.

The dean then waved his hands as he guided the mana gathered from all around and guided it towards the Dungeon gate.

"The area around the dungeon has a lot of mana but to open the dungeon entrance, a celestial\'s precise control over mana is required to channel that mana into the dungeon entrance," The dean told everyone as the mana flowed into the strange purple in the middle of the gate.

As more and more mana flowed into the portal, the portal enlarged and kept doing so until it covered the whole gate, and only the skills engraved on top of the gate were left to be seen.

"Aurora, does this portal also use space magic?" Ray asked as he felt a sensation from the portal, not from the portal in particular. Rather, that sensation came from something else, something within that portal. Something that controlled the portal itself.

"Yes, dummy… it uses space magic. Heck.. All portals are built around the principle of the law of space itself," Aurora scolded Ray over his stupidity as she continued,

"Don\'t tell me that you feel something from that portal as well,"

"I do feel a slight sensation but I guess it\'s me imagining things," Ray spoke, confused over what he felt as the sensation wasn\'t too strong and he felt it for a moment only.

"Exactly! After all, the dungeon portal is an interdimensional portal that connects the main world to a pocket dimension," Aurora said as her words removed all the suspicions from Ray\'s mind and made him believe the sensation he felt to be his imagination.

On the other hand,

"Okay kids, line up and enter the dungeon one by one. Your test starts the moment you enter the dungeon. Also, remember to keep your Academy Badges on you at all times as they would be calculating your points for every monster killed," The dean ordered, smiling wildly as his charisma made the students listen to what he had to say and follow his commands with a smile.

All the students lined up in front of the dungeon entrance one by one.

"Off you go," The dean said as the first group went in. After the first few teams got into the dungeon, it was the turn of Ray\'s team.

Ray faced the dungeon gate as he steeled his heart and took a step forward. His team followed behind him as they vanished into the portal.

Entering the portal, everyone was assaulted by a splitting headache as they felt their surroundings wobble and the space around them continued to distort.

However, it lasted for a second at most as it was all over the next second and they stood on a barren land with a huge cave in front of them while the portal swirled behind them.

"Okay guys, get into formation and take out your weapons. We are clearing this place clean," Ray shouted with enthusiasm as he summoned his beast souls and churned his mana in excitement while blood boiled over the anticipation of killing those monsters and looting the place clean.

The whole team did as told and summoned their weapons and armor as they got ready. Tim took out his shield and activated his system as his muscles enlarged while a silver sheen shined on his skin.

Aliya took out her staff while Aella took out a bow. Noah adjusted his spirit needles as they floated around him while Elina took out her curse-inducing pen as Sirius activated partial transformation to strengthen his physical stats. Lastly, the kid took out two small daggers as a frosty aura revolved around him.

With that, the whole team readied themselves as they marched into the dungeon.


First Floor,

"It\'s so dark," Aliya pouted, walking through the dungeon as darkness reigned everywhere.

"Everyone, don\'t move," Ray warned as his hand lit up in fire and he continued, "Tim, take out torches that I previously gave you and distribute them to everyone," Ray ordered as the fire on his hand gave enough visibility for Tim to manage and take out the torches.

Taking out the torches, Tim switched one on and handed the rest to others.

"Okay, let\'s move forward," Ray said after seeing that everyone had switched on their respective torches.

The whole team navigated in the little visibility they got from the torches as they moved forward.

\'Kekeke… kikiki… kekeke\'

As the team continued on forward, strange and eerie giggles reverberated around the cave, sending chills down the spines of everyone.

"What is going on?", Aliya screamed in horror as she saw a childish outline run past her.

"That\'s a goblin, don\'t be scared, and don\'t freak out," Ray reminded everyone as he fired a fireball at the running goblin.

"Argrhh," The goblin growled in pain as the fireball hit it. Moving forward, Ray slashed his sword and severed the goblin\'s head.

"Don\'t panic and be calm. This is just the first floor and we have many more to go. If you all freak out right now, I can\'t imagine what you would do later on," Ray said as he checked his badge indicating the number one written on it.

In Another Dungeon Instance,

Nia and her team walked forward as they killed any incoming goblin with ease.

"Okay, let\'s rest a bit before continuing to the next checkpoint," Nia ordered everyone as she slashed at the neck of the goblin in front of her. Killing the goblin, an item dropped as the goblin\'s corpse turned into particles and vanished into thin air.

Picking up the item, Nia used her system to appraise it,

[Black Iron Dagger]

[Description:- A rusty dagger made from an ore of black iron. Has average piercing power and moderate durability. Can be used to slash and throw at enemies. Best weapon for a newbie assassin],

Reading the description, Nia threw the dagger at one of her teammates as she said,

"Store this dagger. We will compensate it for a few points after we leave the dungeon," She said as she sat down for a rest.

Her teammate caught the dagger and stored it in her storage as she also sat down to rest.

On the other hand, a teammate smirked as a body double of his separated from him and sneaked out.

"Have fun being ambushed when resting," The teammate thought as he smirked evilly and waited for his body double to lead the goblins from the checkpoint to the resting position.


Ray picked up the third \'Black Iron Dagger\' that had dropped ever since he came to the dungeon,

"Why are we only getting these rusty daggers that have basically no use," Ray whined as he threw the dagger on the ground in anger.

"Hey! What do you mean by no use? And don\'t you whine around for getting lousy drops. You have only killed a dozen zombies till now and you except for some rare item to drop? Dream on," Aurora said, irritated over Ray\'s constant whining over baseless things.

"I don\'t know if he is getting dumber by the day," She thought in anger.

On the other hand, Ray just shut his mouth as he knew he wouldn\'t get anything from arguing with Aurora. Instead, he turned to his teammates and said,

"We will clear the checkpoint before taking a rest," Ray said as he moved forward.

"Shouldn\'t we take a rest before clearing the checkpoint? This way, we could avoid any mishaps and fight in our best form," Noah proposed as he picked up the dagger from the ground and stored it in his dimensional storage.

"No, I don\'t trust anything about this dungeon. What would happen if we are ambushed before reaching the checkpoint?" Ray pointed out as he continued, "Also, once we clear the checkpoint. We would have cleared the floor and thus, would be safe from any ambushes. Not only that, we could rest all we want without the fear of any attacks," Ray said as he churned his mana and continued on walking.

"Makes sense," Noah agreed as he got into formation and used his system to create a small formation,

[Minor Spirit Defense Formation],

Noah used his formation as he took out the spirit needles stored in his dimensional storage and imbued them with his spirit energy as he controlled them to revolve around the whole team.

Not only that, Emma used her system as she guided Ray on where the traps were laid,

Avoiding the traps and carefully treading forward, Ray and the others arrived before the checkpoint as Emma spoke,

"I can sense twenty goblins up ahead. Out of those, three have higher levels of magical power within them while the others are normal goblins with normal levels of magical power.

Listening to Emma\'s findings, Ray raised his sword as he spoke,

"Okay everyone, it\'s time to attack but before that, I want you all to remember that we are working as a team. Therefore, help out your teammates before anything else".


A/N:- First of all, I am sorry again for not uploading last night.

I hope you all enjoy this chapter and help the novel as much as possible.

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