日韩 另类 综合 自拍 亚洲

Chapter 136 The Final Part Of The Trial; Fighting A Void Beast

"Huff… Huff… Pant…" Ray wiped the sweat off his forehead, his breathing haggard as he clenched his sword tightly. In front of him, stood a seven-meter-tall ape that was made of magma.

"Take this!! You buffoon!" Ray shouted as he slashed his sword and sent forth an arc of lightning.

The ape stood in its place as it let the attack hit it. Taking the attack head-on, any normal monster would have been injured but the ape remained unscathed, and not only that, but the ape seemed to be even more enraged as it roared in anger.

"Groaaaaarrrr" The ape roared as it beat its chest. The magma in the surroundings turned unstable while fire elemental particles revolved around the ape as it controlled the surrounding magma to condense into a weapon.

The manga flowing from the magma river rose to the sky as it approached the ape. Slowly, the magma started to condense as it took the shape of a cylindrical object. The cylindrical object slowly refined as it condensed into a rod made of magma.

With the weapon completed, the ape held the rod in its hands as it started to run towards Ray.

"Thump… Thump…"

Ray felt the ground shake as he saw the ape approaching him with a large rod in its hands. The rod was about 3 meters large and seeing the ape lifting it above its shoulders as it headed towards him left Ray petrified as he thought,

"Who the hell made it so smart? Looking at it, I almost feel like fighting the legendary monkey king. Though, this one is made of magma," Ray muttered in frustration as he kicked the ground and jumped back.

Ray started to distance himself from the approaching calamity as he thought of a way to finish the ape.

"I guess I can only try that," Ray thought, summoning his sword as he unsheathed it. Looking at his sword, he felt pity for the weapon as the weapon was covered in cracks while its edges had turned blunt. Not only that but the blade had also been chipped off in multiple places.

Ray sighed in defeat as he accepted his loss and used his attack,

[Distort Slash]

Using the attack, the sword got covered in a blackish haze as distortions appeared on its surface. Ray lifted the sword as he gazed at the incoming ape.

"I will make you pay for it," Ray screamed as he also started running towards the ape.

Soon, both the ape and man collided as they attacked each other. Their attack was of such intensity that it produced a huge shockwave that sent rock and gravel flying everywhere.

"Grawrr," The ape roared angrily, pushing the rod further as it took a step forward. On the other hand, Ray blocked the attack as he locked his sword with the rod and persisted to defend.

However, Ray\'s physical strength was nowhere enough to rival the ape as slowly, the ape started pushing him back.

The ape continued to push Ray back. Its rage increased by the second while it forgot about one thing in all its rage. It had forgotten about the blackish haze that covered Ray\'s sword. Not only that, but the ape also failed to notice that a certain distortion had been spreading from Ray\'s sword to its rod.

"Fool… you are an ape after all," Ray muttered with an evil grin on his face as he sidestepped and broke away from the deadlock.

Ray rolled on the ground as he appeared behind the ape. Then, taking advantage of the situation, Ray attacked the ape while it was confused.

He lifted his sword and slashed at the ape. The attack distorting its surroundings as it cut through the ape\'s back.

"Graaaaaaawwwwrrrr" The ape cried in anguish as it turned around and faced Ray.

"What? You want to smack me with your rod? Tough luck," Ray teased the ape as he looked at the deteriorated rod in its hands.

Previously, when Ray had been in a deadlock against the ape, he had used his \'Distort Slash\' to slowly distort the rod\'s structure and change its internal composition. The change caused the rod to deteriorate as magma flakes fell off the rod.

Confused over Ray\'s words, the ape glanced at its rod. Looking at it, the ape was surprised to see that the rod was nowhere to find and all that remained was a huge piece of scrap rocks that were slowly breaking into smaller pieces.

"Byeeee," Ray said with a smile as he slashed his sword.

"Plop!" The ape\'s confused head rolled on the ground as the manga solidified and the head turned into greyish rock.

"Crack… Shatter"

Ray looked at his sword as he canceled \'Distort Slash\'. With the cancellation of the attack, even more cracks started to spread as the blade got filled with cracks. Then, like a piece of glass shattering into thousands of small pieces, the blade also shattered. Leaving behind the sword\'s scabbard.

Ray looked at the scabbard, tears welling up in his eyes as he caressed it affectionately,

"My dear sword. You accompanied me through tough times. However, every journey has an end and sadly, it was your end," Ray said, then wiping his eyes, he smiled brightly as he thought,

"Now I can finally search for a new weapon. I was tired of using a sword,"

With such thoughts going in his mind, Ray climbed the volcano as he had one last opponent to face before he could be recognized as the worthy holder of the Void Dragon Bloodline.


Mag\'ladroth laughed heartily as he watched Ray cry over his sword and then move on with it in moments,

"That kid sure is a piece of work. To think that he would show such care for a weapon and then think of a new one the moment the first weapon was destroyed. A true drama king, I would say," The dragon laughed, his words echoing into the surroundings as he watched Ray climb the volcano.

"I guess it\'s time to show the kid what Void actually is," Mag\'ladroth muttered, his expression turning dead serious as he raised his hand and ordered the mana in the surroundings to gather at the palm of his hand.

As the mana gathered in his palm, it formed a strange greyish ball that looked more like a vortex revolving continuously.

"Perfect!" The dragon exclaimed, a smile sporting his stoic face as he poured an ounce of his life force into the vortex.

Pouring his life force into the vortex, \'Mag\'ladroth\' gave it the shape of a humanoid beast. The beast had no facial features and looked rather crude. However, just one glance at the beast and one would know that it was a ruthless machine made to kill.

The beast had long arms and legs while a small vortex revolved in its chest. The vortex continuously absorbed the surrounding mana as it used the mana and converted it into the void.

With that done, Mag\'ladroth glanced downwards as he saw that Ray had almost climbed the volcano and was about to reach its peak.

Therefore, not wasting any more time, Mag\'ladroth descended as he approached Ray while the Void Creature followed behind Mag\'ladroth.

"Finally, I climbed it. Such a steep volcano," Ray complained, dusting his hands, he looked around as he muttered, "Now where is the final monster I need to fight against,"

Finding no one, Ray decided to rest as he sat on the ground. However, just as he sat, a voice reverberated through the air,

"I appreciate your determination to get stronger. Now, all that is left is the final part of the trial, which is to face this Void Beast and defeat it," Mag\'ladroth roared in all his majesty. His voice resounded in the whole plane as he changed into his true form and continued,

"Before you begin the last part of your trial. Let me explain something. This trial that you are taking part in is an ancient trial to choose bloodline successors. By fighting against those magma monsters, you have proved that you are not dependent on just your main elements, which are Fire and Lightning,"

"Rather, you utilize your whole strength and use everything in your arsenal to fight against different types of monsters. As for the second part of the trial, it will test your observational skills and your adaptability to fight against the bloodline you are fighting for,"

"Now go and prove yourself and do your best to attain my bloodline,"

Mag\'ladroth finished, his voice finally fading as the Void Beast descended to the ground and gazed at Ray murderously.

Ray looked at it with care as he sensed the tremendous amount of murderous intent from it. Ray observed the beast as he realize that not only did the beast possess a great amount of murderous intent but the beast\'s strength was also off the charts as the pressure released by it caused the surroundings to cave in.

"Here goes nothing," Ray said as he kicked the ground and approached the beast in a bid to attack it.


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