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Chapter 274 An All-Out Attack

"Only one way to find out," Ray grinned. Raising his hand, lightning covered it as electrical arcs whizzed around the air. Ray was ready to go all out but he would wait first.

He would wait and see what Hailey would do. She has enough strength to challenge him with the amount of people she controlled. Therefore, he was sure that putting up a strong fight wouldn\'t be a problem for her.

Also, he wanted to keep his real strength a secret. Who knew when the surprise factor would come handy.

He glanced at Hailey and smirked. Winking at her, he equipped the Void Gauntlets and kicked against the ground. Jumping in the air, he clenched his fists tightly.

A strange sort of energy coursed through his body. He felt great with adrenaline pumping throughout his body. He felt energized and felt like punching through a mountain. This was the excitement he had. The excitement of fighting a strong opponent.

On the other hand,

Hailey harrumphed arrogantly. She knew that the troll was strong but believed in numbers. She was sure that with the number of people under her control. It wouldn\'t be hard for her to kill the troll and in turn she might even try and get to Ray.

Her eyes glinted with a sharp gleam. Killing intent flashed in them as mist oozed out of her pores. The mist was pinkish in color. As it spread out, the people around her changed.

Their pupils turned hollow and they turned into mindless zombies under her command. They all came into formation and stood in front if her.

The way she did it was so efficient that Ray had his mouth side open in awe. He couldn\'t believe the fact that Hailey had such methods and control over her power.

"I really underestimated her," He thought and continued on observing.

Everyone gathered under her commands and formed around her. Her first priority was to protect herself, killing the troll ahead was after that.

Turning to Ray, she winked him arrogantly. It was a challenge from her side. She wanted Ray to show his strength and compete with her.

However, Ray wasn\'t a fool. He understood her intentions completely and this time, he wasn\'t going to underestimate her.

Hence, he controlled his mana and reduced its output. He would fight, but wouldn\'t give it his all. Not until he found everyone to be in grave danger.

Glancing at Sirius, he motioned the man to get onto his job. Sirius nodded and blended into the shadows around him. Within minutes, Sirius was gone. Not even his presence remained.

Hailey raised her hand and painted at the huge troll. The troll was fat, oversized and ugly. It had a strange stench coming off it\'s body. The stench was so bad that it made one vomit.

Looking up at it\'s face, the troll had three eyes. Two eyes were placed normally while the third one was on it\'s forehead. Though, it wasn\'t just that. It had two mouths or more like one moth but separated into two different ends.

It\'s nose was almost non-existent and it was the same for it\'s neck. All that was present there was a thick roll of skin that had warts all over it.

"Eww..." That was Hailey\'s first reaction when she saw the troll. She was disgusted beyond anything and this made her want to kill the troll even more badly.

However, Hailey was still inexperienced. She and noticed so much about the troll but there were still things she hadn\'t noticed. She didn\'t noticed the gate and how a strange mist oozed out of that gate and was absorbed by the troll.

Neither did she notice the strange could above it\'s head that had weird flashes all over it. It wasn\'t just that, she hadn\'t even noticed the fact that the troll was currently preparing an attack.

All she was stuck on was its appearance and how disgusting it was. She even failed to judge it\'s strength properly.

Ray looked at her with his hands in his pockets. He was as calm as he could be. For now, the troll was focused on Hailey and it helped his narrative.

It allowed him to observe the troll and see it\'s strengths and weaknesses first hand. Not only that, but Ray was sure that the troll wasn\'t just it. There was something bigger to it.

He didn\'t know why but all this while, he was feeling as if he was in a dungeon. It seemed as if the whole academy had turned into a dungeon and they were all trapped in it.

This worried him a lot. Because if it was like he thought, things wouldn\'t be so easy. No one knew the time difference inside the academy and outside.

He didn\'t even know if they could ever get out of the dungeon. What if they had entered a spatial pocket that was completely locked and there was no way out.

His thoughts ran amok and he just kept on observing the troll.

"I guess the only way to be sure is by reaching the portal room. Also, I did receive the dean\'s text," he thought and claimed down a bit.

Focusing his whole attention on the troll, he saw the troll raise it\'s hand. As it did, a strange whitish energy formed over it.

The whitish energy materialized into a rectangular object. The troll looked at the object and grinned. It\'s grin was even more disgusting and this time, even Ray had to look away.

Throwing the rectangular object in the air, the troll raised his arm and punched it forward. The object suddenly exploded into hundreds of smaller pieces and flew forward.

"Booommm!!" A single piece fell to the ground and exploded.

That was just the start because after that single field. The ground wasn\'t the same anymore. Rest of the pieces continued to fall down and it seemed as if there were airstrikes falling upon them.

Ray acted fast. He raise his hands and used his barrier ability. He has recently played with his barrier ability and morphed all the barriers he had into a single, indestructible barrier.

[Barrier Of Doom:- Activate]

Activating the barrier, a transparent barrier covered his body. The barrier was like an extra layer of armor over his body and it allowed him to move freely as if there was nothing.

Aside from Ray, the rest of his teammates took countermeasures as well.

Nia used her light based ability to form a curved shield and put it above her head. Continuously providing it with mana, she used the shield to protect her.

Kashish threw her seeds all over the ground and raised her hands. Her eyes turned bright green as mana oozed out her. Accelerating their growth, she formed vines and controlled them to cover her fully and provide her with impeccable defense.

The rest of them hid alongside Kashish as her defense was most vast and provided them with good space to hide.

All this while, Sirius was no where to be seen and for Ray, it was like a dual edged sword. He was relieved on one hand that his friend would wait for the perfect chance and end Hailey but he was afraid that if he got found out, the already dire situation would turn even more dire.

Ray sighed. There was nothing he could do other than trusting his friend. Looking sideways, he was Adrian extending his hand and controlling the darkness around him to form a high shield over everyone.

Not only that, but he also saw the rest of them preparing an attack. Everyone had turned on their abilities. Some had tongues of fire burning over their hands, some had their bodies changing and transforming while others had different elements gathering around them.

There were some lightning users as well and this allowed Ray a chance to see and learn how lightning users fought.

One person was just like Ray. He let his lightning element form over his body and fought physically. The other one was different. He condensed all his lightning at a single point and used it in form of energy.

He has raised his hand and aimed it at the troll, his hand lit up more and more until it was full of energy. After that, a beam was shot as it travelled far and struck the troll heavily.

Ray observed everything and noted it in his mind. He was going to make his moves more open and versatile so he could fight more people and be as unpredictable as possible.

Soon, the counter attack was prepared. Hailey had beads of swears rolling down her forehead and it seemed that making everyone attack at once had caused a toll on her.

"ATTACK!!" Hailey shouted loudly. The order was given and everyone attacked.

With all of their mind linked and under Hailey\'s control. The timing was perfect and all the attacks were released at once and targeted the same spot.

But did it even matter?

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