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Chapter 304 Bloodline Assimilation (Part 1)

"Hey, calm down," Ray\'s mother comforted Aella as she came closer to Ray. Touching his neck, she found it cold to touch.

Realizing the problem at hand, her eyes constricted slightly but she soon regained her composure. It wasn\'t the time to worry or panic. Instead, it was the time to find the cause of all this and the solution to the issue.

Ray\'s mother stood up as she looked around the whole room. She turned to Aella and asked, "What happened?"

"We were sleeping when I heard a thud. I woke up and found him on the ground with blood everywhere," Aella answered through the tears.

"Okay," Ray\'s mother nodded as she motioned Elina to take Aella along with her.

"No one is allowed to come over here," She ordered Sirius as the wolf simply nodded and disappeared in a puff of shadows.

Ray\'s mother looked down at her son. Her eyes were calm but deep within them, panic and hesitation ravaged her emotions. She was at a loss for what to do.

As she stood there, minutes passed as they turned into hours and the hours also passed as two days went by. Ray\'s body didn\'t get better. Instead, his condition only worsened.

Yesterday, his blood vessels had burst open as blood started to seethe out of his broken and cracked skin. A few hours later, the blood stopped as various other impurities were also excreted out of his body.

His mother kept watch on him as she used her magic to clean him every time a change occurred to his body.


Ray slowly tried to crawl his way back to the conscious world. He knew that if he wanted to get out, no help would come and it was only him who could get him out of this place.

Ray looked around the darkness that consumed everything and tried to think of something.

"Just how did I end up here in the first place?" He thought to himself. Reflecting back on the events that had taken place, he realized one fundamental thing.


It was but a matter of will. After what had happened between him and Aella, Ray had found his perspectives the world changing greatly and this lead to a single conviction being born in his heart.

It was the will to attain freedom. From the strings of fate that tied him down and from the beings vastly superior to him. It was the will to kill anyone that stood in his path to greatness and ascend the highest levels ever.

He didn\'t care to be a hero. What he wanted was to be so strong that no one could ever block his path again. This single conviction allowed his body to change.

And that change was the cause of his current condition.

"Guess it\'s for the better," He thought and concentrated hard to go back and dive into his consciousness. He needed to have a good talk with the three tenants that currently lived there.


As he closed his eyes and concentrated hard on finding a way back. A faint beating sound spread in his mind. Like a small ripple through a calm lake, the voice only grew in intensity.

Ray used that beating sound as a tether and concentrated hard as he held on to it. The faint sound only grew louder as Ray slowly found a semblance of sanity in between.

Slowly, the darkness receded as light shone into the vast darkness he stood in. The scenery around him change as Ray was suddenly thrown off balance.

Like a kite broken from it\'s string, Ray fell to the ground without any support or strength.

Adjusting himself to the sudden change, Ray tried summoning his strength. Alas, he wasn\'t too lucky.

Thrown off from one problem, Ray was thrust into another.

"Eighth," Ray exhaled and resigned to his faith. Even though he wouldn\'t die, he knew that it was going to hurt very bad.

His body fell through the air as what seemed like an infinite period of time finally ended. He saw a piece of land in front of him. As he fell more and more, the land enlarged as it finally resembled his consciousness.

"Guess I am back," that was his last thought before he fell to the ground and a pain radiated through his body. His vision turned dark and he fainted.

After what seemed like an eternity of endless torture, Ray groggily opened his eyes and looked around him.

"Arghh," He groaned in pain as he stood up and then turned as he noticed three people gathered around him.

One was an albino man who seemed to be in his late fifties, his gaze wizened as an ambitious light shone in his eyes.

The other was a tanned, athletic woman who wore a colorful singlet. From her looks, it seemed as if she was going out for some sort of party or celebration.

And the last was another young woman, her body radiated pureness as she stood calmly and looked at him with worry in her eyes. She wore a simple top and pants but even that wasn\'t enough to hide her curves.

Ray recognized the woman right away, it was Aurora and as for the other two. All he could do was guess.

The man, he guessed to be \'Mag\'ladroth\' and the woman he guessed to be FengFeng. Knowing that both of them had a habit of changing their appearance, the current ones suited them the best.

"Uhmm… FengFeng, if you could help me a bit and heal my body," Ray asked with a pained grimace.

"Ohhh, I can help you but I can\'t heal you," FengFeng replied mischievously.

"Ugh…whatever it is, just go on and reduce this pain," Ray shouted as the pain was unbearable. After all, several of his bones had been broken when he fell while his legs were mangled up. The pain was just so much that Ray felt passing out but he held on.

After all, he didn\'t know what would happen if he passed out again. What if he was thrust back into that darkness. As Ray shivered over that thought, FengFeng leaned forward seductively and touched Ray in a rather intimate manner.

Her hand caressed Ray\'s face as it travelled down his body. A small glow suffering her hand as wherever it passed through, the wound was healed or rather the time of that part of body was reversed.

His bones went back to their original shape and even rejoined but Ray knew that it wasn\'t healing. The pain was still there but his body was back to normal.

FengFeng had simply reversed the time around his body to the point just before he fell to the ground. This way, he had recovered fully. Though, physically. His soul was still in a bad shape.

After all, his real physical body was in the outer world and he had travelled her with his soul. Any part of soul that was hurt, had to be given time to recover or else things might go south.

It was the same with Ray. Even though he had been healed, the condition of his soul was rather fragile. Like a glass of water on the cusp of breaking, Ray had to be very careful with his soul.

Therefore, he stood up slowly and asked, or rather demanded, "Care to explain what has happened just now?"

"How would I know? Ask you system," FengFeng backed away as she put everything on Aurora.

Ray exhaled exasperatedly and he turned to Aurora, "Please explain the situation," He asked in a rather sarcastic manner.

"Well, nothing much. Your blood is assimilating the bloodline. With this, the bloodline will be yours completely rather than a foreign power for you to use. Though it wouldn\'t change much for now but it will help you a lot in future,"

"I get that but where is the explain part you missed? You just told me a small description of what has happened which I had figured out myself," Ray almost screamed at her out of desperation.

Well, what else could he do? He was at his limits. Everything was going out of the way and everything was just so hectic. Not to mention the fact that the three people he trusted the most had hidden things from him and still were right in front of his face.

"Sighhh, have a seat. It\'s a big story anyways," Aurora said as she clapped her hands and four chairs appeared along with a coffee table full of snacks.

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