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Chapter 339 Ray’s Worry

Chapter 339 Ray’s Worry

"F*ck," Kashish grunted as she rolled off the ground, feeling her bones crackle from the speed she was rolling against at. After all, a Celestial had thrown her and even though the Warmack celestial wasn\'t that strong and hadn\'t used any strength to speak of, he was a celestial and the strength he innately wielded was stronger than most could even think of.

Kashish endured the pain as her head continued to mess with her perception, making it difficult for her to know of her surroundings and the area she was in.


Ray was sitting inside the camp with Nia. He had decided to look over her until she woke up. As he was waiting for her, Ray heard some noise outside. Looking around, everyone else was asleep so he decided to go out himself. Summoning a sword, he dashed out and looked at what the commotion was.

He saw a cloud of dust, a few trees that had holes as big as a person and not just that, he could see a long trail going farther and farther away and along with it, he could feel a familiar presence as well. Trusting his instincts, Ray kicked the ground with all the strength he could muster while he asked Aurora,

"Aurora, who is it? I know its someone familiar but I can\'t point onto who it really is,"

"Ray, it\'s Kashish and you should hurry. She isn\'t too well," Aurora said, her voice wasn\'t the usual calm but hurried, as if urging Ray to hurry even faster and Ray complied to her request.

Letting a bit of his bloodline flow through his mana core, he felt a slight pain in his chest but with it came even more strength and power. He had just activated a measly ten percent of his bloodline but even that was more than enough as his speed increased by at least three times.

He turned into a blur as he rushed forward and followed the long trail of destruction. Approaching the end of the trail, he saw a badly injured Kashish who had her bones broken into splinters, face swollen as if hundreds of bees had stung her repeatedly and left her be and even with that, Kashish seemed to be in some sort of hurry. As soon as she perceived Ray\'s presence, she raised her hand but even that tasked proved to be too much as right after, she lost her consciousness and fainted on the spot.

"Aurora, I need analysis asap," Ray screamed in his mind.

"Already done and Ray you should hurry. Call Aliya over here, she needs treatment right now or else she might face some permanent effects from her injuries," Hearing what Aurora had said, Ray didn\'t delay any further and got on the move.

Throwing caution to the wind, he used his spatial abilities and opened multiple blinks together and then linking all those blinks, he stepped through one place and appeared at the end point of the very farthest blink. This way, he covered the distance in the fraction of the time yet it took half of his already seeping mana and drained quite a good amount of his mental energy.

"That was hard," he thought and rushed back into the camp. Finding Aliya sleeping soundly on a bench, he conjured a small zap of lightning as he electrocuted her awake.

"Hyaaa," Aliya\'s sudden scream jolted another person awake as he looked around in suspicion, "Sirius calm down. I woke her up and you also get ready, we need you shadows," Ray said calmly, having an idea of what was going on between these two.

"Huh?" After the pain faded, Aliya looked up and saw Ray staring at her in a hurry, "What happened?" She asked.

"A big issue, get everything ready. Its very important, we are moving now," Ray said as Sirius concentrated the shadows around him and opened a shadow portal, "Where to link it?" Asked Sirius.

"Here," Ray sent the telepathic location and Sirius nodded as the portal was opened completely.

"Let\'s go," the trio stepped over the portal as they sunk into the shadows and popped out of the shadow of a huge tree. Looking around, Aliya was just about to ask where the problem was when she noticed a strange human like figure laying lifelessly on the ground.

"Is that?" She asked bewildered by the state in which Kashish was.

"Yes, its Kashish and I don\'t know what happened. That\'s how i found her," Ray replied and then added, "You know why i called you here. I need you to heal her asap or else there are going to be big issues. I fear something wrong has happened,"

"Yes, let me get to it right away," taking out some apparatus from the waist bag she had on her, Aliya started mixing some ingredients in her hands while her staff glowed brightly and encased everything in a bright glow. Slowly, the ingredients turned into some sort of yellowish liquid that floated in front of her. Raising the staff, she directed the yellowish liquid towards Kashish\'s body and let it pass through her nose and then from her naso-pharyngeal cavity to her esophagus and down to her stomach.

As the liquid entered her body, Aliya tapped the staff on Kashish\'s forehead as she cast her spell [Diagnostic]. The spell was just like its name suggested and diagnosed the patient\'s body but the one Aliya had cast was different than before. It was more enhanced, better than ever and scanned the human body a deeper level than before.

While she scanned Kashish\'s body, the yellowish liquid in her stomach started to burn as it broke down into several components and spread through her bloodstream, providing Kashish the necessary nutrients and energy for the natural healing process of her body to start.

While Aliya worked on Kashish, Ray took Sirius to the side.

"Sirius, i feel something is wrong. I sent Kashish and Aella together and only Kashish came and look at her condition. She is on death\'s door, I feel a big problem coming up. We need to find the cause of the problem as I am sure that others are in danger," while sharing his worries with Sirius, Ray started to lose control over his emotions as the surroundings got affected once again.

"Ray calm down and don\'t worry, lets wait for Kashish to wake up and ask her of the problem directly. Till then, you should rest; i can feel it, your mana core. You shouldn\'t strain yourself," Sirius\'s words calmed Ray down and also raised a question as Ray asked,

"My core-how do you know about it?"

"I can feel it. It\'s different than before and from what i feel, its weaker and more strained than before," Sirius answered as Ray nodded, "Yes, it is strained. Thanks to my carelessness," Ray shook his head and sat down as both of them waited for Kashish to get healed up enough so she could at least gain her consciousness.

On the other hand, the forest had descended into complete chaos as the tree had finally sprung into action. After all, it was now as large as centuries old ancient trees and had gained control over most of the forest, to the point that it could spread its senses through the whole forest and control the whole flora of the forest.

In front of it were two groups of four and two regional lords who had succeeded in capturing their targets. Also, there was a girl wound up in multiple vines as the tree seemed to have taken a liking to the girl and kept her closer to itself.

That girl was none other than Aella and right now she was unconscious and would be so for long because of the wounds and the poison that flowed in her body. The tree liked her for her powers and had saved her for last because it wanted to take time to tame her and that a beauty like hers and talent was truly rare.

"As for you all," the tree spoke into their minds as it planted seeds into their minds and then slowly turned them into her thralls. After all, they were all in lower realms and controlling them was child\'s play for it.

"Where are the others?" The tree asked the two lords.

"They are being brought here. The other lords are doing their work," the forest lords replied like machines as the tree turned silent. It knew about the betrayal from a lord of the forest and it wanted to keep it hidden. After all, someone defying his power and authority was a disgrace to it and it didn\'t even want those useless thralls to know about it.

As it was lost in its thoughts, the head nurse had eventually found her way to the region where the fight had recently occurred. She looked at the devastation around her and noticed a couple of presences near an opening as she rushed there, only to find some familiar faces.

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