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Chapter 385 Knowing About The World’s Truth

Chapter 385 Knowing About The World’s Truth

"No, until and unless any other humanoid species comes, the will of the world wouldn\'t recognize them to be worthy of its approval," answered the Oracle.

"What of the Draconic species? I saw a drake and I am sure there would be dragons in this world as well," the dean asked, a bit stunned at the strange requirements the will of the world had kept for those trying to gain its approval.

"The dragons are on another level. I guess i will have tell it to you kids the whole explanation," the Oracle sighed before standing up, "Follow me," said the Oracle and started walking deeper into the place.

In the very front was the library as the dean and everyone else had seen and deeper inside were rooms where others were staying with a few battle grounds for practicing their skills and deeper inside was the kitchen and a few laboratories which included the alchemy rooms and forging rooms.

At the very end was a narrow passage that had a single great door leading to a room. The Oracle opened the door, leading everyone into a spacious hall. The hall was huge and filled with different types of things and in the middle of the hall was a desk and a few chairs around it.

"Reminds me of my office," the dean murmured as he looked around, noticing many scrolls and books in shelves. What he did notice was that these books and scrolls seemed older and more precious than the other ones that he had seen in the library.

Not just that, but there was also a huge map of the whole world hanged on a wall and besides it was the map of the settlement. It could be said that the Oracle really had a personal treasure trove that others would die for and he stayed too humble in spite of all that.

Taking a seat, he asked others to take a seat as well. Doing as they were told, the dean and Loid took a seat. After that, the Oracle looked down at the table and said,

"This is a special table and in the times of old, when all human leaders had gathered together we would use this for setting plans for wars and other strategical things and right now, I will tell you about a certain secret of the world, so look at this table and let your consciousness flow openly," saying those words, the Oracle placed his hands on the table as it\'s surface started shifting around, an endless fog flowing into it while the dean and Loid felt their consciousness shifting.

"Woah, that\'s new," the dean thought to himself as he looked around himself and saw the whole place shifting around continuously.

From the study to the whole underground place where they had been, the vision kept on expanding. It showed the settlement but it wasn\'t like that, it was grander, larger and better in every was possible. Most importantly, it felt free. There were no boundaries, people came and left as they liked and the barriers and formations were only for defense against strong intruders that posed some sort of risk to the whole place.

They then saw the vision expand even more. From the city to the large forests that now stand covered in darkness, they saw it all. Then they saw other cities as well, small like dots on the land, they saw the grand continent and then came the huge rivers and the other continents, expanding more and more until a single entity remained- The Planet.

The planet was a bit like the earth but also different at the same time. The continents and rivers were there but they were different in everything else. The rivers flowed endlessly but only covered half of the whole World\'s area and the other half was covered by land.

The land was unlike that of the current Earth. It was vast and filled with countless forests and mountain ranges and that was seen clearly on the Planet. Also, there was a pinkish hue due to the world\'s mana that gave the whole planet a mystical feeling.

Seeing the whole planet, the dean himself felt as tiny as an ant before the huge celestial body, albeit his strength being so that he would be able to destroy a planet or two by himself but it was just that this planet was on another level. A level he didnt know of but surely understood that it was a level he wanted to reach.

"Now let me explain, this is our World and it was before the things went wrong," the Oracle said as his figure appeared in the endless Void, the Oracle then told them to wait a bit before another figure appeared.

Dressed in a vibrant day dress, it was a woman with chestnut hair and pinkish eyes. Her whole body radiated the aura of mysticism while the sense of beauty she displayed stunned both the dean and Loid but for entirely different reasons.

The reason Loid was stunned because it had been the first time had seen someone so beautiful and perfect, but for the dean, he only had one word going on in his mind, "The World\'s Spirit!!" He screamed in his mind and then suddenly bowed down, "This one respects the Spirit Of this World,"

His words stunned Loid even more while the spirit of the world chuckled softly before turning to the Oracle, "So this one came from another world?"

The Oracle nodded to which the world spirit only smiled and continued, "I can sense he had been traveling through different worlds for a long time but there still lingers a scent from his original world and from what I can sense, its a relatively young world whose spirit had only awoken a few thousand years ago, so I may ask, why have you left your world? You aren\'t strong enough to traverse through the Voids and travel to others worlds yet,"

Hearing the spirit of the world discern his background with such ease, the dean only felt more pressured, "She really is strong, I need to be careful and not get on her wrong side," he thought to himself and said in a respectable manner,

"This young one had entered a Portal that led to a destroyed world to fight against some enemies invading our world but that was only a trap and after that, I along with my loved one tried to go back and return to our world but were stuck in that world and thus, I used a treasure I had to travel through worlds but it was nothing but an artifact that drops one in random worlds and so we fought hard until we were dropped in this world. Its the first world where we found humans after traveling through five worlds,"

As the dean finished his explanation, the world spirt nodded and then glanced at the Oracle. Taking this as his chance, the Oracle went on and explained, "The table is the contact between the world spirit and humans and ever since the age of old, we humans have had good relations with the world spirit but due to unseen circumstances, we lost the ability to wield the power of the world spirit,"

"Why? If we once wielded the power then why did we lose that power?" Asked Loid, having finally regained his bearings.

"Because the essence of the world spirit as a whole changed when the world changed," the world spirit herself answered as she explained, "When darkness prevailed the world, it changed me as well and the conditions needed to wield my power and so, since then no one has wielded my power,"

"Hmm, makes sense. After all, the essence of the world as a whole has changed so it would apply to the spirit of the world as well," the dean thought out loud before thinking of something and asked, "If i may ask, what is the current requirement one should have to wield your power?"

Hearing his question, the spirit only said,


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