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Chapter 404  Ray’s Challenge


All the time Ray had been unconscious, he wasn\'t totally asleep. His body had shut down but his soul sea was still as it was and Ray\'s consciousness had taken ahold over there but that didn\'t mean that he was having a very good time there.

A month ago,

When the battle was about to end, Ray had tried to endure as much as he could and feeling his consciousness fade, he knew that it was the end for his journey and even though he had a lot of regrets and goals he couldn\'t achieve, he was content with the fact that at least he tried his best.

As he was desperately clinging onto the last strands of his life, the Yagdrassil descended and ever since then, he felt himself in some sort of a limbo for the period of time the battle raged on.

Not only did he feel everything clearly, he also felt the thoughts of those around him. The despair his mother felt when she found out she couldn\'t heal him, the sadness and grief Sirius and the rest felt when they saw his condition.

And far away, where the tree originally was, he felt a feeling of sigh and relief. A faint flicker of hope originating in there, Ray understood it was Aella who had just been freed and was making her way here.

He felt sad that he couldn\'t live more and spend time with them, he also felt the regret of wasting all the time on these fights to live and survive but most of all, he hated this world, this life, this fate for throwing him under such conditions.

Didn\'t he only want to live a better life? He wanted a good ability to make money, be happy and spend time with his family but where was he now?

It\'s been months, an apocalypse has descended. They were cut off from the whole world, he was on his last breathe and everyone dear to him was here but he soon, he himself wont be here. He felt furious and wanted to pay back this apocalypse, end it and finish everything but now he couldn\'t. After all, how could he?

His mana core had been cracked and broken, his body was in tatter, his life force exhausted. He was literally on his death bed, living a few more desperate moments because of the Yagdrassil\'s help and nothing else.

"I reward you and hence, you shall live. I feel your anger and anguish, it\'s perhaps your fate or destiny, whatever it is; I wish you luck," he heard the solemn voice speak in his mind, as he felt a change.

His life force that continuously slipped away was not slipping away anymore. Instead, his life force seemed to have been settled down, like a gentle stream, flowing through his body and nourishing him slowly and not just that but there seemed to be some sort of strange rhythm along with his life force, constantly generating more of it.

"What is it?" He thought but his consciousness couldn\'t bare it anymore and he fell into a darkness.

For how much long, he didn\'t know but he did know that he had fell into a long never ending dark place where he continued to fall without stop.

"What is happening?" In the array of mismanaged and chaotic thoughts, it was the only question he could ask himself and even that was something he couldn\'t answer to.

After a long eternity of falling down, he finally saw a light. A small minuscule dot of light and like a ray of hope enlightening his whole being, he finally felt a response from his consciousness.

It seemed that his consciousness had finally started to settle down as he noticed that the previous chaotic thoughts were receding while his mind settled down slowly and most importantly, he could finally think about stuff,

"Am I going to be awake? How much time has passed? Where have I been? How has everyone been? Am I even alive?" The questions kept on coming and he kept on questioning himself while the dot only grew closer and closer, becoming clearer and larger by the second.

"Hey, this place seems familiar," he thought to himself and saw the dot enlarge even more, forming a sea of clouds as he entered through it.

Though, it was unlike what he thought it to be, the clouds weren\'t fluffy or soft, nor were they cool and calming, instead; they were freezing and electric. Like a jolt through his body, they made his awake in a second as all unnecessary thoughts disappeared from his mind in that particular instant and he only felt one thing,

"SO COLDD!!!" He muttered to himself and noticed that he had a body now.

"I have a physical form here, and seeing its so familiar; I guess I might know where I am," he thought to himself and fought the biting hard cold as kept on descending.

He saw the clouds disappear and then, it was even worse, the cold only got colder as he got submerged into water.

"Why is there water here?" He thought to himself and shivered, feeling scared for his life as he kept on descending and soon enough, he was out of the water but strangely, he wasn\'t going down anymore but rising upwards.

"What the F*ck his happening to me," he shouted out loud, screaming in anger as he kept on going. Now, the clouds were in the air and below him was the vast ocean and soon, he reached the clouds; but this time, the process was even worse as the clouds weren\'t calm at all.

They were turbulent like an angered beast, flashing with bolts of lightning that passed through the sky and fell down every other moment.

"What the-" his words got stuck as a bolt hit his body,

"Szzzzlleee," feeling the burn, the shock, the electrocution, he was afraid for the first time.

"Where am I?" He questioned but no one answered, it was only him and the great clouds.

And soon enough, he was out of the clouds and into the sea, like a never ending cycle; he kept on going from the clouds to the sea and then again into the clouds, every time; the experience was different.

From lighting to colds, from hot boiling water to cold freezing ice, Ray was sure that he wasn\'t anywhere but in some sort of hell. This kept on going for so long that he lost count for it and by now, he was numb to it all.

"Sighh, out from the pan and down into the pot," he thought for the upteemth time as he fell from the sky.

"Hmm, wait. Why hasn\'t there been any water yet?" He thought to himself and looked down, only to be shocked,

"Whatt!!!" He exclaimed and then, "Thuddd!!" The ground and his face made crisp contact and then it was all stars for Ray.

"That was harsh but he will live on," a girl dressed in summer dress came, on top her head was a straw hat and along with her was an older woman with a mature look dressed in a shirt and pants and behind them both was an albino man with a scholarly aura around him, dressed in a loose robe; he settled his spectacles on his nose and spoke,

"Let\'s lift him up, it would be some time before he comes to his senses," said the man and clapped his hands as the ground around them shifted, a figure coming out of it; taking a humanoid shape and looking down at the man laying flat on the ground.

"Lift him up and bring him to the house and make sure to be careful, this is his place. If he feels any pain-" the man stopped there as the expressionless figure shuddered as if it had emotions to its nonexistent self.

"Very well, now get on with it," the girl spoke as she clapped her hands and turned around, the three leaving the place as if nothing had happened at all.

These three were Aurora, FengFeng and Mag\'ladroth, and currently; they were going to do something that would make Ray cry rivers but would eventually help him power up and make up for the mistakes he had made.

Even though it hadn\'t been long, things had changed and Ray had to be brought up to speed. As for the earlier things he suffered, they were just a warmup for him and only now would start the game of his survival, if he comes out on top, he gets to live or else he would remain as he is and die not long later.

A/N:- Hello everyone, i hope you are all well and loving the novel. The year is coming to an end and to be honest, it had been one heck of an year for me and I hope we can have the same next year so lets hope for the best and be ready for my next novel too,its dropping soon.


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