日韩 另类 综合 自拍 亚洲

Chapter 408  The Changes To The World Spirit


"Huh?" Ray raised an eye brow, a bit confused as to what a volcano of time would refer to much, much less look like.

"Let me explain," FengFeng clarified as she raised both of her hands and opened her palms wide, producing thin bursts of flames that spread out and took different shapes and soon enough, a whole structure was made. It was all due to the intricate control FengFeng held over her powers and so, despite being underpowered with a huge chunk of her powers siphoned off and blocked, she was able to show such mastery over flames.

"These are the blue prints of the first region," FengFeng said, pointing at the opening of the place. Studded with skulls and flames everywhere, it was the literal definition of a phoenix\'s lair.

"From here, the dungeon starts and would only end once we kill the boss, and reach the end of boss room, apparently; after clearing the dungeon, the other places would only become clearer and we would have a much better outlook of the whole place,"

"Hmmm, it sure is huge," Ray muttered, observing the whole blueprint closely, his eyes glued to every road, route, and entrance within the place.

The whole place was like an island with a huge volcano in the middle. As for the surroundings, there was nothing but scorching hot magma flowing everywhere and into the island.

The volcano itself burst out with magma that flowed down its crevices from multiple openings, and from what FengFeng had told Ray, the volcano was where the boss room was located.

"So we clear everything here," said Ray pointing at the other places, "And then we enter the volcano, clear it and then reach the boss room which who knows where it is," he said, feeling a bit frustrated at the task at hand.

"Well, it is what it is," sighed FengFeng, a bit downtrodden as she knew how hard of a challenge they were facing and so far, it was the first dungeon while they had six more to go after this one.

"A challenge is a challenge," Ray muttered as his eyes gleamed with a competitive glint, "Let\'s prepare for it and have some fun," he said, a maniacal smile on his face, his eyes murderous as he gave of a bone chilling killing intent.

As the others simply nodded and prepared for the upcoming dungeon run, Ray sat down and examined his own body. Knowing he was in his soul sea, he understood that his current form was but a projection of his consciousness.

Looking deep into his consciousness, he saw a lot of issues and flaws in it. Noticing how damage his consciousness was a bit startled as he sucked in cold breath,

"If not for the Yagdrassil, I would have kicked the dust no doubt," He thought and checked how much of his strength he could utilize and realized that he was deep in murky waters and if push came to shove, he would only be able to fight physical as right now, he had no magical prowess to speak of and even his physical strength was only half of what it used to be.

"Sighhh, its going to be hard. Im going to have to be more clever or its all over for us," muttering, he stood up and walked towards Aurora, he was going to need some of her help and get himself a few weapons.


Far away, in a world devoured by darkness; the dean sat in thought, thinking of Earth and its matter as he muttered,

"I just wish he is fine or else, I would have but failed my friend," Saying those words to himself, he stood up and walked to Amanda, looking into her eyes; she only responded with a smile as the dean nodded and walked to the entrance of the underground safe house.

A few days ago, the court verdict had passed and the Grand Elder ruled it as a humane mistake, saying that the vampires getting inside the settlement wasn\'t the Head Of Defense\'s issue but an error from the settlement as a whole and so, he passed a law that said that any vampire to be found is to be eradicated on the spot while the authority of the disciplinary committee was raised to max.

"The Grand Elder sure is sly," the dean commented as he stood besides Loid.

"Of course he is, or else he wont be in his position and also, be careful when we meet him. He sometimes acts like a crackhead," Loid commented, a disgruntled expression on his face.

Seeing him and the expression on his face, the dean nodded as he thought,

"He must have had a few bad experiences to make such an expression," As he was thinking, the opening above lifted as the Oracle\'s face peered through it,

"Come on, lets go. The coast is clear for now," the Oracle said as the two put on their capes and covered their heads with a hood and walked out of the underground safe house, climbing into the Oracle\'s dilapidated home.

"Do they not suspect you?" The dean asked, looking around the Oracle\'s home.

"Why would they?" The Oracle asked, a bit confused at the sudden question.

"Well, the condition of your home. Seeing it, it\'s obvious that no one lives here for most of the time," the dean answered.

"Oh that," the Oracle smiled as he snapped his fingers and within the blink of an eye, the house changed completely. From a small hut on the verge of collapsing, it turned into a lavishly furnished  villa where a chief could live leisurely.

"Thats new," the dean commented as he noticed the abundant mana particles in the air, making contact with the surroundings and influencing them on a degree so great that the dean was confused what it actually was.

"Thats a formation. An Illusionary Formation to be more precise and its grade is high enough to fool almost everyone in this place. Only you and a few others would be able to notice the mana particles and only the Grand Elder can discern the formation as it was he who invented this," the Oracle answered as the dean nodded, a look of realization on his face.

"Now lets get going, the Grand Elder is waiting and we don\'t want any variable intercepting us on our way there," the Grand Elder spoke and walked out while the dean and Loid followed closely behind him.

They walked through the empty streets as right now, it was night in the always dark world. After all, even if darkness reigned everywhere; the people maintained a day cycle of their own and according to it, they operated and did all of their work and lived their life to it.

Right now, it was the Earth\'s equivalent of midnight and there were barely a few guards on watch out and the coast was fully clear right now.

Making their way onto the Grand Elder\'s home, they also passed through the place where the meetings were held and a few other elders houses as well and not long later, they neared a small hill where the Grand Elder lived.

Apparently, the whole hill belonged to the Grand Elder but he only utilized its top, having made a small hut there.

"The Grand Elder sure leads a minimalistic life," the dean muttered while Loid and The Oracle only smiled in a mischievous manner, knowing full well of the shock the dean was in for.

On the other hand, seeing their expressions; the dean scowled,

"Oh my, I should have never trusted you guys. And looking at you both, its something strange once more, Im sure of it but you know what; I have seen enough surprises already. Im sure nothing could shock me now, so let it come. I will see what is special about this hut," saying so, the dean huffed around angrily and walked behind the Oracle, keeping himself ready for any new stuff.

As they neared the hut, it\'s door opened on itself and the three walked right in. Once inside, the dean saw that the hut was simple and nothing out of the ordinary.

A bed, a kitchen and a small living room but apparently; the whole place was empty and albeit being confused, the dean only followed the Oracle\'s lead as the Oracle wasn\'t lost at all. He just walked leisurely with his hands behind his back.

Walking a few steps more, the Oracle clapped his hands as the area in front of him suddenly opened, revealing a staircase similar to the one at the Oracle\'s home.

"So it was this, nothing shocking at all," the dean commented and looked at the others but the the other two only smiled in the same mischievous way, making the dean a bit wary and uncomfortable.

Soon they walked inside and then reached a long corridor, and then the dean saw it. The whole place, it was huge but it wasn\'t the same world anymore.

He was in another world all together.


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