
Chapter 188 Blood Mane Sickle Beast

Chapter 188  Blood Mane Sickle Beast

Long scratch marks could be seen all around the rock where more beasts were sitting. These were beasts that Arthur was familiar with and had fought several of them before too.

\'Five Bone Blade beasts…\' Arthur counted them, finding them to be manageable.

Arthur then used his skill, checking what he was up against.

>Dragon\'s Insight has been successfully activated!<



Target: Blood Mane Sickle Beast

Rank: Rare

Level: 19

Type: Beast

Info: A beast that has evolved from the Bone Blade beasts. Through endless battles and wounds, it has sharpened its bone blades into long sickles with incredible sharpness.

It is the Alpha of the Bone Blade beasts and can command them as well.


HP: 100%

MP: 100%

Stamina: 100%


<Physical Stats>

Strength: 22

Toughness: 18

Agility: 23

Dexterity: 19

Vitality: 16

<Non-Physical Stats>

Wisdom: 5

Intelligence: 10

Will: 5



1. Sickle Spin

Info: The user spins and attacks all foes in its range with its long sickles.

Cooldown: None

Cost: 5% Stamina with every use.

2. Harming Block (Passive)

Info: Blocking an attack with its sickle blades causes the foe to get hurt or if a weapon is struck, the weapon\'s durability will be lowered.

Cooldown: None

3. Kin Command (Passive)

Info: The user can command others of his species or related to it.

Cooldown: None


Just as its description said, the Blood Mane Sickle beast was on a different level than the Bone Blade beasts. It was not only stronger, but its skills had also improved on some level.

\'The Harming Block would be a pain in the ass for many players. The durability decrease had caused tens of players to go bankrupt trying to fight this beast.\' Arthur thought to himself. "Though for me, it is not an issue at all." He after all had the Key Spear which was simply unbreakable.

Next Arthur also glanced at the surrounding Bone blade beasts who were busy grinding their Bone blades against the rock. They seemed a bit bigger than normal Bone blade beasts, making Arthur wonder if they were higher level.



Target: Bone Blade beasts x 5

Rank: Uncommon

Level: 14

Type: Beast


\'I guess the leader does surround himself with strong minions. This would be a pain for others, especially with the Kin Command skill of the Blood Mane Sickle beast, but I got Brambles.\' Arthur smiled, knowing he had this under his belt.

"ATTACK!" Arthur said while leaping into the fray.

"KRIIIII~" Brambles directly opened its mouth and spat out a large fireball that struck the Bone blade beasts that were happily grinding away their blades.

[-30% HP]

[-26% HP]

[-23% HP]

>Bone Blade beast has been ignited!<

[-1% HP] Burn

[-31% HP]

[-62% HP]

[Critical Hit!]

>Bone Blade beast has been ignited!<

[-1% HP] Burn

Brambles successfully got the attention of the Bone Blade beasts, even injuring one of them greatly and inflicting burns on them.


The Blood Mane Sickle beast was rudely woken from its slumber, letting out a loud roar.


The birds in the forest all flew away, having been scared by the roar. It was clear that the Blood Mane Sickle beast wasn\'t one that the denizens of the forest took lightly. But its roar wasn\'t just to intimidate.

It was also a command for its minions, bringing them out of their stupor from the initial attack.

"That won\'t be enough, LOCK!" Arthur quickly used the Key Spear\'s Skill, wanting to make things easier for him.

The Tri-colored tassels of Dietrich glowed and targeted the beast, creating a magic circle that spun around.

>Weapon Skill Lock has successfully activated!<

>The Blood Mane Sickle beast\'s Agility and Vitality will be sealed!<

> Blood Mane Sickle beast has been weakened: Agility -3, Vitality -3<

The skill worked in Arthur\'s favor and weakened the stats that were significant for the beast.


The Blood Mane Sickle beast let out a wary growl, feeling the sudden weakness in its body. But its wariness was quickly pushed away by the threat of the foe that was approaching it without fear.

"Spear Coating! Rapid Thrust!" Arthur started off with releasing the Frost Touch skill that was infused in the spear and then using his fastest skill.


The first attack surprisingly missed, as the Blood Mane Sickle Beast barely dodged it by an inch. The attack ended up striking the bones in the rock, cracking several of them in one go.

[-8% HP]

The second attack almost missed but still managed to strike the shoulder of the Blood Mane Sickle Beast, leaving a cut.


[-13% HP]

The third attack though hit it properly, albeit grazing past its left sickle.

>Blood Mane Sickle Beast\'s Harming Block has been activated!<

>Key Spear Dietrich is Unbreakable, Harming Block has been nullified!<

\'That just might have injured a player if they used a small weapon like a sword or dagger. The sickle is long enough to graze their arm too.\' Arthur noticed as the Blood Mane Sickle Beast tightened its legs.

Knowing that the beast was about to use its skill, Arthur quickly jumped back.


And just as Arthur had predicted, the Blood Mane Sickle Beast used Sickle spin, turning into a blurry red circle. Its sickles were extended outwards, cutting the grass and rocks that were nearby.

It tried to move toward Arthur, but his inferior agility allowed the player to dodge it with ease.

And just when the Beast\'s skill was coming to an end, Arthur attacked. The beast was unable to react in time and was struck right in its flank.

[-26% HP]

[-3% HP] Frost damage

Arthur had almost brought its HP down to fifty percent.

"Just a few more hits—" but just as Arthur was about to attack again, he heard something.


[-4% HP]

An arrow struck the Blood Mane Sickle Beast!

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