
Chapter 201 Partying Up

Chapter 201  Partying Up

The Rock Bee Wax gathering quests was even in Arthur\'s favor as it would help him in his endeavor to kill a dragon.

Arthur was thinking of this and had just left the building when he got a message.



Val: I\'ve logged in! Where are you?


Seeing the girl\'s message, Arthur was surprised.

\'I thought she wasn\'t going to log in today… Guess she was just late or something.\' Arthur thought.

As such he messaged her and asked her to meet up near the guild.

<Val: I\'m already inside the guild.>

She replied, making Arthur turn around.

And sure enough, there was the teen girl coming out to see him.

"Ah, I\'m sorry I couldn\'t meet you earlier." Val hurriedly apologized.

"It\'s fine. I don\'t mind." Arthur shook his head. "Though I didn\'t think you would log in today."

"I… was busy. Had a lot of things to do till midnight and only managed to return home to login." Val clarified.

"I see… well that\'s fine. Everyone has their own life." Arthur didn\'t mind.

"Yeah. And I also haven\'t forgotten the favor I owe you." Val replied. "So what do you want me to do? It was a porter kinda job right?" she asked.

Hearing that another thought appeared in Arthur\'s mind.

"Actually, forget that." Arthur said much to the girl\'s surprised. "Instead, how about we go on a subjugation quest." He asked.

"Huh? Like a beast?" Val asked for more details.

"Indeed… I think you\'ll like this. And it is around your level too." Arthur said tempting her.

"That does sound good… but what is the quest?" She wondered.

"Take a look," Arthur opened up the quest window and shared it with Val.

Players could share quest details with other players if they wished to. There were limitation of course, and ones quests were only attached to the first player that had discovered it. Quests such as the Class specific quests and single instance quests fell in this category.

Even if the player formed party with others, it would only be the original one that would obtain benefits. The others would have tagged along for little to no benefits.

But there were other quests that could be done in parties. Even if a single player had taken on the quest, others could always join in on it. As such, it was easy for Arthur to take Val in on the quest.

Val read the quest and was surprised.

"A field boss!?" She hadn\'t thought that Arthur would have such a quest.

"Yes. If you want to, you can party up with me." Arthur stated.

"OF COURSE!" Val said out loud, as if worried that Arthur might rescind his offer.

"Very well, we can leave now." Arthur said taking a look at the time. He had about fifteen hours of playtime left, while Val had over twenty three hours.

If they didn\'t finish the quest in this time, Arthur would end up having to log out earlier.

Though he didn\'t think that it would end up taking them that long. At most, more of their time would be spent in searching for it rather than hunting it.

With the decision made, Arthur and Val departed from the other entrance of the Roran town. This was the path that went to the Kestrel Village, but they weren\'t going that far.

"Do you know where the Field boss is? That… Man Faced walking tree," Val asked.

"It is a field boss so it doesn\'t stay in one place. Though considering its activity we\'ll probably be able to find some clues to it soon enough." Arthur replied. "If anything, it just might find us instead." He added.

"Find us?" Val raised her brows.

"Yes, since it has been hunting down humans now, there is a chance it might come after us." Arthur replied. "We can use this to our advantage and lure it to us." He explained.

"How do we lure it?" Val questioned.

"We just have to make some disturbance while going around." Arthur answered.

"But won\'t that attract other mobs too?" Val asked with concern.

"It might, but that doesn\'t matter to us." Arthur replied. "They are far too weak to pose us trouble." He stated.

Hearing that Val realized that Arthur was a lot stronger than her. And even she was higher level than before. Combining them both, she didn\'t think some level 10 and below mobs would pose any danger to them.

The Field Boss\'s level was unknown but Arthur had a good hunch that it had risen from its original.

\'Level 15 perhaps.\' Arthur guessed.



Val did exactly as Arthur had asked, and deliberately stepped on branches and twinge, making extra noise.



She even hit the threes making extra noise. Plus she could tell from the name of the monster that it was a tree. Of course she didn\'t Arthur was the only one who knew exactly what the beast was.

\'It might pose a major obstacle to newbies, but even to Val it should know what Man faced walking tree exactly looked like, playing many games gave her a decent idea.

Arthur was the only one who knew exactly what the beast was.

\'It might pose a major obstacle to newbies, but even to Val it should be a killable target.\' Arthur thought when a sound was heard.

They searched for around two hours, during which they ended up attracting other mobs like the Adult Black Scruff Wolves. But they were killed off by Arthur and Val before they could even reach them.

To them, these mobs didn\'t even give any experience and were just serving to delay their time. Thankfully, another hour later, their search bore fruit.



A muffled yet, trembling sound was heard that was like that was like that of wood breaking.

Arthur immediately became alert and knew that their target was near.

"Get ready," Arthur warned her, holding the Key Spear in his hand.

His eyes were already searching for the incoming target, and the moment he saw a fraction of its body, Arthur used the skill.

>Dragon\'s Insight has been successfully activated!<



Target: Man Faced Walking Tree

Rank: Rare

Level: 15

Type: Plant/ Hybrid

Info: A strange tree that has been mutated by magical energies and has gained sentience as well as mobility. It guards its territory staunchly and would kill all those that encounter it.


HP: 100%

MP: 100%

Stamina: 100%


<Physical Stats>

Strength: 20

Toughness: 25

Agility: 10

Dexterity: 10

Vitality: 25

<Non-Physical Stats>

Wisdom: 4

Intelligence: 10

Will: 4


<Active effects>

1. Insanity: Target loses its sense of reason and can attack anything that it sees.



1. Firm Stand

Info: The user becomes immobile and rigid, gaining a great boost in defense.

Cooldown: 2 minutes

Cost: 1% Mana for every second of use.

2. Wood Hammer

Info: The user amplifies its wooden arm with mana and smashes down with a hammer shaped limb dealing high blunt damage.

Cooldown: None

Cost: 5% Mana for every use

3. Forest\'s Vitality (Passive)

Info: As long as the user is in a forest, they will naturally regenerate HP at a rate of 1% every 1 minute.


Seeing the information of the Man Faced Walking tree, Arthur had confirmed his doubts.

\'It\'s affected by Insanity too… this is definitely due to the influence of Iltan.\' Arthur saw, going thought the beast\'s stats.

Over all, the Man Faced Walking tree was a durable opponent that was meant to be a damage sponge. It basically looked like a large tree had uprooted its roots and turned them into legs while its branches became its arms.

One could find it similar to a Treant or an Ent but Arthur knew that this was a different species. It wasn\'t an normal creature that could spread like a species and was one of a kind.

"Attack it from a afar and don\'t let it get close to you." Arthur spoke to the girl.

"Okay!" Val was also focused and didn\'t panic upon seeing the walking tree.

Arthur was pleased by this, as she already had a better mentality than most other players at this point.


Val shot three arrows in a row before the Man Faced Walking Tree even registered them being there.


[0% HP]

"What!?" Val hadn\'t expected that to happen.

"GUOOOOOOOO!" The Man Faced Walking Tree felt the arrow striking its body and let out a rumbling cry in response.

Its figure finally became clear and the eerie looking human like face glared about Arthur and Val.

"Your normal attacks won\'t work if it hits the surface, you\'ll need piercing attacks. Use Heavy Shot!" Arthur quickly advised while moving towards the Man Faced Walking Tree. "I\'ll get it weakened."

"LOCK!" Arthur used the spear\'s skill, as a magic circle appeared on the Man Faced Walking Tree.

>Weapon Skill Lock has succeeded!<

>Man Faced Walking Tree\'s Dexterity and Toughness will be sealed!


>Man Faced Walking Tree has been weakened: Dexterity -3, Toughness -2<

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