
Chapter 19 Happenings Here And There...

The next day, Samiel woke up early in the morning as he heard massive thunder fall somewhere near their cave. The entire cave shook up, but fortunately for them, not that lot, as nothing fell onto their heads.

This was a good thing as he looked at the spikes on the top of the ceiling.

He could see that Yvraine was still heavily asleep, as probably the barrier protected her from all those annoying sounds from the outside. Samiel just cursed at her, as she could sleep without any disturbances, but he couldn\'t due to the thunderstorm.

He went to the cave\'s entrance, and he instructed two Ork Undeads to move the boulder blocking it, so he could see what was happening outside the cave. Outside was heavily raining, as the lightning bolts and thunderbolts were falling here and there, all around the entire area of the place.

He focused his hearing and could hear some screams in an unknown language, probably screaming for help, and also Orks roaring for the war; hundreds upon hundreds of Orks were gathering in every corner of the area, as thousands more of them were going.

"So they finally realized that my Undead made a new entrance... Yvraine was right; we better be closed in the cave until this initial mess is finished."

She proposed hiding in the cave until Orks were finished with finding the entrance to the new world that was connected to the Tower. There were too many greenskins right now in the entire area that even though most of them were just Iron-Tier and Steel-Tier, they wouldn\'t dare to exit the cave.

After the Orks finished slaughtering all humans that came from the unknown dimension, they would bring the captured one to their Boss for interrogation and then depart to locate the dimensional entrance to that world so that the Orks would start their invasion.

He sighed, hoping this turbulent time would pass as soon as possible so he could complete the Unique Quest. He knew that not all Clans would be participating in the invasion, as only Warboss decided who would be participating and who not.

Samiel knew that Chieftain would choose only the strongest Clans for this task and the most loyal to him. This was some sort of reward for those who were loyal to the Chieftain, so they could go and rampage. Just like ancient Romans had bread and games, Orks had war.

After inhaling the air, which was wet from the rain, he returned back to the cave and started preparing breakfast, as he was a bit hungry. Even though he would love to spend more time outside and enjoy the fresh air, he had the training to do.

Today, he would be spending most of his time practicing the 1st Level Spells all over; maybe he would spar with Yvraine as she took time teaching him swordsmanship, as she was very good with her blades.

Samiel was also thinking about learning some Magic related to the Ice or something similar, as he would greatly benefit from that, as each Ice Spell cast by him would be strengthened severalfold due to his Ultimate Ability Winter Ruler.

That was another boon about the Abilities that Yvraine told him; if some had the elemental ability or conceptual ability, if they learned magic related to that said ability, their magic cast by them would be several times stronger due to the effect from their ability.

Unfortunately, under current circumstances learning any other kind of magic was impossible, as he would need Magic Tome or Grimoire for that if he wanted to learn by himself. Or someone to teach him, but again, he didn\'t know anybody who could cast such magic, as he had just now arrived at the Tower.


Meanwhile, as Samiel was pondering about what to do next and which spell to practice, enormous distance from him, in the center of the continent, an important meeting was taking place.

The entire 1st Floor was larger than Euroasia Continent from Samiel\'s homeworld Earth, and this was just a 1st Floor which was considered tiny by many. Each Floor was bigger than the previous one, so the higher floors were enormous that could fit even entire Solar Systems in them without the slightest problems.

In the center of the continent was a place where the Warboss of the Bloodtooth Tribe was residing with his entourage of Orks; most of them were Bosses and Clan Heads of their own Clans, or powerful Ork Champions at the Legendary-Tier.

Average Ork Tribe had more than 100 Legendary-Tier Orks, and more powerful ones had even more. Unfortunately, the Bloodtooth Tribe, under the leadership of the previous Chieftain, lost the waagh against another Ork Tribe on the 79th Floor and were forced to run with their tails between their legs to the lowest Floor of the Tower, and only had 38 Legendary-Tier Orks.

After they arrived on the 1st Floor, the old Chieftain was challenged to the Trial by Combat by a newly evolved Ork Boss called Gurnish, who killed the old Chieftain, and by traditions of the Orkoid species, he became the new Chieftain.

"Is it truth, Head Shaman?"

Roared Gurnish as he squashed the goblin to his death. The fate of the goblins was miserable under the rule of their bigger and stronger Ork cousins, as they were used as the lowest cannon fodder among the greenskins, or to clean the battlefield, or just to go their anger or something.

It wasn\'t common to see an angry Ork just beating some goblins to death to go their anger, or sometimes just for fun.

"Yes, Boss."

Replied the Head Shaman, who was a very old-looking Ork, and despite his frail stature, nobody could underestimate the Old Ork as not only was he one of the most knowledgable Orks in the entire Tribe, but also the most powerful immediately after the Chieftain.

Be it, Tribe or Clan, the second most important person was always, Shaman or if there were more of them, then Head Shaman.

In Ork Kulture, shamans had an important role as they not only acted as their variation of magic users but also because they were able to call on the power of their ancestors to help them communicate with Spirits and with Ork Gods.

They acted as advisors and counsel to the Bosses, and usually, the Shamans were the smarter ones of the Orkoid Species... maybe because of that, they were so rare.

"We can obtain favor of the Ork Gods by destroying the world. Immediately summon all Ork Warriors, and we will march at the Eastern Mountain Pass where the gate is, and in Waaaghh!"

Shouted Ork Chieftain and Warboss Gurnish as he brandished his huge war axe and stuck it in the ground, while all Orks around him roared the same word, "Waaghh" as the war was finally coming for the Bloodtooth Tribe.

Their Tribe managed to capture several humans who originated from the backward world without Mana and somehow got connected to the Tower. The usual reaction of the newly connected worlds is to rush into the Tower without caring about the consequences.

When Gurnish heard that, he immediately sensed an opportunity to make a great sacrifice to the Ork Gods, who would then, in turn, reward him and his Tribe with more power so he could wash the humiliation suffered at the hands of the Black Axe Tribe at the 78th Floor.

He hoped if he sacrificed this world to the Ork Gods, he would receive power from them, and he could return back to the 78th Floor to slaughter the Black Axe Tribe and take over its place as one of the Heads of the Orkish War Horde.

Of course, he was completely unaware of all gazes that were looking on the first Floor from the lofty palaces and dark places and with, most importantly, not caring even a bit about his existence or his "threat".


And just the news about the gate to a new world spread to the Bloodtooth Tribe; all other factions got the same news. Not every day, the new defenseless world connected to the Tower, and many eyes were looking in the direction of the 1st Floor.

Some of them just looked indifferent, while some factions created by humans looked at them with pity and sadness. For some, they were just unfortunate civilization that would be soon annihilated or enslaved, just like for some, it was a juicy piece of meat.

Magisterium was intrigued and decided to send a few Legendaries to harvest the fruits of their civilization. While the Magisterium was the primary magic-oriented faction, they practically often absorbed everything others created and searched for knowledge. So even though the new ones were scientific civilization, it didn\'t stop Magisterium from coveting it.

Magical Technology was a big hit in the past several thousand years, as many people started integrating technology with magic, creating something called Magetech, giving rise to a new generation of Magetech Engineers and Artificers.

Meanwhile, a meeting was taking place at the Hall of Kadath. Various Cardinals were once more gathered in the lavish meeting hall as they awaited the decision of the Hall Master on the current course of action.

Even the Hall of Kadath was not spared from the fate of wanting its share of the souls and suffering from the ordeal. Similar to Cultists of Devils and Daemons or mad priests of the Evil Gods, they too wanted their share, and indeed a world without any protector was too tempting for anyone to resist it.

"Hey, old man, send me there; I can collect more souls and cause more destruction than any of these prudes."

Shouted Cardinal Zaldidraax among them, not caring about the looks he received from his fellow Cardinals. Several stared looked like they wanted to skewer him and turn him into lizard barbecue, but he ignored them.

Many of them view Zaldidraax as a brainless battle maniac who would create more trouble than he would gain on the trip.

Hall Master Menuhyutt Faulhaber looked at the Zaldidraax for a moment before he nodded in agreement. Menuhyutt Faulhaber knew that soon enough, truly powerful Legendaries would head over to the 1st Floor from all over the Tower.

If the Hall of Kadath wanted to have their shares of souls, they would need to send someone very mighty. Now that they got information that Magisterium was sniffling around, nobody knew who else would join the fray and how many powerful experts would gather.

Even though Zaldidraax was a brash brute and behaved like an idiot even for the standards of Red Dragon and was beyond stupid, his strength was frightening as he was almost peak of the Legendary-Tier. In his true form, he would need several people to fight him at once to have a chance at defeating him.

"Zaldidraax will go onto the first Floor and collect the souls for the Kadaths. Rember, don\'t fight anyone from the Gates unless necessary... it is still not time for us to come out on the light and fight once more. Though if someone dares to steal souls from us... turn them all to the ash."

Words of the Hall Master were absolute as Zaldidraax grinned from ear to ear, that he was chosen for the mission. In fact, this would be for the first time; he would be going alone for the soul-collecting mission.

Normally, he would be going partnered with someone else, or at all, because this job required delicacy of magic skills and patience. While Zaldidraax had the skills, he severely lacked the patience.

"Excellent choice... hopefully, that stupid red lizard will bring back the Soul Crystals instead of forgetting them somewhere."

Snorted the Cardinal, who looked like an ancient cultivator with two huge swords behind his back, as he rubbed his long beard.

"Shen Long, you cheap bastard!"

Screamed Zaldidraax at him, only to be silenced by the glare of the Hall Master Menuhyutt while he remembered what happened the last time.

The last time he went onto the soul-collecting mission was together with Shen Long, the Sacred Sword. They went into some remote part of the Cosmos, which was ravaged by the Mind Flyers, as they went to collect the souls of people Mind Flyers killed.

They spent there several deceased, collecting an immeasurable number of souls. After they were done with their assignment, they collected the Soul Crystals, where the souls were trapped and departed back.

Or at least one of them, while Zaldidraax forgot to collect the Soul Crystals and instead went to fight with some random Mind Flyers he found pretty strong, and not that surprisingly, during the fight, another Legendary Mind Flyer sneaked into the cave where the Soul-Collection Spell Formation was located and stole all Soul Crystals.

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