
Chapter 34 Actors Gather

After both of them had taken care of all matters in Ironhelm City, they returned back to the place where Samiel set up the Necro-Madness Spell Formation. Not far away from it, they found a suitable place that could act as an observatory place; thus, Yvraine took out another of her neat gadgets to cast some illusion barrier around the place, so nobody would really notice anything.

And as expected seeds, they spread around the various cities, and settlements spread like fire. Now many places in their outer area knew about the emergence of some Ancient Tomb at the location, which Samiel and Yvraine released.

And soon first, people started heading towards the Ancient Tomb. Greed was the greatest motivator in existence, as just mentions of something like Ancient Tomb ignited it in the minds of thousands.

"It is nicely coming together."

Said Samiel while he was hiding with Yvraine under the concealment spell that Yvraine prepared for them.

Currently, after one month, the results were good, as they managed to lure around 16,000 people into their trap. A bit less than initially anticipated, but that was for better, as the Necro-Madness Spell Formation could deal with them more effortlessly.

Now, almost all races gathered here, as Samiel could see countless species and people waiting in front of the entrance to the Trap Tomb, ranging from Humans to Elves and Orks. There were even a few rare ones, such as a few members of the Asura Tribe, all of whom were pinnacle Bronze-Tier or someone who appeared to be Chromatic Dragons.

There were even some Vampires, Kindreds, and one Pale Blood. He could see even one person with Divine Aura, so either that person was an Apostle or descendent of some God, though probably some weaker ones.

And even a few Demons were present.

Demons or Demon Tribes were descendants of the Daemons who were transcendent. Each Demon Tribe was descended from some Daemon who either created them naturally or artificially. All Demons were very powerful, with a great affinity for Mana and physical department, as they were physically very strong.

Even though some people might be scared that killing them would anger the Transcendents behind them, Samiel knew that it was far from the truth. Yvraine told him that most if not all of them are indifferent to their mortal servants, and Azathoth told him basically the same.

Especially for Gods and Daemons, this was true because neither of them truly cared for their pawns, as they could always easily find new ones. So, in the end, they were just high-class expendable pawns.

Though some Daemons may care about their Demon Progenies but those cases were rare, and they only cared to a certain extent, like annihilation of an entire Tribe on the mortal plane was sometimes a big no-no because that would negatively affect said Daemon, as he would lose some influence on the mortal plane.

"This would be fun... it appears a lot more people got interested in the Ancient Tomb, really, greed is the ultimate emotion across myriads of species."

Samiel said as Yvraine observed everyone who came. Practically people from all corners of the 2nd Floor were present, from those of Noble standing or Superior Races to peasants or those from so-called inferior races.

Surprisingly, even though countless people were gathered in front of the Trap Tomb, no fights broke out, probably due to the fact that there were around 15 pinnacle Bronze-Tier people from various factions and organizations who reached some kind of silent agreement among each other to not make a mess.

After we had waited enough, the entrance opened, and everyone rushed inside. At first, they were cautious, but after finding hundreds of Tokens, they immediately rushed inside to search for more treasures.

Tokens inside were those obtained by Samiel and Yvraine as bait for them to enter without thinking. After the majority of people entered, Samiel activated the Necro-Madness Spell Formation to its full power, as all of a sudden, hell was unleashed onto the participants.

Because the Necro-Madness Spell Formation was properly prepared and Samiel and Yvraine used all of their Mana several times over emptying their reserves to charge the Necro-Madness Spell Formation beforehand, its effects were immediate.

p Necro-Madness Spell Formation attacked with the full power on those 15 pinnacle Bronze-Tier Professionals together with all Bronze-Tiers, as they almost all of them went instantly mad, aside from the man who appeared to have some Divine Blood in him.

But even he was heavily affected by the power of the Necro-Madness Spell Formation as he barely resisted all those madness spells that were being cast each second, as just during one minute, several hundreds of people were massacred by those at the Bronze-Tier, as they were like unstoppable machines.

Some of the more lucky ones, who weren\'t strongly affected, mainly because of their low strength, attempted to escape the cave when they realized they had entered a trap, as situations like this occurred from time to time on the 2nd Floor.

Some people who wanted to gather a large number of Tokens, and didn\'t have the power to do it directly, usually prepared traps like these, often done by powerful and talented magic users. So even though some of them feared this could be a trap, their greed got ahead of them.

Especially when they saw hundreds of Tokens on the ground when the entrance opened, it was already set in stone that Samiel\'s and Yvraine\'s plan was a success. Apparently, there was a shortage of people coming to the 2nd Floor these past decades because many of them didn\'t pass the 1st Floor due to being killed by Orks who arrived there.

Through the decades, because the Orks killed many people on the 1st Floor, especially those who entered from the outside of the Tower, which was around 60% of all Climbers, drastically lowered the number of people on the 2nd Floor.

"That man with Divine Blood is pretty powerful."

Commented Samiel as Yvraine nodded in agreement. Both of them could agree that the Divine Blood Descendant was probably the most powerful person in this trap; just not getting completely lost in the effects of the Necro-Madness Spell Formation was something commendable.

They watched as the Divine Blood Descendant, clad in battle armor that reminded Samiel that of ancient greek spartans, tore through the battlefield, and with each swing of his spear, he extinguished the life of one participant as he alone killed more than a hundred Steel-Tier professionals and 3 Bronze-Tier ones.

"He should be someone of the Marsias Family."

Muttered Yvraine, a bit surprised to see someone from them; they were one of the more reclusive types, so seeing someone from them is a rarity.


Samiel just looked at her questioningly.

"Marsias Family are Divine Descendants from the Olympian God, precisely God of War Ares."

Explained Yvraine as Samiel remembered all of those myths about Gods on Earth. On Earth, there were myths and legends about several Pantheons, and even right now, in the Tower, Samiel has already come into contact with some hints from one way or another.

"It is rare to see someone with a connection to Olympian, as even though the Olympus is a powerful Pantheon, they have descended into internal strife and divided themselves into three factions, namely Gods, Titans, and finally Monsters and Giants. They are currently waging war against each other for several Eras already, so rarely does someone with a connection to them enter the Tower, as they are confined to their Principal World waging war against each other."

Samiel listened attentively, not wanting to miss even a single detail from Yvraine\'s explanation. Apparently, a lot of Transcendent Faction existed outside of the Tower, and Olympus was one of them.

Titans were the previous rulers of Olympus who were defeated by Zeus after he usurped the throne from his father Kronos. While Giants and Monsters were created in the archaic era, mainly by Primordial Goddess Gaia, and then after that, by the duo of Monsters, Echidna, and Typhoon.

The Worlds outside were divided into Lower World where the limit cap was basically Gold-Tier, and World can\'t hold anyone higher. So these Worlds were basically for Mortals. They were relatively ordinary; many of them were weak and unassuming, so basically nothing special most of the time.

Then there was the Middle World capable of holding Legendaries; these worlds were stronger, had more dense and potent Mana in the air, not to mention there were more "fantasy" races living in them, how Samiel would say it, compared to a Lower Worlds.

And then there were High Worlds capable of holding few Transcendents but only weaker ones. One could say that the High Worlds were places where the most of the fun happened, where the powerful Legendaries roamed free and where one could even meet some Trasncedents, where Gods developed their religions and Daemons and Devil scheme in the dark.

And finally, at the top of the pyramid were the Principal Worlds which were capable of holding nobody knows how many. Principal Worlds in the Cosmos were few, but each of them was enormous and was under the control of a very powerful faction. They often served as headquarters for many powerful factions, and even the factions whose primary territory was in the Tower would have at least one Principal World under their belt as the secondary HQ.

In truth, even the 1st Floor of the Tower had a better environment than Middle World, so a lot of powerful species and factions, if they could, would migrate to the Tower as the place was better for them to increase their strength due to better environment there.

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