
Chapter 159 The Demon Conquest (2)

Not only that, but many of them saw the human Gold-Tier Professionals who were waiting to restrain the Gold-Tier Professionals of the Demonkins. Surprisingly, the Human Brotherhood was able to muster some good numbers of the Gold-Tier Professionals on their own, which was something most unusual, but considering the amount of Genetic Strengthening Serum that they had at their disposal and they were in a situation where their destruction was all but imminent it wasn\'t that shocking.

Naturally, the bombardment from the human position was getting only more and more fierce as the humans were activating more and more of the artillery batteries that they got from the Avalon Kingdom, and they indeed proved their worth on the battlefield as they reaped the lives of the more unfortunate demonkin soldiers.

Still, the more battle progressed, the more and more defenses demons came up with against the artillery bombardment by the Human Brotherhood, from magical barriers that were being deployed all around to the change of tactics and using the low reloading speed of the artillery to use the safe window of opportunity to attack.

After some time, it appeared that the 5th Prince Kairon gave the orders for part of the Gold-Tier Professionals of the Demonkin to march onto the position and break the fortifications or at least destroy as much of the artillery batteries as possible.

The artillery batteries of the Human Brotherhood was something that was keeping the demon forces on edge and was giving the humans an unnatural advantage in this fight, so if they were taken out of the equation, the tides of battle would turn once more, though this time, to the favor of the demon forces under the Golden-Horned Demon Tribe.

The second later, around 20 Gold-Tier Professionals from the Demonkin race, departed and shot towards the defensive positions of the Human Brotherhood; in a split of a second, eight of them were shot down by some sort of weapon and crashed on the ground, their life and death absolutely unknown.

Of course, this didn\'t deter the other demon Gold-Tier Professionals from charging at the formation of the Human Brotherhood, of course, without any kind of cover or anything, because the command of the armies was left up to the 5th Prince Kairon, who knew nothing of military strategies, aside from mindlessly throwing waves of soldiers a the enemy until it broke through and victory was achieved.

From the remaining twelve Gold-Tier Professionals of the Demonkins, eight of them were intercepted by the Gold-Tier Professionals of the Human Brotherhood, and a ferocious fight started between the two parties.

Of course, this proceeded according to everyone\'s predictions because even though the Gold-Tiers of the Human Brotherhood were powerful, and some of them were even injected with the very same Genetic Strengthenening Synergie, they were still no match for the Gold-Tiers of the Demonkins, who were superior in every sense.

Genetic Strengthening Synergies that were manufactured by the Avalon Kingdom were in the end fault project; they were not like the ones of the Scientia Hierarchy or Solheim, who perfected the technology on their own. Most of Avalon\'s research stemmed from Meckenstein, who didn\'t have the best research in the first place and failed to replicate the perfect serum because the formula and, most importantly, resources were only in the hands of very few people in the Cosmos.

So the power of these ones, as faulty as was, couldn\'t measure against the geniue Gold-Tier Professional no matter what, but the humans didn\'t even want it that way because for them, stalling for a time was more than enough.

Of course, during the time when the Gold-Tiers were fighting against each other, the remaining 4 Gold-Tier Professionals from the Demonkins departed and attacked the fortifications which were holding the magetech artillery batteries, and were destroying them one by one, to prevent the higher losses of their army, which was already reaching very high numbers, as some weaker tribes and species, could only cry in despair.


As more and more magetech artillery batteries were destroyed, the armies of the Demon Tribes under the leadership of the Golden-Horned Demon Tribe were advancing closer and closer to the positions of the Humans, until suddenly a wave of energy projectiles started hitting the advancing demon soldiers.

While the heavy majority of the Demon Soldiers that consisted of these armies were of the at least later stages of the Steel-Tier, or at least pinnacle of the Iron-Tier, with good numbers being at the Bronze-Tiers, who mainly acted as commanders of smaller units, fell into pray of the magetech guns that were supplied by the Avalon Kingdom.

While these guns were not up to the standards of those which the Scientia Hierarchy or Solheim produced, or even Magisterium. However, they were still strong enough to kill Iron-Tier in one shot and severely injure Steel-Tier Professionals, and several tens of them concentrated on the weak spot for some time; they were able to bring down even the Bronze-Tier Professionals.

Of course, the troops of the Human Brotherhood focused mainly on the Iron-Tier and Steel-Tier Demons because they were easy targets. That was because killing the Bronze-Tier Professionals was too troublesome with the current weaponry, and thus, the strategy of the Human Brotherhood was to inflict on as high losses as possible on the Demon Army.

Commanders of the Human Brotherhood army knew very well that this was a fight that they couldn\'t ever win because, for all of their sacrifices and support from the Avalonians, they lacked the superior power which the Demon Tribes indeed had.

So if the Demons had, they could bring up their Gold-Tier Professionals and lay waste to everything. Thus the strategy changed from defending the territory to inflicting as high causalities to the demons as possible. For that, they prepared several traps and even changed the layout of their defensive formation and trenches.

Also, they make use of the information they gathered because they were very well aware that the Star Demon Tribe and Moon Demon Tribe had some sort of fight with the Golden-Horned Demon Tribe, which resulted in a lot of Demon Tribes and Races not attacking the Central Area together with the Golden-Horned Demon Tribe.

Because of this motion, it wouldn\'t take a genius to figure out that the majority of the Demon Army was now consisting of vassals or some sort of allies of the Golden-Horned Demon Tribe, from which many were taken from some random Lower Worlds and they have never had the honor to experiences the magetech weapons.

How could they... the ones who came from the Lower Worlds had absolutely no idea how the fight or defend against the magetech weaponry, and because of that the losses inflicted on the Demon Army led by 5th Prince Kairon was high. In the majority, if not all Lower Worlds, magetech was almost non-existent and teaching all those soldiers new kinds of strategies seemed like a pain in the ass... so nobody did it.

Only the soldiers of those from the Tower or some more powerful Worlds knew how to defend and deal with weapons like these; others didn\'t have much luck and instead were used as meat shields by the demons who knew what was awaiting them.

Of course, nobody would be able to tell that this would result in the collapse of several demon factions in a whole bunch of Lower Worlds because the majority of their fighting force would perish on the 8th Floor of the Tower for vanity and pride of one of the more privileged.

That was another thing that didn\'t escape the attention of more knowledgeable Demon Legendaries, who were deeply distressed by this fact, but because everyone was in some sort of standoff because some of the Golden-Horned Demon Legenadries wanted to intervene, but they couldn\'t as they were watched by those of the Star Demon Tribe and Moon Demon Tribe, not to mention the Legendaries of the Avalon Kingdom in the shadows.

Meanwhile, on the battlefield, hundreds of Iron-Tier and Steel-Tier Demon Professionals were being killed with each salvo fired by the Human Brotherhood\'s human defenders, as the magetech guns that were imported from the Avalon Kingdom were showing their worth and might on the battlefield.

Of course, the numbers of demons were being killed at a fast pace, but at the same time, their numbers were tremendous, so they were using the bodies of their fallen compatriots as meat shields while they were taking steps closer and closer to the trenches where the humans were shooting at them from.

The Demons, they didn\'t care about their companions\' life and death; the only thing they cared about were themselves, and for that, they did everything they could to save their hides. Thus, they were slowly advancing while the corpses of the unlucky and weaker ones were piling up.

When they were close enough to the trenches, which were somehow fortified, the Bronze-Tier demons started rushing off from the formation, entering the trenches, as they started massacring one human soldier after another. Instantly in a moment, when the close combat began, the humans started losing rapidly because they were not a match for the demons.

More and more demons were flooding the trenches, while the soldiers of the Human Brotherhood fought valiantly against the demons, but to no vail, because in the individual power, the demons proved to be far superior.

Only ones, who could fight against the demons one on one, were the ones who were injected with the Genetic Strengthening Synergies, but there were not enough of such people to turn the tables, and thus after a short time, one line after another, were being lost to the demon soldiers who were literarily flooding into the trenches.

While some of the generals of their respective Tribes and races were shaking their heads at pointless losses, some from the weaker species, especially those who were brought here from the Lower Worlds, were having a very hard time, to the point of considering deserting, to preserve their very own lives.

While the situation was not their fault because the 5th Prince of the Golden-Horned Demon Tribe Kairon, was in absolute control of everything that happened on the battlefield, some more malicious Demon Lords would still hold their generals accountable because there was no person on whom they could take their anger on.

One hour later, the entire trench line was under the control of the demon soldiers, as the corpses of both humans and demons were being cleaned, thrown at huge pits that were being dug out by some demons proficient in the Earth Magic and so.

When the battle was over, it was time to clean out the battlefield and the remains of what had remained. For the demons, while they won the battle, the losses they suffered at the conquest of the eastern defensive line of the Central Area were so high that they would need to wait several weeks or months for reinforcements and resupply before they could proceed deeper into the human territory.

Such was the reason why the original plan was to attack the Central Area of the Human Continent as the last one, and at first to attack the remaining Southernm Northern and Western Area, essentially locking the Centlra Area down completely while surrounding them and slowly advancing.

Because Humans would be then forced to defend on all fronts, their defensive positions wouldn\'t be so strong in every place, like here, because they were supplied from the other area and places of the human territories; thus the demons encountered such fierce resistance.

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