
Chapter 162 Templar Knight (1)

Goldtooth City, Demon Continent, 8th Floor of the Tower, around the same time as the descent of Juulius Crawford onto the 8th Floor of the Tower.

Presently, Samiel Zentaur, contrary to his typical routine, which would consist of either sparring with Dharzug to get a better grasp on the close combat skills or hand-to-hand combat, as it showed that the ork was master when it came to the unarmed combat.

It was natural because orks were a race that lived for combat and their skills in the close combat department was out of the world. The most interesting thing about all of this was the fact, that orks rarely practiced any kind of martial arts or anything, but they for most solely depended on their senses to fight.

Naturally, some of them even combined various types of martial arts with their instincts which made them even more deadly; coupled with their physical capabilities, it was considered too stupid to fight against ork in the close combat department without significant preparation or being comparable to the ork in the physical aspect.

Of course, if he wasn\'t training, then he was studying Magic and Spells, improving the grasp he had over the various types of Magic he learned. He had many Grimoires and Magic Tomes that he needed to go through, especially after one of the Bishops of the Hall of Kadath delivered Samiel the tomes and books on the Warding Magic; he was absorbing everything related to the Warding like a sponge.

And lastly, his third and final activity that he repeated every day was praying and reading the Gospel of the Kadath. Each day at specific hours, Samiel would always go and pray for some time until he was finished.

Yvraine often said that he was behaving more and more like a priest, though he was missing the garb and some herd of sheep that were listening to his words. Though he often thought that it wouldn\'t be a bad idea to start preaching somewhere, he would need to make time for that and see how the people would react to it; at least he would test his skills as a real priest.

Right now, he was spending time with Yvraine, who was adamant that they would be spending some time together, because Samaiel wanted to lock in the study room once again, probably for several weeks, as he literarily salivated when he looked at all of the books that were procured for him by the Bishop of the Hall of Kadath.

Due to the prolonged amount of time they spent together, Samiel wasn\'t acting so awkwardly around Yvraine, be it as he made peace with his inner demons or for Yvraine not forcing him to do anything, as she was giving the man the time he needed to be naturally relaxed around her.

Now they had begun growing more and more intimate with each other, as Yvraine told him, their pace would be considered too fast among the Elvenkind. Normally, the courtship between elves took up to several decades at the shortest and could prolong to even a century when it came to the Aristocrats or some more conservative elves.

Usually, the courtship between the elves consisted of writing poems and complimenting each other\'s beauty, singing songs, walking through the forests and so on... Because the Elves were generally long-lived species, their courtship procedure took a whole eternity, so Yvraine wasn\'t really complaining about it because she was more impatient than most of her elven brethren.

She didn\'t really like that they were taking their time too much in these things, because she saw the danger it could pose and it already posed to it, as their population was not that big in the first place. Especially the Silvermoon Elves, which have a very low birth rate, way lower than average elves, but their courtship was twice long, and this was subtly killing their race.

This was something that had been noticed by not one powerful elven Legendary powerhouse, and it was her father who was working on changing these things, but alas, that would take decades and centuries because the mindset of the entire species was a very challenging thing to change.

Especially in the span of a few years and in regard to races like elves.

"What are you thinking about, my dear?"

Yvraine asked Samiel teasingly as she laid down on his chest and listened to his heartbeat while he gently caressed her hair. These were rare kinds of moments that he greatly enjoyed as they cuddled together while occasionally exchanging a few kisses with each another.

"If you want to hear the truth, then a combination of aspectual properties in the Basic Warding and Winter Magic to create a more powerful type of Elemental Wards."

Samiel answered truthfully, as he saw that Yvraine scowled mildly hearing this, probably she awaited a different kind of answer or something for what she could tease him, but no. She took enjoyment in teasing him because it was fun for her to observe his reaction, though her own were even better, as Yvraine got rather easily flustered.

"This is not according to the script! You were supposed to say that you were thinking about the most beautiful and powerful Silvermoon Princess that is currently next to you, not some stupid old books..."

Yvraine huffed and pouted as Samiel found her behavior indeed, somehow cute, as he hugged her closer and gave her a small kiss on her lips; at least that calmed her down. He was indeed pondering over the possibilities of the Wards and how to incorporate them into his combat style or with other types of Magic he learned in the most suitable way.

"Hm... whatever."

Samiel heard her say as she closed her eyes and continued napping on his chest while listening to his heartbeat, while he was enjoying her warmth as she was enjoying his own. From a distance on the huge cat tree, Nefertari was laying and looking at two hoomans, as she called them, because, for her, everyone was hooman, despite neither of them being human.

His Elder Wampus Familiar never understood the courtship rituals and other things that preceded the mating because, for the Wampuses, the thing was very simple. Though not only for them but overall for all magical beasts as a whole it was many times easier and more straightforward.

For Wampus Cats, it all depended on strength and Illusion abilities; there was nothing else and nothing more, as they were magical beasts in the end.

If there was a female who was without a mate, then the male Elder Wampus Cat would need to impress the female with his combat prowess by hunting powerful magical beasts as an offering and showing the female the power of his illusion abilities. If he succeeded, then they would mate and everyone was happy.

Naturally, sometimes it were females that were competing for the mate; then the procedure was even simpler because the first step, which was hunting a powerful magical beast, was abandoned altogether, and multiple female Wapius Cats competed in the illusion abilities and essentially, the one with the most powerful and potent illusion ability won.

Everything was about progeny and having the strongest next generation possible.

Samiel explained to her that the societies of most species across the Cosmos didn\'t really worked that way because the empire of magical beasts was really more straightforward than anything else.

There weren\'t complicated procedures, courting the other individual or other things, mostly among the magical beasts; in almost all species, the deciding key factor to obtaining a mate was personal power and innate racial abilities. That was all, simple as that, sometimes that simple that even Samiel had to admit that it had its advantages.

"Shouldn\'t we go to eat something? I am getting hungry already."

Samiel asked because he needed to eat a lot every day, far more than he used when he was in the past. I was typically tied to the higher the Level one was, the more energy one needed to properly function, meaning their food consumption was usually higher and some races naturally had bigger appetites.

"Again? Just one more hour."

Yvraine muttered as she smirked at him, because she wanted to remain bad and just sleep the whole day. When there was nothing else to do, she was an especially lazy person, who would be doing nothing for most of the day.


Several hours later on the same day, Goldtooth City, Inn under The Guild.

After Samiel and Yvraine got up after spending the entire morning cuddling together in bed, enjoying the morning comfort, it was already noon; thus it was time to have lunch. They were having lunch at the Inn as usual while Samiel was reading the news about what was happening on the 8th Floor, mainly the advances of the Demon Armies.

After the fiasco at the start of the attack on the Central Area, the situation became practically stagnant there because while the Golden-Horned Demon Tribe technically won the battle for the Central Area, they took their time and were advancing very slowly to the rest of the Central Area of the Human Continent.

And while this happened, the other Demon Tribes were slowly advancing at the Southern Area, as they planned, while suffering minimal losses. Of course, Samiel observed all of this happening while also getting some news from Dharzug because the ork went a few times to participate in some assaults through missions issued by the Golden-Horned Demon Tribe.

Something that Samiel never undertook because he didn\'t wish to help the Golden-Horned Demon Tribe without any reason. Even if they paid well in the form of Credits for the mission, right now, Samiel wasn\'t lacking Credits, as they were the thing that he had enough of.

When he sold the things obtained from the Avalon Kingdom he was already a billionaire and even with his current spending habits, the amount of money he had would be enough for him for entire decades... probably. This was only considering the fact, that he wouldn\'t have some big things to spend money on.

"I give Human Brotherhood a year... maximally two."

Samiel stated abruptly as he closed the Holo-Brain from which he was reading the news about the current state of the war, and also, waiting for the sole event why he was still on the 8th Floor of the Tower, if not for that single thing, he would have gone to the higher floors long ago.

The battle for the capital of the Human Brotherhood was something that in which he needed to participate in so he could raid the things which the Humans were hiding here. Something from the Avalonians or whatever there were the things there, some of which he was ordered to find and deliver to the Hall of Kadath.

"How so?"

Yvraine asked from the side as both of them waited for the lunch to arrive.

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