
Chapter 190 Clash Of Two Sides (3)

Legendary Level Professionals of the Star-Moon Coalition, mainly of the Star Demon Tribe and Moon Demon Tribe, immediately sneak attacked the ones of the Golden-Horned Tribe and their vassals. Countless Spells were being launched every second as the space itself started shaking and many Abilities were being used non-stop one after another, as all Legendaries that were fighting here were going all out.

When Inquisitor Jaeng saw that Elder Ariaoth blocked his first strike, he wasn\'t that surprised because that would be expected from someone of his stature. It would be truly shameful if he let himself be ambushed and killed in such a fashion.

To fall into the assassination, despite being an extremely powerful Legendary and one of the Elders of the Golden-Horned Tribe. In a second, Inquisitor Jaeng twisted his leg as he kicked at the golden shield that was protecting the Elder Ariaoth, as small cracks started appearing all around the shield, while its glamorous golden color was being corroded by the bits of the Void, which Inquisitor Jaeng put there when he kicked the golden shield.


Shouted Elder Ariaoth when he realized that the Void itself was right now corroding the shield he conjured to block the attacks of his attacker and it didn\'t take him long to figure out against whom he was fighting.

"What does the Hall win from this?"

Truth to be told, as an Elder of the Golden-Horned Demon Tribe, he wasn\'t surprised by the interference of the Hall of Kadath at this point. From the very start, it was clear that somebody was acting against the demons as a whole, someone was instigating the conflicts between the Demon Tribe in the Demon Council and when the Demon Council divided itself into two factions and was on the verge of falling apart, then someone pushed the Star-Moon Coalition forward by showing them weak spots of the Golden-Horned Demon Tribe.


Answered Inquisitor Jaeng, as he wasn\'t overly fond of leading conversation with an enemy, as he struck once more with his twin daggers, breaking the golden shield that was protecting the Elder Ariaoth into countless pieces, appearing in front of the elderly Golden-Horned Demon and striking at his vitals with his twin daggers.

Elder Ariaoth quickly dodged the incoming daggers as he took out his sword and quickly countered the attacks of Inquisitor Jaeng. Instantly the sword he took out, burst out with intense blue flames that seemed to burn everything in its path.

"You know, aside from being of Lineage of the Grand Emperor Bael, I also bear the blood of the Marquiss Phenex and inherited variation of their Flame Ability."

Stated Elder Ariaoth as he started releasing the reddish-black energy of Destruction and combining it with his flames, creating an even more versatile and destructive ability. When Inquisitor Jaeng noticed this deadly combination, he immediately jumped away from the Elder Ariaoth and his wariness about the old Golden-Horned Demon skyrocketed.

Being a descendant of two Daemon Lineages and inheriting both of their Abilities was like a nightmare to fight against. Now, even Inquisitor Jaeng was rather suspicious about this man because, with his strength, he should have a very high position even amongst other Elders of the Golden-Horned Demon Tribe, not to mention that due to his lineage, his road to Holiness was guaranteed.

So if he killed him here... he would be depriving the Golden-Horned Demon Tribe of another Holy Level Legendary. This was a chance that couldn\'t be passed one because there was a high probability that a second one like this would never come as Inquisitor Jaeng stopped in his tracks and started summoning the power of the Void while chanting something in the Eldritch Speech of R\'Lyehian.

Seeing this taking place, Elder Ariaoth of the Golden-Horned Demon Tribe panicked a bit because he knew what was going on; thus he instantly sent an enormous wave of the Destruction Flames at Inquisitor Jaeng as a blackish shield appeared in front of them, protecting the Inquisitor of the Inquisition from the Destruction Flames that would have probably killed him, as the Elder Ariaoth used the majority of his power in that attack.

"Let the Void out, Let the Madness Spread, Led the Chaos Descent and Let the Order Perish."

Instantly after he finished that sentence, enormous power erupted from the Inquisitor Jaeng, as the Void istles started creeping into the space, penetrating everything around them, distorting time and space, making seconds seem like years and years seem like seconds, cracks appeared all around them, while most of the people who were still fighting looked in shock and terror at the Inquisitor Jaeng.

"In the name of the Crawling Chaos, I sentence you to death... demon filth."

Then he cracked his twin daggers together and, in a flash, appeared behind Elder Ariaoth, piercing his shoulder with his twin daggers, letting them to descend deep into the demon\'s flesh, tearing it apart and poison infestation took place, very own second Elder Ariaoth was injured by them.

The moment Elder Ariaoth attempted to counter-attack and send a wave of Destruction Flames after the Inquisitor Jaeng, he melded down into nothingness and appeared several tens of meters away, near one of the Legendaries who were affiliated with the Golden-Horned Demon Tribe and, with one swift slash, he severed the demon\'s head as the headless corpse floating in the emptiness of the space.

In mere seconds the Void itself leeched out of the body of Inquisitor Jaeng and devoured the corpse of the Legendary that the Inquisitor Jaeng right now killed and transferred all that power into the Inquisitor Jaeng, who held his hands in some sort of pattern, creating unknown symbol out of his finger as an enormous beam of Void shot out of it directly at the Elder of the Golden-Horned Demon Tribe Ariaoth.

The Elderly Golden-Horned Demon swiftly used his Legendary might to summon two of his subordinates and sued them as living shields to stop the Void beam from hitting him because he got a hunch that if he used any conventional means of defense, he would be already long ago died.

Indeed this act saved his life... for now, such ruthlessness wasn\'t something new among the demons, as using the lives of their own comrades or subordinates to save their own hdie was nothing new to their kind.

Several minutes later, Elder Ariaoth of the Golden-Horned Demon Tribe coughed out mouthfuls of blood because this fight was already taking a heavy toll on his person. Even though he was very powerful in his own right, he was pretty much careless when he let his enemy attack him, during which his shoulder got injured by Inquisitor Jaeng.

While the injury itself was not that much of a problem because, under normal circumstances, his regeneration would deal with it. His regenerative capabilities had already saved him from much bigger and more severe wounds than just a shoulder pierced by one dagger.

His Lineage from the Phenex gave him tremendous regenerative capabilities, almost if not on the same level as the Voidspawns, which were the creature with the most powerful regenerative capabilities in existence, minus Transcendents.

With what Elder Ariaoth didn\'t count was the fact that his enemy had the daggers based and tempered in the blood of some of the most poisonous creatures in the Material Plane of the Cosmos and the fact that the daggers contained poison of the Nine-Headed Nightmare Hydra, even though it was still a hatchling and poison of Basilisk.

Right now, long gone was his handsome appearance; even though he was old, his handsomeness was undeniable as that was something like a common trait of the entire Godlen-Horned Demon Tribe, but right now, half of his face was being corroded by pulsating black veins that were decomposing his flesh and he was already losing his eyesight from his left eye.

This was a severe miscalculation that he paid dearly for and he was aware that he wouldn\'t be living long. Right now, his regeneration was doing everything it could do to heal him from the poison mixture that the Inquisitor Jaeng managed to get into his body and deep into his blood circulation, but it was not that effective.

The real problem was that the poison of the hatchling Nine-Headed Nightmare Hydra was enough to kill him if not for the Phenex Lineage, but coupled with the venom of Basilisk that was noted to be able to decompose even some of the toughest ores found on the Material Plane and some other poisons that he didn\'t recognize, the sole thing that his regeneration could do was to keep him alive for some additional time.

"Underesteminated member of the Inquisition... they should write me that on the grave."

The Elder managed to say before he gripped his sword and did the last thing that he could, which was the burn his Life Fire.

Life Fire was something unique to any demon that was of the lineage of Transcendental Daemon, Marquis Phenex. Naturally, those with stronger blood would have stronger Life Fire which would give them more powerful abilities and power.

The Life Fire was located in the soul of a demon and it was basically the source of their power or at least a partial source of their power. In critical moments, they could use the Life Fire to draw power out of it to enhance their own power; naturally, this came with some rather severe dangers that could prove relatively fatal to them.

Normally the usage of the Life Fire to combat was the last resort among the last resorts for a very simple reason. If there was a case or situation that something happened to the Life Fire or, god-forbade, the Life Fire was extinguished, then the demons of the Lineage of Phenex would lose their inherent ability of Nirvanic Rebirth, which was, basically, resurrection after their death as long as the Life Fire was intact.

Due to that, almost none would use the Life Fire in normal situations because if something went wrong... then permanent death was sure for them because the Nirvanic Rebirth was their sole opportunity for resurrection; this also made the demons of the Lineage of Phenex pain in the ass to fight against, as they could always resurrect after being killed.

Naturally, there existed some means of preventing such an outcome, like targeting the Life Fire and extinguishing it during the fight or corrupting it. And that was something that couldn\'t be easier for Inquisitor Jaeng because, as a worshipper of the Outer Gods, it was an effortless task for him to use a bit of a Void to corrode Elder Ariaoth\'s Life Fire.

The first thing Inquisitor Jaeng did when he saw that Elder Ariaoth was using his Life Fire was create as much distance between them as possible; considering the fact that most of the Legendaries around here were already dead, left or fled, it wasn\'t much of a problem.

​ Not even seconds later, an enormous wave of flames burst out of Elder Ariaoth\'s very own soul as Elder Jaeng used the Void itself to create a cocoon-like shield around him to defend agast the fire that was extremely destructive because it started burning everything in the vicinity.

Even some of the Legendary-Grade equipment that was floating in the emptiness of the Tower\'s Space was melting at tremendous speed.

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