
Chapter 400 Return to Darkholm

Chapter 400 Return to Darkholm

"We are here; now it\'s up to you to pull it off. You have 7 days for it," Erina said.

Aizel didn\'t reply to her and left the room in an instant. He was wearing the hood, hiding his face.

As he stepped out of the motel, he recognized that he had arrived in Darkholm, Felgura Kingdom.

In the distance, terrains and hills unfolded, adorned with a mansion atop.

There was his mission, but he had to think it out thoroughly.

[Master, that mansion will be heavily guarded and we are going against the Kingsley family]

Yes, that\'s why we can\'t attack directly. But I have a plan."

[Fufu, let\'s carry it out then.]

But before that, now that I am back in the Kingdom, can Vespara sense me, or has Rias done something to prevent it too?" Aizel thought.

Well, leave it for now."

Aizel walked deliberately across Darkholm, looking for the exact spot he had in mind.

Eventually, after venturing into many alleys and corners, he arrived at his objective.

He was standing in front of a small house.


Aizel waited patiently after pounding on the door until it creaked open, and a guy with one eye emerged.

"What do you want?" He asked.

"I want to buy a slave," Aizel replied.

The man stared at him for a second and then opened the door.

"Follow me,"

Once inside the house, Aizel followed the man to an underground entrance.

The man swung open the door with a quick gesture, and they proceeded downward.

Upon reaching the underground chamber, Aizel noticed numerous people confined within cages.

Before the man could inquire, Aizel swiftly pressed Sekki against his neck.

"Now listen carefully if you don\'t wanna die,"

The man nodded; he was already scared as shit. He was also the Grade II mage, but he knew he couldn\'t beat the guy in front of him.

"You are going to make me a slave. And then sell mo to the Kingsley family member, who lives on that mansion on the hill," Aizel said.

"I… It will be difficult," The man replied.

"No it won\'t. Tell them I am a Grade III mage. I am sure they won\'t reject me."

"O-Okay, I will try my best."

Aizel discarded his hood and hastily donned tattered clothing. He used his imaginary powers to assume a new persona for the guy.

This way, recognition would be avoided.

Despite the man\'s efforts to bind him, Aizel showed he could break free with ease, thwarting any hidden schemes.

Afterward, he forced the man to put him in one of the cages.

In the morning, two Kingsley family mages appeared. They vigilantly accompanied a lady as she scrutinized the cages, searching for the enslaved individuals within.

"Madam here, we have received a fine slave. He is also a Grade III mage," The man said, as he brought the lady towards Aizel.

Aizel was already hiding his face, with bandages. Only one eye was visible.

"What happened to his face?" The lady asked.

"He got burned madam. Only his face is damaged, rest he is quite good."

"Umm.. Grade III, how much you are going to charge for him?" the lady asked.

"Only 5 magic crystals for you, Madam," The man said it with a smile and a bow.

"Hmm… take him out; I will buy him," The Madam replied as she paid him five magic crystals.

The man released Aizel from his cage by unlocking it. He handed the chain key to the two mages.

The lady exited the man\'s abode, and Aizel silently followed as they made their way toward a waiting carriage.

Seated alongside the two mages in a separate carriage, they set off toward the mansion situated on the hills, a short distance from Darkholm.

An hour later, the carriage reached the mansion. Despite the slightly rough ride, they swiftly entered the expansive estate.

As Aizel took in the opulence of the residence, he noticed that several mages from the Kingsley family were there. While some were on patrol, others strolled aimlessly.

"Leave him to me," The lady said.

The two mages bowed and then left Aizel with the lady.

"Follow me,"

Following the woman, Aizel guided him to the subterranean cell housing the other enslaved individuals.

The room featured numerous beds and corner bathrooms.

"This will be the place where you will sleep at night. The rest of the time, you will clean my room and follow my orders,"

Aizel bowed a little and nodded.

"Now come with me to my room."

Proceeding upstairs, he persisted in trailing her to her chamber. The room was in utter chaos as he walked in.

"Clean this room well, and place my clothes back in the closet." With that said, she left Aizel alone in the room.

*Phew* let\'s do some cleaning first, and then let\'s sneak out."

[Master, there were many slaves in that room. It would be very difficult to escape with them]

Yes, I know; that\'s why tonight we will speed up the plan."

During the break, he began to clean up the room. He started by sweeping away the dust, then moved on to carefully washing down surfaces to make sure they were clean.

After that, he went on to the windows and carefully restored their clarity.

He then went on to the clothes, carefully sorting and putting each item back in its proper closet location.

Aizel then snuck out, his mastery of his imagination granting him invisibility, after carefully cleaning the entire room.

He weaved the threads of his mission plan delicately as he surveyed the estate, gauging the power and positioning of the security and mages.

As soon as he saw the woman come back, he dashed back to the room and carried on as if he were really involved in washing the windows.

"Hmm… you did quite well, can you fight?" The lady asked.

"Y-Yes Madam," Aizel replied, trying to sound a little hesitant and scared.

"Great, follow me. I need you to do a job for me. If you do well, I will reward you handsomely," The lady said, and Aizel simply nodded.

They left the room and got into the carriage to go to Darkholm, leaving the mansion behind.

Aizel, immersed in perplexity, pondered her intentions.

With the night reserved for his mission, ample time lay ahead for him.

"There is a man who tried to steal from me. I want you to bring the things that belong to me. I don\'t care what you do with him." The lady took a pause as she looked out from the carriage window and then continued once again.

"You will find my things in his storage ring. He is staying at that motel in room 204." She pointed her hands toward a towering building.

"It will be done, my lady," Aizel replied and then left the carriage.

He started to head towards the building while whistling on his way.

[Master, why are we even doing this?]

"Even I don\'t want to do this. I was trying to control myself in order not to bash her head.

"But look at the bigger picture here. What if there is something valuable inside those rings?

"Something that can help us,

[Woah Master, you are right. Fufu, her shocked face would be funny to see, hehe]

Aizel reached the motel, a towering structure that stood prominently. Using his invisibility, he skillfully weaved his way past the crowd and up to the second floor.

*Knock* *Knock*

He knocked on the door of room 204 and patiently waited.

A thin man with a mustache appeared as the door swung open with a squeak. Confusion etched across his face as he emerged from the room, scanning his surroundings.

When he looked around and saw nobody, he went back into the room and closed the door.

As he approached the man, Aizel summoned his dragon fang dagger. He tried to shove it into the man\'s back, but the man responded quickly.

Taking cover behind a wall, he drew his sword and dove out of harm\'s way. With his senses heightened, the man let forth a blast of mana in order to identify his invisible enemy.

This guy\'s instinct is good," Aizel thought.

Aizel materialized into view, eager to gauge the man\'s strength. As Aizel reappeared, the man swiftly slashed at him.

However, Aizel quickly produced a gun in his right hand and shot the man square in the skull.

The man thumped to the floor as the bullet pierced his head, creating a gaping hole.

Damn, this felt good. I am sure I can create magic bullets too."

[Yes Master, but let\'s check the ring first]

Hehe, on it."

Quickly seeking out the storage ring on the man\'s finger, Aizel drew near to his lifeless body. After he found it, he took it off the pinky finger.

Quickly, he summoned the storage ring, and its contents materialized.

Among them were various items: clothes, a woman\'s lingerie set, and several magic crystals.

[Master, do you think that, and the magic crystals belong to that woman?]

Think so,"

[Master, what do..

"Shut up,"

Aizel quickly placed the objects in the ring and reverted to his invisible state. His cue to leave the motel was the slight commotion the gunshot caused.

He made his way to the waiting carriage and sat down next to the lady. Taking the ring from his pocket, he silently returned it to her.

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